Lazak manor is located in the north of lung city.

Like butterfly manor, it is also a manor with a long history.

The buildings inside the manor are full of British aristocratic style.

In the woods, you can see the guards of the manor everywhere, as well as the police officers who patrol 24 hours a day.

Any turbulence of the outside world can not disturb the tranquility of the manor.

People who pass by the manor from afar, occasionally through the woods, catch a glimpse of a corner of the manor, will cast envious eyes.

Because this is the manor of the Razak family, one of the two political families in Malaysia.

It has been handed down for a long time and has two prime ministers, which is unique in Malaysia.

Even though the Mohamad family has been holding the Prime Minister of Malaysia for decades, the strength of the Razak family has not faded.

Moreover, compared with the Mohamad family, which is supported by the old Prime Minister alone, the Razak family has produced many outstanding talents. Their children are active in all walks of life in Malaysia, and they do not know how much wealth and contacts they have accumulated.

On weekdays, those who come and go here are all high-ranking officials, rich businessmen and celebrities from all walks of life.

However, today's Razak manor is very quiet, with no guests. Only a few core members of the Razak family gather here.

In the reception hall, there were several men and women, old and young, but the chair in the center was empty, and the rest of the people were sitting around it.

This empty chair belongs to Najib, the leader of the Razak family.

Najib was also the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, but he was defeated by the old Prime Minister of the mohamo family in the political fight, and was arrested by the old Prime Minister for corruption and put into prison. Now his sentence is less than two years.

Although in prison, Najib still has great prestige in both the Razak family and Malaysian politics. He firmly controls the core power of the Razak family and the political situation of Malaysia.

At Najib's level, imprisonment has little influence on him. Many members of the opposition of the mohamo family are still circling around him.

Today, the core members of the Razak family are still at the top of the table.

And he's young, less than sixty.

For those who are involved in politics, 60 is definitely a golden age for political figures.

Compared with the younger ones, they have accumulated enough political qualifications, and they have more time and energy to realize their political ambitions than the older ones.

What's more, Najib has been a prime minister, and his qualifications are beyond doubt.

In contrast, the old Prime Minister of the Mohamad family is more than 90 years old, and his life is based on days.

So Najib still has a lot of time and can manage everything calmly.

But now, it seems that the Razak family has encountered a big problem. Several members of the family present are worried.

However, their worries seem to have nothing to do with the Li Feng they are talking about.

Although Li Feng's brutal rule of the underground world in Longcheng shocked them, it was nothing more.

For the Razak family, there are so many things that they can't worry about.

Or Najib's political life will come to an end, which will affect the development of the whole family in the next few decades.

Or something is happening in Malaysia, which is related to the life and death of the whole family.

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