Li Zhengyuan naturally has no reason to disagree with some of Ye Shaochuan's teaching suggestions.

Needless to say, ye Shaochuan's medical skills, and his teaching ability has been fully proved in this examination. Li Zhengyuan is stupid enough not to support him.

Besides, Li Zhengyuan is a man who is really willing to make sacrifices for the sake of his students. The advantages of Ye Shaochuan's opinions are not invisible to him.

As ye Shaochuan said, when we teach students medical knowledge, we don't want them to show off, let alone let them rot in their stomachs. We want them to treat patients and save people.

This sentence really moved Li Zhengyuan.

In addition to the fact that few of the students who graduated from Yuanzhou Medical College and went to Yuanzhou medical college to become doctors, the only reason is that the few students who passed the medical examination and went to Yuanzhou medical college to become doctors.

What is the school training students for? Is it to give them a useless diploma?


At least from Li Zhengyuan's point of view, this is definitely not what he wants to see. His idea has not changed, that is to cultivate a truly independent and capable doctor.

Therefore, when he heard that ye Shaochuan was going to take the students out to practice in the next semester, he agreed almost without hesitation.

With Li Zhengyuan's consent, ye Shaochuan smoothly put forward his leave.

According to the regulations of Yuanzhou Medical University, teachers can't have a holiday so early after students have a holiday. They not only don't have a holiday, but also have to carry out normal work. In addition to correcting the test papers and entering the scores into the school system, they also have the teaching summary of this semester and the teaching prospect of next semester.

In short, when all the things are finished, the teacher's holiday is expected to wait until a week before the new year.

And after the new year, we have to go back to school earlier than the students to prepare for their entrance. In short, there are not as many holidays as we think.

Ye Shaochuan plans to take advantage of this winter vacation to solve all the problems of Yingui sect and Tianchi. If you really follow the school's holiday schedule, you don't have to think about it.

Therefore, it is necessary to ask for leave.


For ye Shaochuan leave, Li Zhengyuan wry smile, but did not hesitate to approve.

The reason why the approval is so happy is that he is very clear that ye Shaochuan is different from other teachers. He is a talent and must be retained instead of being allowed to leave.

Secondly, ye Shaochuan's achievements made him very satisfied. Once he was in a good mood, naturally there was nothing he couldn't agree with.

The third and most hopeful point is that ye Shaochuan can take advantage of this winter vacation to solve all those problems and have more time to stay in school next semester.

So, after he said approval, he said directly: "Xiao Ye, you have something to do, I can understand. I've approved the leave this time. I can even approve you to work for a few more days after the start of school, but next semester can't be like this one any more. "

"Headmaster, I'll try my best, but you can rest assured that even if I have many things, I will never delay the students." Ye Shaochuan road.

"That's good. I won't say more about the rest. You know it in your heart." Li Zhengyuan knew that it was useless to talk more, so he nodded and asked Ye Shaochuan to go back.


Back to the villa.

It was unexpected that not only LV Qingxue and others were there, but also he saw Yin Kaishan and Xue Xiaoyue, the martial uncle's ancestor yuan Sanchuan.

Different from the last time, Sanyuan Sanchuan stood up excitedly when he saw him. Without waiting for ye Shaochuan to speak, he said, "Lord Ye, you are back at last."

Ye Shaochuan was a little confused and didn't understand the meaning of their coming here. He asked, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

"It's OK, it's OK. This time I'm here to thank Lord Ye." Yuan Sanchuan said gratefully.

His words made Ye Shaochuan even more confused.

Perhaps realizing that he didn't make it clear, Yuan Sanchuan explained: "well, one of the people Ye Ge Lord rescued from the detention of the Yin ghost sect this time is my brother. When he disappeared, we all thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, he was captured by the Yin ghost sect. Now my brother has returned to Wudang Mountain. The news really excited me I can't wait to thank you. "

"Your brother?"

Ye Shaochuan was stunned and looked at Yuan Sanchuan. The more he looked, the more familiar he was.

"Yes, my younger brother, the Fourth Army of the Yuan Dynasty, is also Xiaoyao's uncle. He has been missing for more than ten years. There are no people alive and no corpses dead. I thought I had no hope of seeing him in my life. I didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity. It's the great kindness of Lord Ye. I'd like to pay homage to him here." Yuan Sanchuan, perhaps too excited, bowed to Ye Shaochuan before he spoke.

His bow startled Ye Shaochuan, and he hurriedly said, "master yuan, please don't do this. I can't afford it."Then he would dodge.

At this time, Yin Kaishan said: "Ye Ge Lord, I'm afraid the Taoist priest of Yuan really doesn't know how to thank you if he comes to thank you for bowing and you don't accept it."

"Yes, ye Shaochuan, you can accept it. My martial uncle really thanks you, or he won't come here specially." Snow small key also way.

Ye Shaochuan can't get away with this.

After bowing, Yuan Sanchuan saw that he was still in front of him, and his smile became more brilliant. He said to himself: "Lord Ye, to tell you the truth, if it wasn't for you, I would have thought that my younger brother was separated from me. To put it bluntly, my younger brother was the most gifted one in Wudang Mountain of our generation, and also the most proud disciple of my master. But I didn't expect that he suddenly disappeared. I'm sorry Shifu died soon after he knew the news. We have been searching Wudang Mountain for so many years, but there has been no news. I am ready to give up. I really think that there will be another day when I will never forget your kindness to our brothers. "

Then yuan Sanchuan burst into tears.

It can make an old man shed tears, which shows the difficulty of looking for his brother in these years, as well as the deep feelings between the two brothers.

Ye Shaochuan can't help feeling what he said. Wudang's most gifted younger brother suddenly disappeared, and his master was depressed. This kind of blow fell on one person, and Yuan Sanchuan carried it. But now when he learned that his brother was still alive, and even went to Wudang Mountain, he was happy to shed tears. This kind of feeling is really strong, which makes people feel sad.

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