Hearing the question from the emperor of Tianchi, Zhong Daokui's face became more and more smiling. He even clapped his hands and said, "that's right. I do have this idea. How, are you ready to resist?"

"You think I'm going to give up?"

As soon as his face sank, the emperor suddenly leaped forward like a ghost and rushed directly towards Zhong Daokui. His senbai stick turned into the shadow of Taoism.

"It seems you don't know what to do."

The smile on Zhong Daokui's face gradually faded away, and his eyes fell on the face of Tianchi Shengjun. Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of him, which was the female zombie behind him.


The female zombie let out a low roar, suddenly reached out and grabbed directly at Nathan's white cane.

Bang Bang

Senbai's walking stick hit her, and the same sound sounded like gold and iron. But different from the male zombie, she seemed to feel pain and made a low roar, such as an angry roar.


The female zombies are boiling with corpse spirit. They repeatedly reach out to grab Sen Bai's stick, but they can't catch it. Instead, they are attacked on their bodies by Tianchi Shengjun.

However, Tianchi Shengjun knows that the female zombie is powerful. No matter how powerful his attack power is, it's impossible to kill him. After all, even ye Shaochuan, who holds a sharp sword, can't do it.

So his goal is Zhong Daokui.

In his opinion, the two zombies are strong, and they are not normal people after all. As long as they kill Zhong Daokui, the two zombies will lose without fighting.

After all, Zhong Daokui is the one who controls zombies. Zombies are just puppets in his hands.

When he attacks female zombies, he only temporarily diverts Zhong Daokui's attention, hoping that the other party will relax his vigilance. When he hits the female zombies, he will surely kill the other party.

No matter how strong Zhong Daokui is, he is just an acquired strong man. In the eyes of these inborn strong men, he can be weak.


Finally, when Zhong Daokui seemed to have the chance to win everything, he saw that both ye Shaochuan and Zhong Daokui were entangled by zombies and couldn't get away, even with a smile on their faces.

All of a sudden, ye Shaochuan and Tianchi Shengjun seem to have found an opportunity to kill Zhong Daokui.

The two of them came at the same time.

Obviously, not only the emperor of Tianchi, ye Shaochuan also realized that the biggest weakness of zombies is not in himself, but in Zhong Daokui.

"Ha ha, two idiots!"

Seeing ye Shaochuan and Tianchi Shengjun rush towards him, Zhong Daokui doesn't mean to escape. Instead, he laughs and scolds.

Seeing this scene, both ye Shaochuan and Tianchi Shengjun felt that something was wrong.

I saw Zhong Daokui shaking his hands in front of them. Like magic, two pistols appeared in his hands.

The muzzle of heidongdong's gun is facing out, facing Ye Shaochuan and Tianchi Shengjun.

When ye Shaochuan and Tianchi Shengjun saw this scene, their faces changed greatly. They never thought that Zhong Daokui had a gun on him.

You should know that in China, except for the government's legitimate violence agencies, anyone with a gun is prohibited by law, which is an illegal act.

At the beginning, they never thought that Zhong Daokui had a gun hidden on his body in addition to the two zombies.

A day after tomorrow's nine strong play gun, even if it is poor, quasi head what will not be worse than the army's gun god, gun king and so on.

When Zhong Daokui took out his gun and aimed it at Ye Shaochuan, they immediately felt their scalp explode, and a strong sense of danger rose.

Bang! Bang!

There were two shots, and the black spot came out from the muzzle.

Almost instinctively, without the slightest hesitation, they both quickly hid to one side.

The bullet almost wiped his ears, but ye Shaochuan suddenly calmed down and kept on walking. He took out a red, white and gold needle between his palms.


Like a lightsaber, the red, white and gold needle suddenly burst out a bright light, which was ten feet long, and killed Zhong Daokui.


Seeing this scene, Zhong Daokui was stunned. He didn't expect that ye Shaochuan still had this kind of operation. What is this luminous thing, laser sword?

Although the idea of unreliable flashed in his mind, he still knew that this thing could not be touched. He shot at Ye Shaochuan and dodged.

After all, he is the strong man of the acquired nine grades, and his speed is not slow. It is not difficult to avoid the vigorous Qi burst out by the red white gold needle.

Ye Shaochuan dodges the bullet and plans to kill Zhong Daokui with Tianchi Shengjun. But at this time, the two zombies have come.

This makes both of them unwilling and miss the best chance. If they want to kill Zhong Daokui next, it will be more difficult.Not to mention that the other side has a gun, it is estimated that the other side will be more cautious.

Ye Shaochuan scolds secretly in his heart. He waves the red and white gold needle in his hand and tears it. In his eyes of consternation, Jiang ran directly cuts off the palm of the Zombie's hand.


Looking at the palm that fell on the ground and the burning wound of the zombie, my heart was shocked. I never thought that the zombie, who could not even hurt the Dragon soft sword, could not resist the red white gold needle.

"Is it a magic weapon?"

It's not only Ye Shaochuan who doesn't believe it, but Zhong Daokui and Tianchi Shengjun are stunned. Only when Zhong Daokui shouts out, can they wake up.

"Spirit weapon?"

Ye Shaochuan's heart moved. He thought of what the ghost king of Beimang had said before. The other side called the red white gold needle the red white spirit needle. At this time, Zhong Daokui said that it was a spirit weapon, which made him move in his heart and secretly felt that it should have something to do with it.

The Dragon soft sword is a powerful weapon. It can almost cut iron like mud, cut gold and jade. But the red and white gold needle is just a kind of miraculous gold needle.

But in Ye Shaochuan's opinion, the magic of the red, white and gold needle is far beyond imagination. It can cure the disease and save the people. It used to stimulate vigorous Qi and true Qi, but now it can't even resist the zombies who are as strong as gold and iron. Obviously, there are still many miracles that I haven't found.

But for now, it's a good thing for him. At least, the zombies in front of him are not his threat.

"You actually have a spirit weapon. Who are you? After the Dragon veins in the central plains were cut off, the spirit weapon can only be found in those schools. Which school do you belong to?" Zhong Daokui's face became hard to see. It was like eating a fly in his mouth.

These two zombies, all of which have spent most of his life, are more cherished than his own son, but now one has become disabled, how can he accept it. He looks at Ye Shaochuan bitterly.

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