At the moment, I lay unconscious on the stretcher.

Four limbs are wrapped by gauze, especially the left leg, is wrapped into a ball.

The white gauze had been soaked by the blood deep in the wound and turned black.

There was a smell coming out of him. He was a top-notch expert. It was said that he had a high position in Siam, but now he was treated like a beast, which made him miserable.

What's more, Li Feng also found that the current situation of guessing is very bad, the wound infection has not been treated in time, and he is suffering from a high fever. If he lets the fever go on like this, he will not live long.

Li Feng is going to save this guy's life. First, he wants to know about boss Wu from his mouth. Second, although the guessing has been abandoned, he used to be a top master, but now he is in such a miserable situation. It's a pity.

This is the sea. Of course, there are no doctors. There are only some antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs on board the Dragon armed ship. But judging from the current situation, I'm afraid it's too late to use drugs.

Li Feng had no choice but to take out the needle and let him cool down quickly by bloodletting.

Seeing this scene, the Dragon armed forces admire Li Feng very much. They did not expect that Li Feng would not only kill people, but also save people.

After bleeding, Li Feng took fever reducing medicine for chachai, saw that there were anti-inflammatory drugs, changed medicine for chachai's leg wound, and bandaged it with new gauze. These things are always available on the fishing boat. After all, they are helpless at sea, and they need to help themselves once they have anything.

Many people who have been living on the sea for a long time have some simple knowledge of first aid, which can often save lives.

Chaguess's wound had been stuck with the gauze, so Li Feng had to cut the gauze with a knife, and forced to bear the stench to change the medicine for chaguess.

"This guy won't wake up for a while. Take him to the cabin of our ship first."

Li Feng asked his brothers to carry him away, and then went to the pirates. Of course, he was not interested in these pirates. He mainly asked them about the situation of chacai.

Pointed at by the black muzzle, the little pirate leader did not dare to hide.

According to him, they were all from the nearby villages. They used to be fishermen, but later they became pirates with the support of Huangfeng brigade. Usually, Huangfeng brigade was the only one to take the lead. Huangfeng brigade provided them with weapons and intelligence, and ensured their safety. They handed over most of the looted goods to Huangfeng brigade.

Chachai was sent to their village by Huang Feng brigade a while ago, and several other people came with him. They have been hiding in their village for treatment these days.

The leader of the island said that it was the night when the camp of Huangfeng brigade was blown up. Li Feng knew that he was not lying.

As for the fact that chachai was so seriously injured that he was not sent to a hospital in the city, but to a village where medical conditions were not very good, it is not known.

But if you look at the current situation, you can see that he has not been well treated. He must have been treated by a barefoot doctor in the other party's village.

According to the leader of the island, just two days ago, they got a surprising news that Huangfeng brigade had been destroyed and mahamo himself had been arrested. Just when the pirate gang was in a panic, the Dragon armed forces suddenly appeared and directly came to their village to arrest the island.

At that time, the islands fought with the Dragon armed people in that village, and the people who sent tsatsatsai also took part in the fight. As a result, they all died in the fight, leaving only one tsatsatsai.

"When we were planning to escape, a brother proposed to take the Siamese with us, because he seemed to be a champion of Siamese boxing and had a high status, so we carried him on the boat, and we planned to take him to Siam if we couldn't, so that the Siamese forces in the local area could protect us..."

this is the reason why chaguess appeared on this fishing boat Because.

Li Feng can't help shaking his head after hearing this. He says that this guess is really tragic. First, he and Mr. Chen cut off a foot and became a complete waste. Then he was thrown into the aboriginal village with poor medical conditions and left to die.

In the end, they were taken as the weight of survival by these pirates. If it wasn't for this reason, these pirates would not care about his life and death. No one would care about his death in that village.

Li Feng asked another question, but he didn't get any useful information. They were just ordinary members of the pirate Gang, and they were not qualified to know more about it.

With a wave of hands, the pirates were escorted to the Dragon armed boat. The fishing boat they were driving was also seized by the Dragon armed boat and returned to Kalimantan island.

While Li Feng and his brothers continued to take that fishing boat, escorted by another fishing boat, and finally landed at a wharf of lion city.

Black butterfly has been waiting with people there. As soon as Li Feng got off the boat, he said, "we have a wounded man. He is in a very serious condition. Is there a big hospital nearby? You can send a car to take him there."

To black butterfly, Li Feng has nothing to be polite about. Without saying a word, black butterfly orders his subordinates behind him and asks curiously, "who is this man?"She had already seen Chacha lying on the stretcher and being carried down by her brothers.

"Siam champion, guess."

Hearing Li Feng's words, black butterfly was surprised: "I know this man has great prestige in Siam. How can he fall into your hands?"

After everyone got on the bus, Li Feng told the whole story about it.

Although I know that what Li Feng did in Shazhou this time is very beautiful, and he wiped out Huangfeng brigade in a few days, I was shocked to hear that he went to Huangfeng brigade camp alone to inquire, and together with a mysterious expert, he abandoned the guessing.

"This guess is still useful to me. Send a brother to take care of it." Li Feng explained that black butterfly recovered from the shock and nodded: "don't worry, I'll arrange him in a hospital under the butterfly family."

Li Feng gave a sound and looked at her again: "by the way, you call me to the butterfly family this time. You don't just want me to be a guest. Are you in any trouble?"

"Yes, I told you before. Because of the cobra, my life in my family is not so good." The black butterfly nodded bitterly.

Li Feng was a little puzzled: "it's reasonable to say that the cobra has made a turnaround in the fight against the yellow wind brigade. Your situation in the family will be better. How do you look like you still have a headache?"

"Normally, it should be." Black Butterfly headache way: "but some people in the family just don't want me to be better, I come to pick you up today, or sneak out."

"What do you mean, the first lady of the butterfly family, will still be under house arrest?"

Li Feng realized that the internal contradictions of the butterfly family may have become white hot.

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