Munira is right.

The Malaysian cabinet was formed by the old prime minister, whose members were signed and appointed by him and were responsible for the old Prime Minister.

Therefore, this Malaysian newspaper with rhythm to the cabinet is actually attacking the cabinet government headed by the old Prime Minister.

Li Feng asked casually, "is this Malaysian newspaper owned by the Razak family?"

"Yes, Ma Ma Ma Pao is a newspaper issued by Sing Tao media group, and the Razak family has a stake in it, which is the old mouthpiece of the Razak family."

Munira sneered: "this is a good opportunity to attack my grandfather and pour dirty water on mohamo's head. If the Razak family doesn't jump up and down, it's a ghost."

Li Feng noncommittal smile.

Since the Razak family and the mohamo family are political enemies, there is nothing wrong with each other's stirring up the flames at this time.

Don't look at the moment when munira is denouncing the Razak family.

If this incident can be related to the Razak family, the mohamo family will never be less aggressive.

Li Feng and general manager Mu went through other newspapers again. Basically, the incident that he slapped crown prince Hamid last night was on the front page.

The titles are more and more pompous, and the contents are all kinds of sensationalism and exaggeration.

Munira also turned on her mobile phone and showed Li Feng some photos.

Even the media of some neighboring countries have reported this.

Anyway, it's a big deal.

Both sides of the incident, one is the crown prince of Malaysia, the other is an investor from China.

Both of them have a lot of topics, and there are also many places to make articles.

Looking at the current wind, it is obvious that some people want to guide Li Feng's Chinese identity and prevent the cabinet from cooperating with Fenglan group. It is not obvious.

However, Li Feng also noticed a problem: "munira, didn't you slap Ahmed again last night? Why didn't you see any reports? You Mohamad family are so powerful and control the cabinet. You can't even control the influential media."

If munira says yes, Li Feng doesn't believe it.

"There are so many newspapers now reporting on you slapping Hamad that my report on that incident doesn't attract much attention," munira said

"Well, what if I can get this story to be reported all over the world?"

Li Feng asked with a smile.

Munira was stunned and understood what Li Feng meant. The way he handled the incident was not to let the mohamo family use their power to make it disappear in various newspapers, but to make it bigger and muddy.

"But can you do it?"

The idea is good, but munira doubts Li Feng's ability.

Li Feng pointed to the hundreds of newspapers and laughed confidently: "as long as I want, at least two-thirds of these newspapers will report you slapping Hamad tomorrow."

Munira was startled: "just one night, your brothers have accepted all the private parties in Longcheng?"

His tone was full of disbelief.

In itself, this is also an incredible thing.

Although she knew what happened in the underground world of Longcheng last night, she also knew that it was Li Feng's brothers who were making trouble.

But she didn't know how many secret societies they had dealt with.

No one can know except Li Feng and his brothers.

Li Feng said: "I can't talk about anything, but as long as there are some large-scale newspapers, they will basically listen to me now. The newspapers that you mohamo controls will also be published tomorrow. Is that ok?"

From tomorrow, the water will be more and more muddy.

Munira nodded, looking at Li Feng's eyes, still full of surprise.

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