The apprentice has accepted it. The next step is education.

Wu Xiaobai and Zou ronghua took a few more days off this time and stayed with Ye Shaochuan for parent-child education.

Unlike Tan Xinmin and Nan Boyun, ye Shaochuan's initial education was very simple, that is to let them learn martial arts and have a good body.

Of course, there are many advantages to practicing martial arts. The earlier you lay a foundation, the more promising your future will be.

Ye Shaochuan takes good care of these two little disciples, so it's almost hand-in-hand teaching for them to practice martial arts, and he doesn't help them as much as he does for Zhang Li and others.

Not only the two little disciples, but also Tan Xinmin and Nan Boyun are treated the same way. Ye Shaochuan doesn't want them to experience the success without effort, which is not good for them.

First of all, they are different from Zhang Li and others. Their age advantage lies here. In addition, they have no foundation. Rashly pulling out seedlings to encourage them can improve their strength and realm in a short time, but it may also limit their future achievements.

Secondly, ye Shaochuan wants to cultivate their mind. Whether it's practicing martial arts or studying medicine, it's a matter of great perseverance and perseverance. It's obviously inappropriate to have the idea of achieving success in one move.

Ye Shaochuan is to let them realize the difficulties and need them to achieve their goals with their own personal efforts. In that case, both personal satisfaction and the training of heart and nature are very good.

In terms of these two points, ye Shaochuan is still very responsible as a master. At least he didn't want to fool around. Instead, he really cultivated the four people as inheritors.

In addition to educating his apprentices, ye Shaochuan also began to treat Xin Youcheng.

However, because Zhang Li had no news all the time, snow lotus could not get it. Instead, he encountered difficulties in his initial treatment. He thought whether he wanted to go to Weijiang Province in person.

"If you don't want me to go in person, there will be more things on your side..." Yin Yizi could not help saying that he still had high hopes for Xin Youcheng.

Ye Shaochuan said with a smile: "master Yin, now you are going to help me watch the construction of the manor. If you leave, what should I do if there is a problem in the manor? You'd better leave it to me."

Yin Yizi laughs bitterly. Recently, when the construction of the manor was at the critical stage of laying the foundation, he arranged a lot of things. Once he left, it was really troublesome when something went wrong. "In this case, I can only trouble you. If anything happens, you can contact me directly. I still have some old friends in Sichuan and Sichuan. Weijiang is close to there. Maybe my face will be of some use."

Yin Shaochuan is not in love with ye Shaozi.

Ye Shaochuan nods with a smile, but he thinks that Yin Yizi's face is not small. Since ancient times, there has been a place inhabited by practitioners of truth and where immortality prevails. His old friends are certainly not ordinary people. If you can use them, you don't need them.

The reason why I help Xin Youcheng cure his illness is that I have the heart to make Yin Yizi owe him human feelings. If Yin Yizi does everything, what else do I have to do? I'm afraid there will be no human feelings in the future.

Since he decided to go to Weijiang, ye Shaochuan didn't hesitate any more. He just went and returned early. After saying hello to LV Qingxue and other girls, he set out.

This time, he intended to go alone. After all, if there are few people, he will be more comfortable. He will come back directly after finishing his work, and there is nothing else.

But just as he got on the train and went to the provincial capital to take a plane, he saw Bai Wei. This time, Bai Wei also went to the apprentice hall, but not in the name of Ye Shaochuan, but Xia Yuyi's friend. Afterwards, ye Shaochuan also inquired about the original. Bai Wei said that she had to meet LV Qingxue and others sooner or later, so it would be better to be earlier.

In this regard, ye Shaochuan thinks it's also reasonable. When the manor is built in the future, Bai Wei will definitely move in. At that time, she can't avoid meeting LV Qingxue and others. It's good to get familiar with each other earlier.

Although Bai Wei said that she was Xia Yuyi's friend, LV Qingxue and other girls were not stupid. Naturally, we can see the unusual relationship between her and ye Shaochuan.

However, LV Qingxue is not a mischievous person. After meeting Bai Wei, she doesn't ask much. She just invites the latter to come to her home more.

Bai Wei naturally has no reason to disagree.

In the next few days, Bai Wei Ran to the villa every day. Of course, the purpose was not to find Ye Shaochuan, but to find Xia Yuyi, even LV Qingxue and song Xinyi.

Bai Wei, who was once the snake king of Baishan, had her own unique temperament. After practicing Buddhism, she inherited the Buddhist tradition and gained a bit of compassion and dignity. However, she was not rejected by LV Qingxue's daughters.

Xia Yuyi, in particular, has a good relationship with her.

For this, ye Shaochuan is also happy to see its success. He admires Bai Wei's method and is proud of LV Qingxue's broad mind.

When he went to Weijiang this time, he told Bai Wei that the latter didn't respond at that time. What he didn't expect was that the latter came with him.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just too bored to go out for a walk." Bai Wei looked at Ye Shaochuan's face and said directly."Go to Weijiang for a walk?"

Ye Shaochuan asked with a smile.

Bai Wei nodded solemnly and said, "it's not impossible. Yuanzhou is too boring and you're not here. I don't want to stay here more."

"You don't want to see the progress of the manor. After all, you still have to live in it." Ye Shaochuan said that he didn't reject Bai Wei's following.

"What's good to see? Master Yin stares at me all the time, but nothing happens. There are people in Tianchi in Weijiang. I'll go with you. Maybe I can help you. " Bai Wei said.

Ye Shaochuan nodded, Tianchi's sphere of influence is indeed not small, although there is no foundation in the south of the Yellow River, but it is because of the suppression of the dragon group.

if there were forces in the north of the Yellow River and Tianchi, they would have sent people to help.

"Let's go then!" Ye Shaochuan said with a smile.

They took the train all the way to Anshi. Originally Ye Shaochuan intended to take a plane, but Bai Wei proposed to take Jinjiao. With Jin Jiao's strength, it's a simple thing to fly away. It's faster than a plane. It saves money and time. What a good thing.

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