Early in the morning, ye Shaochuan woke up before dawn.

Last night, he charged his mobile phone with a full charge and called LV Qingxue respectively to make sure that everyone was OK and safe. He was relieved and told them to stay in Wudang Mountain until they went back to Yuanzhou.

At the same time, he also used his mobile phone to find out that there was no direct flight to Longhushan from the capital of southern Hunan Province today, unless he was willing to transfer.

Since there is no plane, we can only take the high-speed rail, and we have to transit, especially the departure time is relatively early.

Although there were several trains going there in one day, he didn't want to wait any longer. He checked out and took a taxi to the railway station.

It's a lot of trouble to take the high-speed rail to get back quickly, but it's also a transfer. But it's much simpler and much closer than the transfer by air.

There's no way.

"Something's wrong!"

Sitting in the taxi leaving the hotel, Beimang ghost king suddenly appeared and said to Ye Shaochuan, "do you feel being followed?"

"Being followed?"

Ye Shaochuan a Leng, immediately alert up, asked: "where?"

"I didn't notice people, but I had the feeling that there was a kind of breath following us all the time, not far away." North mang ghost King Road.

"Can't find where?" Ye Shaochuan frowned. He was a little suspicious that the ghost king of Beimang was too suspicious. Even if someone was following him, he should not be aware of it with his own strength. Is it possible that mingkongzi has come after him?

At the thought of mingkongzi, his face became more and more dignified, and he did not dare to think about it. He directly asked, "is it the practitioners who are following me?"

"It's very possible, I think you should have been photographed." North mang ghost King direct way, said very decisive.

Ye Shaochuan didn't understand and asked, "what do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple, that is, someone takes a breath of your own from you, as long as they feel your existence through the green breath within a certain range, no matter where you are." The ghost king of Beimang said calmly.

"So powerful?"

Ye Shaochuan did not know this kind of operation. He was immediately confused and asked, "what should I do now? Do you have a way to break the breath connection?"

"Of course, I have a way, but I can't teach you how to use it. Do you have the power of the practitioner in your body, and the Qi can't push the Dharma gate." The ghost king of Beimang has no good way.

Ye Shaochuan is on the alert again. The ghost king of Beimang is not fooling himself. He wants to take the opportunity to control his body, right?

Maybe after guessing Ye Shaochuan's thoughts, the ghost king of Beimang said, "don't think that this throne is deceiving you, and I won't say that I can control your body. After all, even if this throne controls your body, you still don't have magic power in your body. It's still useless."

"There's no way?" Ye Shaochuan road.

The ghost king of Beimang said: "of course, there is a way. However, there is a time and space limit for this kind of secret method. Time can be as long as a few years, as short as a few days and hours. As for space, it is distance. The farther the distance is, the fuzzier the induction will be, until the induction is completely cut off."

Ye Shaochuan had a little understanding, and immediately said: "it means that the farther away I am from each other, or the longer I stay, the weaker the sense of breath will be, or even cut off?"

"That's what it means. As for how long and how far space it will take, there are differences according to the secret method. Even I don't know what kind of secret method you have to bear." North mang ghost King Road.

"It's OK. Anyway, I'll set off by plane for a while. As long as I get on the plane, even if the other party knows where I am, it's not so easy to catch up with me."

Ye Shaochuan said, and began to urge the driver to speed up.


On the street, in a steamed bun shop, they were chasing Ye Shaochuan's elder martial brothers all the time. They sat with tired faces and stuffed steamed buns and rice porridge into their mouths.

In order to catch up with Ye Shaochuan, they came to the city before midnight, but even if they were practitioners, their feet were almost broken after driving nearly three hundred miles.

Because they don't have much money on them, they have a short rest in a small hotel and are ready to come here and stare at Ye Shaochuan.

"Wait a minute! The guy's moving again. " Elder martial brother is sensitive to the breath of the secret method. The moment Ye Shaochuan leaves the hotel, he realizes it.

At the moment, the two brothers did not even eat breakfast, left the dishes and chopsticks and chased them out.

They never thought that ye Shaochuan would get up so early and start out. They all got up early on purpose. They thought there was enough time. It was not too late to have breakfast and then stare at the latter. They didn't know that ye Shaochuan left the hotel before he had a few mouthfuls of breakfast.

"In that direction, we'll chase it!" The elder martial brother said that he was going to chase out.

But he was held by his younger martial brother, who said: "elder martial brother, this is a big city. We have to pay attention to it. Don't make too much noise to end it."

It's almost easy for them to run at a speed of 50 or 60 kilometers per hour. It doesn't matter if they are on a country road, but it's easy to be seen in this big city. It's a bit shocking. They naturally need to be restrained."What about that?" Elder martial brother stopped in a hurry and asked.

"By car, the master gave us money before he set out. There's still some money left. We'll go after it by car." Younger martial brother Lian said busily.


The two brothers began to stop, but they didn't know which car they could take or which one they couldn't. They stopped a few cars and almost didn't get scolded to death.

Finally, a taxi was stopped.

"Where are you going?"

The taxi driver is not surprised to see these two guys in robes. After all, I don't know how many TV dramas I've watched, and there are many maverick people in modern society. He just asks casually.

"To the northwest!"

The elder martial brother moved in his heart and blurted out.


The driver was confused at that time. He knew the northwest direction, but there was always a specific location. It was difficult for me to drive directly to the northwest. That's no good. There was a tall building in the northwest.

"You don't know the exact location?" The driver asked, trying to keep a smile and holding down the thought of chonima.

"I don't know. Just go as I said. There's so much nonsense. After a while, people can't keep up." Elder martial brother said impatiently.

"Can't keep up?"

Suddenly, the driver looked at them, especially the elder martial brother. He didn't feel like a good man.

"What's the matter, do you drive or not?" The elder martial brother glared.

"Open, open, open now."

The driver said, quietly stepping on the clutch, shifting into gear, whizzing, the car directly rushed out, and in a twinkling of an eye into the traffic.

"That's right." The elder martial brother nodded his head and began to direct the direction. He didn't know the location, so he could only say the direction.

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