G5 national highway is the expressway from Chuncheng, the capital city of Yunnan Province, to the capital city, with a total distance of more than 1100 kilometers, passing through Shuzhong.

The night before Li Feng was called to Qingshan sanatorium by Mr. Cheng, that is, the day Xue Ningzhi returned to the capital. Three off-road vehicles with military license plates set out all the way from the provincial capital to the capital thousands of miles away.

Sitting in the car are five purple tapir members headed by Linghu. Their mission is to escort Yan Wudao to the military prison.

Military prison, located in the capital, is subordinate to the Security Department of the General Administration and is a unit at the regimental level. It is responsible for the custody, custody and execution of the outstanding or convicted criminals in criminal cases under the jurisdiction of the general administration. Before Yan Wudao is sentenced, he will spend his detention there.

If there is no accident, after he is sentenced, the military prison is also responsible for executing his sentence.

Three cars, 13 people in total: five purple tapirs, two second investigators, three drivers, and Yan Wudao. In addition, there were two other people, a female military doctor in her thirties, holding a 34 year old child in her arms.

It can be seen that the child's body is not very good. He is thin and weak. His face is yellow. His eyes are not as bright and smart as healthy children. He is sick and lying in the arms of the female military doctor.

This child is Yan twelve gave birth to Yan Wudao's child, is also Yan Wudao's only child. In the past, most of the children were taken by Yan Shier. Yan Wudao was not close to this child, but as the only kind of Yan family, Yan Wudao never spared money on this child. It's just that the child was born with a weak constitution and always looked like this.

Yan wudaoming knows that he has no good fruit to eat after being caught, which is basically a dead end. However, for the sake of the child's future, he has to live with humiliation and has no choice but to commit suicide.

In the middle of the off-road vehicle behind a trailer, trailer weight of two tons, equivalent to a temporary cage, Yan Wudao was locked in.

His arm was broken by a concrete block when he was fighting with Li Feng, and his whole arm was smashed into meat mud. After that, he had been amputated, and his whole left arm was cut off from his shoulder. Now he is sitting in the trailer with his disabled leg, thinking about the past scenes and passing the time.

He has no expectation of the future when he succeeds in defeating the enemy. He can't say whether he hates Li Feng and other enemies. Now he is a useless man. Revenge is just a delusion.

Take the G5 National Road, from Sichuan to the capital, you need to pass through Shaanxi Province, Shanxi Province and Yan province.

It was two or three o'clock in the morning when the three military vehicles drove all the way to the expressway in Shaanxi Province. There was little traffic on the road. After passing several high-speed service areas on the way, I saw many vehicles stopping here to have a rest and wait for them to go on the road during the day.

In order to be on the safe side to prevent accidents, the motorcade did not stop at any service area, and even provided its own fuel. It's a total of more than 20 hours' drive. I'm not too tired if I change to drive.

Looking out from the highway, you can see a vast expanse of loess, and you can't see any people, which makes life feel desolate. In addition to the driver and the purple tapir team, the rest of the team fell asleep.

At this time, with a dull bang, the first off-road vehicle at the front of the line stopped in the emergency lane. Then the driver of the first off-road vehicle opened the door and jumped down to observe.

Seeing the accident, the two cars behind also quickly stopped in the emergency lane. Five members of purple tapir were awakened, and two members of the second investigation team also woke up vaguely.

"Camel, go and put up the triangle sign." Linghu was on the second car in the middle. Then he jumped out of the car and went forward. He asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

"The road was spilt with nails and the tire was punctured." No.

the driver of a car pulls a nail that is long enough to be slapped from the tire, and Linghu frowns. How can the nail be sprinkled on the highway? This is a very dangerous thing, and it will lead to a major accident.

All of a sudden, his face changed: "all purple tapir members listen to my order, alert!"

Because Linghu suddenly realized that this is likely to be deliberately targeted at them. If so, the other party will not just puncture their tires.

Thinking of this, he gave an urgent order: "the two cars behind will go first, and the others will squeeze in.". The car will be left here to be dealt with. "

After that, he took the driver straight to the second car. There were two purple tapirs on the first car. At the moment, they grabbed their weapons, jumped out of the car, squatted on the ground and raised their guns on guard. After seeing the safety, the two members of the second investigation team made a gesture to let them move quickly.

The five purple tapir members worked together and were on guard. In an instant, they set up a small defense system, showing the elite quality of their army.

At this time, an amazing scene appeared. Four cars were two in front and two behind. Suddenly, the road sections in front of and behind the motorcade rushed towards them at full speed. When they were tens of meters away from them, the four cars suddenly spontaneously ignited. The huge fire submerged all the four cars and swept them over.

"Hide The purple tapir's pupil shrinks and shouts, but it's too late. The world in his pupil will be filled with flames in the next moment.When approaching the team, there was a sudden explosion inside the four cars. Thinking of the earth shaking explosion, the team was immediately enveloped by the sea of fire, and the purple tapir team members were also instantly submerged in the sea of fire. Their strength could not be displayed at all when they were caught off guard.

The roaring explosion was heard all the time, and some explosive objects flew into the air. At this time, it was found that none of the cars were driven, and they were only started when the direction was fixed in advance. There was a gas tank in the car, which exploded under high temperature heating.

At the moment, some of the explosives flying in the air, there are gas tanks.

The power of the explosion is no less than that of the bomb. All the people in the motorcade are surrounded in this sea of fire, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead. When there was no more explosion and the fire was reduced, nearly ten people with pistols suddenly jumped up from both sides of the road. They walked into the fire indifferently and faced the miserable body rifle on the ground.

A purple tapir member was lying on the ground. At this time, his body was suddenly ejected like a piece of paper. The cold light in his hand flashed. The man in front of him, who was raising his gun and was preparing to fill his heart, suddenly shot a blood line on his throat. Then, with a scream, he covered his neck and fell to the ground.

This purple tapir member already knew that the other party was well prepared, and then launched the explosion attack on the high speed so madly, all of them were in danger. In order not to let himself die unknowingly, the purple tapir members are ready to escape from this hell first, and then go back to report the injury.

So he didn't stay for a moment after one hit. After landing, he rushed to the side of the road. However, he was seriously injured in the previous explosion, and his sensitivity was not as good as before.

Several Gunners soon found him, and several black guns aimed at him.

Bang Bang

The purple tapir member burst several blood holes in his body and died on the spot.

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