Modify Super God

Chapter 341: "negotiation"……

"Open the door! I'm here to negotiate with you! Open the door if you don't want to die!"

Sui Yu walked to the front of the villa and rang the doorbell and shouted loudly, hoping that the guy inside who was shouting hysterically with a walkie-talkie could hear his words.

Fortunately, although the guy inside felt very crazy and had the demeanor of a murderer, he still came to the door.

"Negotiations? What's there to talk about?"


Along with the crazy male voice, Sui Yu also heard a depressed female voice coming from behind the door.

It seems that this guy is still quite cautious, it seems that he has been taking the hostage with him, and the female white-collar who is the hostage must have been **** and gagged.

"Anyway, this is your last chance! If you don't open the door, if you die, don't blame the alliance for not giving you a chance!"

"Ha! Who are you scaring? I don't believe the Alliance dares to ignore the hostages! It's unreasonable!" The man behind the door sounded very irritable: "It stands to reason that I should meet my conditions next, prepare a car for me... "

"Don't you believe it?" Interrupting the roar of the guy inside, Sui Yu sneered and said loudly to the guy inside through the door: "The earth doesn't revolve around you! Many things don't develop as you think! So what if you don't believe me? Who cares if you believe it or not?! Others will not act according to your assumptions!"


Sui Yu put on an attitude of being too lazy to talk, and shouted proudly into the door: "If it doesn't satisfy your thoughts, it's unreasonable, then the unreasonable things in this world are gone!"

"No! I shouldn't be so unlucky! Obviously I should be the protagonist!"

main character?

As soon as the other party answered, Sui Yu suddenly mentioned that the other party's thinking mode was a little weird, and now when he heard this again, Sui Yu suddenly realized.

Well, it looks like this is a guy who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality!

Also, in reality, there should be no abilities.

Therefore, it seems that many power users will regard themselves as extraordinary existences after suddenly awakening their powers.

Especially those who like fantasy novels and movies and animations will subconsciously regard their mutation as a golden finger!

And the murderer in front of him looks like a severely poisoned patient!

It seems that he completely regards himself as the protagonist, thinking that the whole world should revolve around him!

as predicted.

When the other party felt the confidence of Sui Yu's negotiation and opened the door, Sui Yu saw the young man in his twenties roaring hysterically: "What are you talking about? Tell you, I will never agree to be used by others!"


It is estimated that in this guy's world, he has the strongest ability and is unique, right?

Also, the Magic Academy is a secret, and ordinary people don't know it at all.

As for the magical girl that has been exposed on TV...

In reality, the battle is not about the size. Many times, everyone does not know whether their position is high or low.

Coupled with blind self-confidence and optimism, it is very logical that this kid has the illusion that his abilities are unique and useful.

As for the female white-collar who was kidnapped by this kid...

As expected, her mouth was blocked, and at the same time, she was entangled in something that seemed to be stockings, so she couldn't speak.

He was also bound by what should be stockings and tape, his hands were fastened behind his back, and the ankles of his feet were tied so he couldn't move.

And the white shirt and short skirt on the body...

Although they seem to be wearing well, it is not difficult to see from the crooked buttons on the shirt and the stains on the skirt that this kid was quite full last night.

Well, full in every sense!

So, let's get to the point.

Get the killer's attention first and buy time.

It just so happened that Sui Yu was a little curious about why this kid wanted to kill so many people.

So, after Sui Yu threw out the verbal invitation "if you behave well, you can be hired by the league and forgive your previous sins", this guy with messy hair, wearing a tank top and shorts with a haggard face told him. reason for killing.

Che, I was quite tough before, saying that I didn't want to be used by others.

But now, isn't it trying harder to excuse himself?

It seems that being ordered by the alliance is still very attractive to this kid!

"It's not my fault! I really don't blame me for everything! The guy surnamed Li is not good!" He waved his hands greatly, and the man was very excited at this time: "Usually that guy likes to put on a high face. , I was still mocking me in front of so many people that day! So in a fit of rage, I imagined that he chopped off his head and waved his hand, who would have really let that guy die!"

Well, as soon as he opened his mouth, this guy revealed information that the security guard didn't have.

It is also true that the crimes of supernatural powers have only appeared recently, and the Metropolitan Police Department is seriously lacking in conviction experience.

Coupled with the fact that this kid was scheming behind his back, the distance between the two is quite far. It is estimated that the security guard who handled the matter at that time placed the suspect on the guy who was beside the victim at the time and missed the real criminal.

Therefore, this kid was not discovered in the first time.

Then, after tasting the thrill of killing, the short-term fear was replaced by incomparable joy.

The former enemy himself can completely disappear in front of his eyes just by waving his hand!

How happy is this? !

"I actually knew it was wrong to do this!"

The young man reached out and grabbed the messy hair, making it even more messy, and then explained to Sui Yu excitedly: "But! I'm the protagonist! I knew it from the day I got the ability! I'm the protagonist! "

"And as the protagonist, isn't it right to be decisive in killing?!"

"You know, I usually hate Notre Dame the most and hate those protagonists who don't kill them decisively!"

Hearing this kid's words, Sui Yu frowned slightly while looking at the terrified woman who was hugged by the murderer and asked the young man in front of him, "So you just kill people indiscriminately?"

"I didn't kill anyone indiscriminately!"

"I didn't kill people indiscriminately, so what happened to the family annihilation case after that?!"

Hearing Sui Yu's questioning, the young man waved his hands vigorously: "I killed the head teacher's family because the head teacher was too nagging! He even threatened to contact my parents!"

"As for the waiter and her family, it's because when I went to eat, I clearly felt that the guy looked at me with contempt!"

"You look down on me! I'm the protagonist! The protagonist!!!"

"Since you dare to despise me! Then don't blame me for killing me decisively! All these villains are to blame!"

Roaring loudly, without Sui Yu's deliberate guidance, the young man easily explained his crime process one by one: "As for the family behind the family who were killed, it was entirely because that family let their second-generation ancestor go out to harm them. girl!"

"I saw him tugging at a woman and trying to force her! So he acted decisively and preempted the situation before it became too difficult to handle!"

"You know, when I read novels, I hate those plots that clearly have the opportunity to prevent but didn't prevent them and lead to tragedies!"

"And I'm doing justice! Do justice!"

The young man became more and more excited as he talked. It seemed that because he recalled the previous serial killings, the young man involuntarily showed a very excited and happy expression and roared loudly: "In short! They all have a way to die! road!"

Picking up the phone, it was a document sent by Lin Yuxin.

After opening it, Sui Yu sighed and said to the obviously murderous guy, "But what you don't know is that the classmate Li surnamed that you killed at the beginning was a very hard worker himself."

"Good grades and full of self-confidence, so he is actually full of self-confidence in everyone."

"Perhaps in your eyes, the other party stung your humble nerves and made you unilaterally think that he was deliberately trying to find fault with you."

"Actually, he just accidentally stabbed you for being too superior, so he lost his life!"

What a sad story.

People grew into the center of attention with their own efforts, so they were jealous of this kid and then killed.

Even the cause of death was because the other party accidentally stabbed the murderer.

This method of death is really innocent enough.

If feeling self-confidence just because of one's own abilities is wrong and should be killed...

Then what a terrible world will this human world become? !

"As for your head teacher..."

"She has always been known for caring about students in your school!"

"Maybe you take her concern as a nosy, maybe you hate to hear her say 'it's all for your own good'!"

"But everything she does is really for your own good!"

"Through the anonymous evaluations around you, your head teacher is really a good teacher who is very conscientious!"

Open a video sent from the funeral scene.

Cry loudly!

Many people from all walks of life came to attend the teacher's funeral, and it was faintly heard from the crying. Many people cried and thanked the head teacher, thanked the original nagging, and thanked the original teacher. Thank you for everything she has done!

Peach plums all over the world!

If nothing else, it is not difficult to see what kind of person this head teacher is just by looking at this scene!

And such a person not only killed himself, but also caused the whole family to be killed by this crazy guy in front of him!

"Killing decisively?!" Sui Yu sneered: "You are decisive! But have you considered the consequences? Did you think about what you did right or wrong?!"

When the scene changed, this time was the funeral of the so-called second generation ancestral family.

At the funeral, the girl who claimed to be threatened by the Second Ancestor burst into tears, and even fainted from crying.

The emotional family is a young couple, and the original disputes were just occasional quarrels.

At that time, the boy misunderstood that the man wanted to use money to force the But the actual situation is that the girl hates the boy from a good family who buys things for you at every turn, as if they are together Not because of love, but because of material things!

From the scene, it is not difficult to see how deep the girl's affection for the boy is.

As a result, he was misunderstood by this murderer, and even came up with the idea of ​​"justice".

Also, there is no God mode in reality.

Reading a novel, readers may be in God mode so they can see what the protagonist is doing right that is obviously not in line with the rules of reality, or they may feel annoyed that the protagonist did not prevent certain tragedies.

It is estimated that when this murderer killed the boy's whole family, he might have imagined that the girl would throw him in his arms, right?

It seems that most novels are written this way!

Unfortunately, in reality, seeing is not necessarily believing!

And it is even more impossible that because of the "protagonist" doing something wrong, it will be reversed for very nonsense reasons afterwards, and the wrong thing done by the "protagonist" will be whitewashed!


In reality, there are not so many dramatic reversals, nor will murderers be suddenly whitewashed into good people!

Waiting for the future of this murderous mania, it is naturally impossible to be ordered by the alliance!

Waiting for this guy, only...

"What? It's impossible! It's impossible! It's not true!"

Just when the young man collapsed because he heard the truth, his face full of unimaginable madness.


It's now!

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