The old Taoist took a look at Xue Xiaoyao, kept silent, and then shook his head.

Snow small key body a quiver, the facial expression suddenly dismal rise, direct way: "don't Ye Shaochuan really didn't save?"

"I can't say that." The old Taoist shook his head again and said with a bitter smile: "his situation is still a bit bad. Although I can't get close to him, the surging of real Qi is really frightening. If I guess correctly, it should be the pure Yang spirit. It's a pity that no one can get close to him when he sits on the futon.

therefore, no one can help him. Otherwise, if you can leave the futon, things will be much easier. "

Snow small key a listen, immediately spirit a shock, quickly way: "Shi Shuzu, you mean as long as ye Shaochuan leave that futon, that is you say pure Yang spirit pulse, he won't have danger?"

The old Taoist hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "yes, theoretically speaking, it is.

"So we just have to find a way to get him out of the futon?" Snow small key way, eyes fell on the putuan under Ye Shaochuan, continued: "now things are clear, as long as we can let him leave the putuan, think of any way." Zhen xuanci was afraid that his daughter would come up with some messy methods, so he hurriedly said: "little key, his situation is not the worst. In addition, he has inborn vigorous Qi outside his body, not to mention you and me, even your teachers and uncles can't get in and can't get close to him. What do you think is the way to let him leave the futon? I think we'd better calm down first. "

"Mom, I'm very calm. Ye Shaochuan is not at the most dangerous time, but sometimes we can't say that. Now he's not dangerous. Can't we think of a better way? If he does get there, it will be too late for us to think of another way. " Snow small key way.

The old Taoist nodded and said, "little key, what you said is reasonable, but to be honest, I can't think of any good way now. No matter who's inborn vigorous Qi is fighting back, you'll see his inborn strength

Snow small key frowned and racked his brains to think about it. For a long time, his eyes gradually brightened up, and suddenly said: "Uncle Shi, if we don't approach ourselves, but use some long things to let Ye Shaochuan leave that futon, how about it?"

The old Taoist thought that Xue Xiaoyao had come up with something. When he heard that it was this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "xiaokey, the inborn vigorous Qi is not as simple as you said. So, I'll show you! "

As he said that, he suddenly went to the table, grabbed a palm of the rune paper, turned it over, and the rune paper suddenly flew up. Then he hit it again in the air, and the rune paper made a hunting noise. With great strength, he flew straight to Ye Shaochuan, fast and fast.

At this moment, this Rune paper is no longer a rune paper, but more like a sharp arrow, or a stone. It is two meters close to Ye Shaochuan in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, in the eyes of the three people, the rune paper that had been rapidly approaching Ye Shaochuan suddenly stopped, trembled slightly, but still went forward.


A moment later, there was a light sound, as if under the interweaving of two huge forces, the rune paper could no longer bear it, and it broke directly.

"How could that be?"

Snow small key is silly.

"It's very simple. This innate Qi is born by the collision of Qi in his body and pure Yang Qi. Any physical object close to him, tangible or intangible, will be forced to open or even shatter." Zhen xuanci said solemnly.

She had tried to approach Ye Shaochuan before and knew the power of the gas wall. However, seeing this scene, she knew that she underestimated the power of the gas wall.

Congenitally vigorous Qi is not the general congenitally genuine Qi, but a product of higher quality.

Generally speaking, only those who are born above the quadruple heaven can be cultivated, and those who are strong enough to crush any warrior who is born below the quadruple heaven.

In principle, even if ye Shaochuan really stepped into the congenital realm, he would never be able to cultivate the congenital vigorous Qi. But the fact is somewhat strange. Congenital vigorous Qi is the product of yin and Yang. To put it bluntly, it is the balance of yin and Yang and the combination of hardness and softness. The real Qi in Ye Shaochuan's body is Yin soft because of Yin evil Qi before, but now he meets pure Yang Qi which is the most powerful. Although they fight with each other in his body, they are in a strange balance because of Tai Su Mai FA.

It is precisely because of this balance that this unexpected inborn vigorous Qi was born, so that even the old Taoist could do nothing.

It's true that the old Taoist is a congenital strong man, but it's just the first heaven. The distance from the fourth heaven can't be calculated by the way.

Of course, ye Shaochuan's body is not pure inborn vigorous Qi. If it's real inborn vigorous Qi, it's not just to overturn the snow key. She has to be seriously injured.

"So there's no way?" Snow small key way.

"Now it seems so."

The old Taoist nodded and said in a deep voice.

"That's what we're going to do. Watch?"Snow small key some can't accept, originally thought Ye Shaochuan breakthrough congenital state no suspense, now it seems, or she thought too good.

This kind of roller coaster mentality really made her tired.

She grabbed Zhen xuanci's arm and begged, "Mom, just now you said there was a way, right? Help Ye Shaochuan! "

Zhen xuanci shook his head helplessly and said: "little key, it's not that my mother doesn't want to do it, it's really powerless. At this time, even if your father is here, or even my martial uncle is here, it's useless. "

Hearing this, snow small key suddenly face bloodless, look dejected way: "so say, ye Shaochuan this time really will die doubtless?"

"You can't say that."

At this time, the old Taoist said again: "xiaokey, you are a strange friend. He may have a very strong cultivation method. If you were an ordinary person, you would not be able to bear it in his state. But up to now, he's sticking to it. Maybe there's still hope. " But Xue Xiaoyue, who heard this, was still sad and said: "Uncle Shi, at first you said that ye Shaochuan was not saved, then you said that he had no problem entering the congenital world, and then you said that ye Shaochuan was not out of danger. Now you say that he still has hope. I can't bear it when it changes. Can you tell me what's the situation now?" On hearing this, Zhen xuanci couldn't help staring at her and said, "you child, how can you talk to your martial uncle? It's no big or small."

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