"Come on, you also go in and say hello to the old leader."

Chen Xiumei and Li Feng walked into the room together. It turned out that this was a study with pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the desk. An old man in his fifties and sixties was writing big characters there.

"Old leader, this is Li Feng. I told you before. Today I asked him to send me to the mall." Chen Xiumei introduced Li Feng at the first time. Li Feng quickly bowed: "good old man."

The old man turned his back to them and looked at Li Feng with great interest: "it's the first time I've been called old man. Why do you call me that?"

"Because I don't know the specific position of the elder, and I'm not related to him. I also think that there is something for me to learn from Li Feng pointed to the big characters written on his desk: "for example, this pair of characters has been practiced for at least 20 years by the elders, and they still practice very hard, otherwise they can't write such characters."

"Oh, you are so young, you not only know calligraphy, but also can see that I have practiced for more than 20 years? Then give me a comment The old man said immediately, and Chen Xiumei looked at it with a smile. She is very familiar with the old leader, and knows that his biggest interest is calligraphy. As a officialdom figure, she is most afraid of others' gossiping, and there is no shortage of flatterers in officialdom. She knows that he likes calligraphy, so it is inevitable that he will fall in love with it.

Therefore, in order not to let people gossip, the old leader basically did not disclose his love of calligraphy in front of outsiders. He has been writing alone. Now there is a person who is in charge of the outside world. He can see at a glance that he has practiced for at least 20 years, and he must be really knowledgeable. This kind of need for a sense of identity has become urgent.

"I don't dare to comment. I practiced calligraphy when I was a child studying medicine. I haven't written for many years. So I dare not comment on it. " Li Feng didn't have stage fright either, so he went up and looked at it carefully for a while before he said, "the old man wrote willow style. Yan Jin Liu Gu, I can't tell how to write it. But I just feel that the words of the elder are very correct. Some people say that you can understand a person by looking at his words. I don't dare to jump to a conclusion about him, but he must be full of noble and righteous spirit in his heart. "

"Ha ha, Zheng, what a Zheng!" The old man clapped his hands and laughed. The gloom on his face disappeared, as if he had met the happiest thing.

Liu Gongquan once said that "calligraphy admonishment" was a good talk. When the emperor asked him how to use the pen, Liu Gongquan said that "use the pen in the heart, and the heart is regular and the pen is correct". It seems that he is talking about calligraphy, but in fact, he is also admonishing the emperor to be correct.

The old man had been an official all his life, and Li Feng naturally poked his itch with the word "Zheng". No matter which person you use to describe, you will be happy.

Li Feng naturally understood it, but he didn't make it clear. Instead, he pretended he didn't understand what he said, which gave the old man a feeling that he didn't flatter him, but said it from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, Li Feng didn't flatter, but he had been dealing with people since he was a child. He had seen a lot of people. It can be seen that the old man had a fair style when he was an official, so he naturally wanted to do what he liked.

It's a way to deal with things. As long as you don't throw away the bottom line and say something nice, no one will like that kind of irony.

"Xiao Li is good. He's down-to-earth and smart. That's good. Now I'll tell you. I'm the executive vice governor of Shuzhong province. My name is Dong Zhenghe. You're not from officialdom. Just follow Xiao Chen and call me uncle Dong. However, Xiao Chen has been reluctant to call me that and said he would avoid suspicion. In fact, I've already regarded her as my daughter After the old man laughed, he took a deep look at Li Feng and said.

Steady and smart.

Hearing these words, Li Feng knew that, in fact, vice governor Dong was not dazed by his words, but saw through his intention. Li Feng was relieved when he thought about it. If anyone who can achieve a high position at the level of deputy province or ministry, who has been in the officialdom for most of his life, the knowledge of studying people is certainly no worse than him.

Fortunately, Dong Zhenghe didn't mean to be dissatisfied. Instead, he took the initiative to introduce his identity.

Li Feng and Dong Zhenghe said two words, out of the study, also secretly surprised. Isn't Xiaoqian saying that the third sister is just a child of an ordinary family? It's only enough to know Dong Zhenghe. She can also be treated by him as half a daughter instead of an exchange of interests. There must be something unknown.

"Brother, come and eat watermelon!" As soon as I turned to the living room, I saw Dong Shanshan sitting cross legged on the sofa waving to him, with a cut watermelon on the tea table in front of him. Li Feng went to pick up a piece of watermelon to eat, wanted to sit down, hesitated for a while, and did it on the left sofa.

Dong Shanshan sat cross legged, with her two long legs folded together. It was really tempting. He didn't see much. There was a coffee table here.

"Brother, you haven't told me how to make your teeth so white. Teach me quickly." Dong Shanshan said as she nibbled at the watermelon, her sharp chin was covered with juice, and even a black watermelon seed. This appearance is not disgusting, but lovely. It should be this age.

"How old are you?" Li Feng couldn't help asking."I've got my ID card Dong Shanshan put down the watermelon, pulled out a drawing paper and wiped it twice. Then she picked up a pink wallet on the coffee table, turned out an ID card and handed it to Li Feng. She looked at her ostentatiously.

"The head of the ID card is also very beautiful." Li Feng is not stingy of boast a, above of Dong Shanshan comb horsetail, pure and beautiful appearance with now exactly the same.

I'm only 15 or 16 years old, and I'm already a beauty. I'm afraid I'll be an enchanting goblin when I grow up.

"Hee hee, of course, I don't make up. What's on the ID card? It's usually the same. "

After showing off, the little girl put her ID card into her wallet and looked at Li Feng expectantly: "hurry up, you haven't said how to make your teeth so white. Those TV commercials are too fake. They say that you can shine as white as your brother's teeth. I can't brush that effect all the time. I don't want to wash my teeth. I heard it's bad for my teeth. "

Everyone loves beauty. A mouthful of white teeth is really attractive.

"I don't know how to wash my teeth. Teeth are a part of the body, the body is a whole, teeth want to be healthy, the body must be healthy, generally everyone teeth problems are also related to the body. This can't be achieved overnight. We should stick to it for a long time. For example, you are sixteen, which is the best age. It's time to exercise more, don't eat some junk food, control your mouth, keep healthy, don't mention your teeth, the whole person will be more beautiful than before. This is what people often call "essence, Qi and spirit" Well, I've told you so much. Do you understand me? "

It took Li Feng a long time to remember whether what he said was too profound.

"I understand. I can understand you when I am in primary school! Brother, you are much better than those who only know how to sell toothpaste and toothbrush. If you are healthy, other parts will be healthy. Brother, why are you so powerful? Are you a doctor? "

Dong Shanshan admires Li Feng and asks.

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