Tianshi Zhang sealed the soul of Shanmei and restored Xiaohui's true colors. Soon the latter came to life and looked at the strange people, showing his vigilance.

Ye Shaochuan is familiar with the following, only among the people.

Seeing this, ye Shaochuan quickly asked: "Xiaohui, you should still know your brother. This is Longhushan. Don't be afraid. These are my brother's friends. They won't hurt you."

Xiao Hui glances at the crowd and finally looks at Ye Shaochuan. He nods but doesn't speak. He just sticks to Ye Shaochuan tightly.

A teenager, suddenly encounter this strange environment, can have his performance is very good, so ye Shaochuan is not demanding.

"Lord Ye, the child was occupied by the mountain spirit before. He must be weak. I'll let the disciples prepare some food. It's good for him to eat it." Zhang Tianshi said.

Ye Shaochuan nods and thanks again and again.

However, he still asked, "master, you are just temporarily sealed. When can you get rid of this child?"

The main purpose of his trip is the mountain charm in Xiaohui. Although Xiaohui has recovered to his original appearance, he knows that the mountain charm has not disappeared, so he has this question. "I'm afraid it will take some time. Just now I sealed Shanmei and checked the child's constitution. Although it's not pure Yin, it's also a rare treasure body. It has a nourishing effect on Shanmei. But in this way, Shanmei absorbed too much nutrients in his body, which led to the child's weakness and illness. But my method of dispelling Shanmei is a little violent. I'm afraid the child's current constitution can't bear it, so I still need to recuperate for a while. If you take care according to my method, half a year should be about it. " Zhang Tianshi said.

"Half a year?"

Ye Shaochuan hesitated. He came here for Xiao Hui's sake, but he didn't expect to stay here for half a year, and he had his own business to deal with.

Naturally, Master Zhang understood what ye Shaochuan meant, and immediately said with a smile, "Lord Ye, I know your concerns. How about you leave this child in my dragon and tiger mountain. After half a year, I promise to return you a lively boy?"


Ye Shaochuan hesitated. It's not that he didn't trust Longhushan and Zhang Tianshi. He just left Xiaohui in this strange place, worried that they would not adapt.

Immediately, he looked at Xiaohui.

Just in front of Xiaohui's eyes, the black and white eyes showed tension and worry, holding Ye Shaochuan's little hand even harder.

Obviously, although he didn't speak, he understood the meaning of Zhang Tianshi for fear that ye Shaochuan would leave him behind.

Ye Shaochuan felt that he should persuade Xiao Hui. After all, it was good for him, so he said to Tianshi Zhang, "Tianshi, let me think about it."

Naturally, Master Zhang knew Ye Shaochuan's worries, and immediately said with a smile, "well, in this way, you and the child can go to the Tianshi mansion these days, or stay on the Yangtian peak and think about it. After all, Shanmei is also a top-ranking evil monster. It's not careless. "

"I understand."

Ye Shaochuan realized that master Zhang was reminding himself that Shanmei was really harmful. He should not let Shanmei go because of his pity for his children.

Then Zhang Tianshi and others left, leaving Ye Shaochuan and Xiao Hui sitting in the Taoist temple. You look at me and I look at you.

Ye Shaochuan said to Xiao Hui, "Xiao Hui, I know you are very smart, so if you have anything to ask, just ask, I will tell you."

"Brother, you say I have mountain charm in my body. What is mountain charm? And I'm not in the village. How can I come here?" Xiao Hui is still calm and asks directly. "How can Shanmei say that it is a bad thing. It has penetrated into your body. You used to be in poor health, and your illness is related to it. As for how you came here, it's because Shanmei made you faint. My brother wanted to save you, so he brought you here. You can see the Taoist uncle who just said

, he is the one who can kill Shanmei and save you. " Ye Shaochuan explained.

Xiao Hui nodded and said: "but why does he say that he can save me after half a year? Is it because of my poor health?"

"Yes, Xiaohui, you're really smart. Just now Taoist uncle also said that your health is not very good. You need to take good care of yourself before you can save yourself. Taking care of your body is not a matter of one day. It is estimated that it will take about half a year. " Ye Shaochuan road.

Xiaohui nodded again and asked, "so, I have to take care of myself in this place for half a year before I can go back to the village?"

"I'm afraid so." Ye Shaochuan nodded.

Xiao Hui is silent and stares at Ye Shaochuan.

Staring at by the child's black and white eyes, ye Shaochuan was embarrassed and said, "but don't worry. In half a year, I will come to pick you up and take you back to the village."

"Do you know where the village is?"

Xiaohui was not moved by Ye Shaochuan's assurance and asked calmly."Er..."

Ye Shaochuan was speechless. When he was able to go to the village, he was led by Tianchi Shengjun, but now Tianchi Shengjun is dead. Where does he know the way?

What's more, the mountain forest was so vast that he didn't even remember the existence of a road. If he looked for it a little bit, it would be even more terrifying. He would be lost in it.

"I knew you were not from the village. You can't find it. In fact, even once people in the village enter the mountain forest, they may get lost and can't go back to the village. Just like Grandma, she must be lost, so she can't find her way back. " Xiao Hui said calmly.

Ye Shaochuan is a little curious. How can this child be so calm? It's reasonable for a child as old as him to know that he may never return home. Shouldn't he be very worried and sad?

"I really don't remember the way back to your village, but I can find it slowly. No matter how big the mountain forest is, it can be bigger than Huaxia. Now science is different from before, and it's very convenient to find anything." Ye Shaochuan has this confidence.

Today's satellite maps are so high that people can see their faces clearly on the road. It's not a big problem to find a village in the mountains.


Xiaohui is still very calm, noncommittal way: "just now that Taoist uncle said that it will take half a year to cure me, I just estimated that if I can't cure me, how to do, I will die?"

"No Ye Shaochuan is very direct. He knows that the child in front of him can't be treated as an ordinary child. He doesn't hide anything and says, "it's just that you may not be as good as death at that time."

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