"Is it possible that the royal family will not be restored? What storm can they make?"

A member of the Razak family made a mocking remark.

Looking at his carelessness, he obviously didn't care about the royal family.

In fact, even in the eyes of the outside world, although this term's supreme head of state and crown prince Hamid is much more high-profile than his former role as the yuan capital, he likes to show himself in public and mix with other occasions.

It has aroused the antipathy of many politicians.

But no one thought there was anything wrong with them.

Most of all, they like to show off and enjoy the aura of the royal family during their short tenure.

If someone really said that the royal family wanted to restore, no one would believe it. Instead, they would listen to it as a joke.

In all these years, the royal family has never been in power.

If we have not obtained power, let alone the basis of public opinion, there will be no soil for restoration.

The Constitution also limits the power of the royal family to death.

If we want to amend the constitution, we have to pass the parliament. But the royal family can't even get votes. If they want power or money, they can't give any benefits to the members. Naturally, they can't get the support of the members.

They can't make waves.

However, some people are singing the opposite tune: "special inspector, your mind is in a dead end. If the royal family only works within the rules formed over the years, it will not be able to turn over any waves and share the actual power."

"But what if someone doesn't follow the rules, or even break them?"

The 40 year old member of the Razak family, with a tone of discussion, said: "then the restoration of the royal family is not impossible."

"Handua, you really look up to the Royal trash."

"I know what you mean. You think they can complete the restoration naturally in the form of a military coup."

"But still, the nine royal families control some minerals and other low-end industries in their respective states. Their financial resources are not enough for us Razak family."

"Even their financial resources are not as good as those generals in the military. What do they use to get their support?"

Without the support of the military, how can we launch a coup.

He couldn't think of any way the royal family could accomplish this.

So he took Najib's reminder as a joke.

In fact, the discussion of hantuya with him was just a casual chat. No one cared about this kind of thing that could not happen in their eyes.

"Two uncles, no matter what my father said, we should keep in mind, at least pay more attention to the royal family's every move."

Agatha talked about this and observed the reaction of the two uncles.

Seeing that she mentioned Najib, their expressions were more serious, so she nodded secretly.

There is no doubt about father's control over the family.

Although the two uncles did not pay much attention to her niece, they did not dare to disobey her father.

Perhaps because of the age difference, her youngest uncle, Hussein, was the most peaceful with her.

Otherwise, if all three uncles are against themselves, Agatha will have more headaches.

Agatha continued: "in fact, at present, our attention is mainly focused on the mohamo family. According to the information we get from some channels, the old Prime Minister's health is not as good as before. When dealing with government affairs, we need to take more drugs than before."

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