Guan Hanqing will be here soon.

"Xiao Guan, Xiao Li has something to talk to you about. I have to prepare for the meeting this afternoon

In order to avoid suspicion, Dong Zhenghe didn't listen in. As soon as his driver arrived, he followed him downstairs to the provincial government. Chen Xiumei also took Dong Shanshan downtown to the small garden below.

"Always let me know if you have something to say." Guan Hanqing took the cigarette from Li Feng, lit it and said with a smile.

"Deputy director Guan, listen to this recording first." Li Feng took out the recorder, which was packed in a plastic sealed bag. Instead of taking it out of the plastic sealed bag, he put it directly in front of Guan Hanqing's face and turned on the play button.

The recording time was not long. Guan Hanqing soon finished listening to it. He smoked and pondered for a while. Seeing that the smoke was about to burn to the end, he put out the cigarette end and lit another one and asked, "Mr. Li, can this recording guarantee the authenticity?"

He couldn't help doubting that because the recording pen was a conversation between Lu Qianji and Chen long, he couldn't figure out where Li Feng got the recording. It's not easy to get the recording of 6000.

"Deputy director Guan, this recording is no problem. You can take it back for technical appraisal." Li Feng firmly said that the recording was originally secretly recorded by Chen long. At that time, in order to ensure the integrity, no editing was carried out, and Chen Long's words were also in it. But now there's no need to worry that this recording will implicate Chen long, because he was going to die this time on the back of a murderer.

Guan Hanqing took a deep look at him and did not speak any more. He pondered for a while and said, "it's impossible to convict Lu Qianji just because the body of the killer named Chen long has not been recovered. If there is not a complete and rigorous chain of evidence, there is no way to deal with him, and Lu Qianji's identity is there. Maybe he will bite Mr. Li, and Mr. Li will think twice. "

He was kind enough to remind Li Feng in the face of Dong Zhenghe.

Lu Qianji's identity is unusual. If he can't be killed with a stick, it's certain that he will be bitten back. Although Li Feng eats both black and white on the other side of Qincheng, it's not enough for the Lu family, which has a lot of contacts in all aspects.

The provincial capital is a vice provincial city, and its officials are generally assigned half a level. As the executive deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, Guan Hanqing is a deputy department level official, which is also a high-ranking official. If there is enough evidence, he will catch Lu Qianji. After all, it's his job. Even the Lu family can only hold their breath and trip him in secret, and dare not retaliate against him in public.

But if he catches the wrong person and makes a fuss, it is a question whether he can continue to sit in the position of deputy director of the Municipal Bureau.

Human is human, involving vital interests, he did not dare to accompany Li Feng mischief.

Li Feng was ready, and he took out a file bag from the side and pushed it to Guan Hanqing's face. Guan Hanqing didn't speak.

"Here is the reward Lu Qianji paid Chen Long twice in advance, that is, the two bank cards he said in the recording. The bank card is opened by unrelated people, which has nothing to do with Luqian machine. But I still through these two account holders, Shun Teng touch melon found on the body of Lu Qian. On both cards, there are fingerprints of the murderer and Lu Qianji. Deputy director Guan can also check them. What's more, these two account holders belong to the same company. I found that this company has cooperation with luqianji's company. This company is obviously a financial business company. In fact, its real business is to make false accounts. The information is also in the file bag. "

Li Feng said with a smile: "therefore, in addition to buying murderers, the company Lu Qianji is now managing should also be involved in economic crimes. However, the legal person of this company is not Lu Qianji, which doesn't work for him. But it's OK to use it to make Lu's mousetrap. It's also a small reward for implicating deputy director Guan. With this, I want to use the wisdom of deputy director Guan to know how to make Lu's mousetrap not retaliate against you. "

Guan Han's green eyes flashed a bit of surprise. Li Feng was so thoughtful that he even thought about how to get rid of the whirlpool. So, this time, all he has to do is catch a Lu Qian machine. After that, he can easily get out of this quagmire and not be hated by the Lu family.

"Mr. Li, why don't you keep it? It's also very useful for you. After all, there is a Lu family behind Lu Qianji." He couldn't help asking.

Li Feng shook his head: "Lu Qianji bought me and killed me. It's natural that I let him have a prison sentence. If the Lu family still wants revenge, I will play with them. I can make Lu Qianji and the other Lu family have a prison life. "Calm words, but it seems that Guan Hanqing has a great power, which makes him feel dizzy.

Until now, he knew that although he looked up at Li Feng again and again, he still underestimated him. Li Feng has the domineering and self-confidence that young people of the same age can hardly possess. The key is that his executive ability is also terrible. When he got a call from Dong Zhenghe, he thought that Li Feng wanted to ask him to help him find out the real murderer who killed him. Who knows that Li Feng had collected all the evidence of Lu Qianji and was waiting for him to arrest.


Li Feng suddenly changed the subject, looked at deputy director Guan and said with a smile: "I'm a man who never treats my friends badly, and I won't let my friends down for my own sake. So it's more useful for deputy director Guan than for me. "

Guan Hanqing was stunned, and then understood Li Feng's meaning. He put out his hand and said with a smile, "I'd like to make friends with brother Li, too.""Brother Guan!"

Li Feng reaches out his hand and holds it heavily. They are all smart people. Everything is in silence.

The next day, the reception hall on the ground floor of Lujia company.

"President Lu."

"Mr. Lu is good."

Seeing Lu Qianji walking outside the company accompanied by a group of company subordinates, all the passing employees quickly bow and say hello. Some female employees who think they are beautiful always have the illusion of flying on the branch to become a Phoenix. At this time, they will deliberately let their voice whine to attract Lu Qianji's attention.

However, Lu Qianji, who is always well-dressed and gentle in front of people, doesn't show any interest in them. He smiles and nods to every employee who greets them. His modest and gentlemanly appearance makes many people feel great.

"President Lu --!"

Lu Qianji's full-time driver suddenly rushed in, his face a little pale, Lu Qianji's face slightly sank: "what happened."

"Outside, outside..." As soon as the driver said this, he suddenly stopped. Several uniformed policemen suddenly appeared at the gate of the company and went straight to luqianji. Lu Qianji's face suddenly changed, because he saw that these policemen were not good at it, and those who walked behind had already quietly turned to one side, obviously trying to surround him.

Lu Qianji had a bad premonition in his heart. He secretly gritted his teeth and stood there, but he didn't move and didn't speak.

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