The huge body instantly blocked the sunlight, casting a long shadow on the ground.

Flying high into the sky, the noble, mysterious and deep purple eyes glanced at the four girls on the ground who had a relationship with him.

A huge black hole appeared in the sky, and after the body of the snake of the world got into the hole, it disappeared...

Luo Cuilian looked at the snake of the world that circled in the sky and then disappeared, and gently shook the mark of the Ouroboros in her handshake.

" your love for your concubine..."

------------------- I am the lovely dividing line -------------------

In the endless void, irregular and broken space debris can be seen everywhere, and the turbulent flow of time and space is very dangerous.

Clusters of golden hazy light clusters are scattered in the endless void, adding a touch of beauty to the cold and empty void, making it not so lifeless.

In the void there is no distinction between up and down, left and right, there is just endless nothingness.

Those bright or dim light groups are a complete 937 world, and each light group is a complete world.

There are light clusters everywhere in the void. It seems that the light clusters are very close to each other, but the distance is unimaginable.

A small black hole suddenly appeared in a only moderately bright light group, and a white winged snake emerged from it.

Purple snake eyes, white scales, strange red lines on both sides of the body, and the body is one kilometer long!

However, in this endless void, it is still not enough to see.

The one-kilometer-long world snake is naturally Su Ye.

Su Ye's purple snake eyes glanced at the endless circle of light around him, and the purple snake eyes flashed a hint of intoxication.

This kind of scene is so fascinating no matter how many times you watch it. Space debris can be seen everywhere in the void, time and space are turbulent, and anyone who encounters it is almost certain to die.

Only the existence of the snake of the world can ignore these, move the long body, and the huge snake head nodded with satisfaction.

When there is no transformation, Su Ye encounters these space fragments and the turbulent flow of time and space, so he has to hide and walk, and even if he is not careful, he may die.

For Su Ye now, these turbulent turbulent voids touched her body, like water flowing across her body, and they were very comfortable, giving Su Ye a feeling of being in the water. _

Chapter [-] Return

The golden light group is a complete world. As long as it is within the light sphere, that is, the creatures born from the world are all creatures in the world.

If there are no accidents in the world, it will never be possible to break through the barriers of the world. Even if they are lucky enough to break through the barriers of the world and come to the endless void, they will be directly crushed to death by this endless turbulent void!

And if a creature is born from the void, there is nothing at all. The difference in life level is so unreasonable.

These light groups, that is, the world, they also move. If the world collides, they will merge into one if they are lucky. If they are unlucky, the two worlds will be destroyed and disappear into the endless void.

There are strong and weak worlds. The stronger the world, the more stable and complete the rules in the world, and the brighter it will be when seen in the void.

The strong world is what the weak world needs to look up to. If the world wants to be promoted and become stronger, it needs to evolve itself.

It is always right to imitate a world that is stronger than yourself, and the risk is still small, because the rules and development trends in those powerful worlds can be done by copying them almost.

Then just wait for yourself to grow stronger.

And if you evolve by yourself, there is still the risk of being played off. After evolution, many worlds have been killed by the creatures they created.

There is a powerful and almost risk-free example out there, and the world will of course imitate, the course of that world.

This is why many worlds are very similar.

At the same time, creatures outside the world will also have a certain impact on the world, because the stronger the existence in the world, the stronger the world will naturally be.

Extraterrestrial creatures--the world-devouring snake is naturally the strongest existence, and the daring world will derive an existence similar to the world's snake.

However, the setting of swallowing the world for a living is rarely added. Instead, it will add a lot of restrictions. After all, the ability of the snake of the world is too heaven-defying.

This is also the reason why, in the Godslayer world, Ouroboros is the guardian of the world and represents the world itself.

-----------------------I am the lovely dividing line-------

I felt the breath of the Ouroboros that fused with Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, positioned it, and flew towards the direction of the breath.

Since there is no concept of time in the void, Su Ye doesn't know how long he has been wandering, but the distance between the two worlds is not far, and Su Ye arrives soon.

The color and brightness of the light group in this world can clearly be seen that it is dimmer than the world where Liliana lives.

The kilometer-long body, in a burst of white light, returned to human form again, came to the light ball, and tapped lightly on the light ball with his index finger.

The light group seems to be small, but when it comes to the light group, it is definitely not small!The diameter of several kilometers is like a joke, and Su Ye, who has changed back into human form, can hardly be seen in front of the light group.


Su Ye wanted to open the world barrier and enter the world, but the light ball quickly cracked!

Quickly taking his fingers away, looking at the cracks that cracked like a mirror, Su Ye was a little square...

Just standing in front of this sphere of light, in front of the sphere of light, the surface of the sphere of light emits a circle of ripples from time to time.

It was as if the bubbles that were blown were about to burst at any moment.

It seems that the limit of this world is to accommodate the existence of the second-order high-level. In the face of Su Ye, who has completed the third transformation and became the third-order high-level, he immediately began to collapse.

If you forcibly enter, the world will definitely end, and everything in the world will vanish. …

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and the others will definitely be buried with them.

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