Modify Super God

Chapter 391: Weird! Troubled gang of psychics!

"Both people and dogs must know how to be content!"

"Desires are limitless. If you don't know how to satisfy them, you will always look at the high mountain from this mountain, and you will never be able to be content with the status quo and bemoan the unfairness of your destiny and the bad world."

"Then you are destined to live in tragedy all your life, and you will never feel what happiness is!"

"And I, a husky who is out of vulgar taste and has great wisdom, knows how to seize happiness and be content with the status quo."


The husky, who was dragged away by Sui Yu's tail, scratched several scratches on the ground with his claws, and shouted in a shrill voice, "I just want to stay here and cook in peace! Don't take me to dangerous places. Catch the bad guys! They will die! They will really die!!!”

Hearing Erha's barking, Sui Yu dragged Erha towards the helicopter, and said to Erha, "I want to do nothing and cook all day with peace of mind? Humph! It's fine if you are an ordinary dog, but since If you have opened your mind, and you can speak such fluent Mandarin, then it is impossible for you to be idle and eat dry food!"

"Ow? Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang!"

"It's no use learning to bark now!"

"Who learned to bark?" Erha wanted to cry without tears: "I am a dog, okay?! Dog barking is my mother tongue!"

"Don't talk about those useless things, we're boarding the plane!" Sui Yu dragged Harpy onto the helicopter with Erha by the back of his neck, Yue Zishan and Fujiwara Ai followed behind with a chuckle and surrounded Harpy so that he wouldn't let him. The servant took the opportunity to escape.

To be honest, it took a lot of effort to catch this guy before!

Rubbing the dog's head, Sui Yu said to Hubby with a chuckle, "Maybe I'll count on you to make a contribution this time!"

"Don't worry! If you do a great job and command the cats and dogs in the back, there will definitely be many benefits! Beautiful dog food will definitely make you feel good!"

This task is really very troublesome, and I am afraid that I can only rely on these inconspicuous cats and dogs in the end.

Yes, more than two haha.

In fact, the cats and dogs that Xiao Funi subdued all became temporary team members at this time.

And those cats and dogs are taking the helicopter at the back under the leadership of Xiao Funi at this time, and when the mission location is when they will show their talents!

As for the two habi...

Don't look at what this guy said is very serious, it seems very dangerous.

In fact, the main reason why Sui Yu had to carry it was to let Erha do the translation.

Because only Habib can accurately convey Sui Yu's order by translating Sui Yu's words!

Even Little Funi can't do this!

In short, the protagonists of this mission are probably these animals!

There is no way, it is really too much trouble for Lin Yuxin to arrange the task this time!

Just like what Lin Yuxin said.

In fact, most of the problems within the Alliance now have other people working hard to solve.

Sui Yu is powerful, but he can't solve all the troubles alone, so most of the troubles can only be solved by the elites trained by the alliance.

However, some troubles are really not something ordinary people can handle.

Just like this mission, the purpose is to destroy an illegal power gang based in a small county.

It is said that this gang of powers is very bad.

In addition to the most basic fighting, bullying, buying and selling by force, robbery, forced torture, kidnapping, extortion... It can be said that there is no evil!

It became famous in just one month. It was obviously a local problem in a small county, but it successfully attracted the attention of the top leaders of the alliance.

Of course, the reason for its fame is not only because this criminal gang is bad, the main reason is because the alliance has sent a lot of people to deal with this matter.

However, the people who sent it ended in failure again and again. Even if two teams of elites from other college towns were sent over, they didn't even figure out the general organizational structure of the gang.

Until now, I only know that the name of this gang of power users is "Shh", and the alliance has only mastered the identities of some gangster-level characters on the periphery of this gang.

I don't know anything about the top!

And it's not the scariest!

The most terrifying thing is that those people sent by the alliance failed very strangely!

Or die in a car accident, or be crushed to death by a high-altitude projectile.

There was even an unlucky guy who accidentally stepped on the broken manhole cover, fell directly into the well and drowned!

Even power users can't escape this kind of misfortune that seems to be deliberately arranged.

Through the reports uploaded in real time, it seems that those supernatural powers will start all kinds of unlucky things as soon as they enter the county town, and they are simply choking their teeth when they drink cold water.

Moreover, they all entered secretly as passengers, and they did not leak any rumors. There is no possibility of being maliciously targeted after exposing their identities.

Therefore, after listening to these anomalies, Sui Yu guessed that the ability of a certain ability user of the other party may be the ability to make all the enemies who are unfavorable to the organization unlucky!

In fact, Sui Yu is quite familiar with this situation.

To put it bluntly, this is the effect of high luck!

As long as it is beneficial to the lucky ones, then as long as the probability is not zero, there is a high probability that something beneficial to the lucky ones will happen.

Even enemies who have never known each other will encounter misfortune in confusion so as to avoid the tragedy of the lucky ones.

And the scope of this high-lucky ability is very huge, not only the person, but also the organization where the high-lucky person belongs can enjoy the benefits brought by the high-lucky person!

And this kind of lucky ability is completely based on the underlying laws of the world, and ordinary ability users have no way to resist.

So, Sui Yu made a decisive decision after guessing what the trouble was with this power user organization.

That is, while leading the team to attack, he must also bring the cats and dogs raised by Xiao Funi as investigators to be responsible for the investigation.

Attacking by yourself is intended to be used to counteract the effect of the opponent's luck ability at a critical moment.

And the cats and dogs are dispatched together to increase the probability with the help of quantity!

As I said before, high luck is mainly to increase the probability of luck.

At the same time, it can also increase the probability of the enemy's misfortune.

But probabilities are just probabilities!

Just find a way to reduce the probability of misfortune, and then a little bit to reduce the probability of the target's escape to zero.

As long as the probability is zero, no matter how lucky you are, it's useless!

Moreover, the security environment of modern society is well maintained.

In addition, the reactions of cats and dogs are not too flexible for humans.

Presumably those accidents that can kill power users are not dangerous at all in the eyes of cats and dogs.

In this case, Sui Yu doesn't have to worry that Xiao Funi's subordinates will be greatly reduced.

As long as it works well, after Sui Yu transforms, relying on the high luck of his game character to counteract the opponent's high luck, then there is a high chance of successfully destroying that evil organization!

All in all, it's very stable!

"So, when you arrive at the place, you must convey my order earnestly, hobby! Do you know?"

"Woooooo!" Happy cried.

It's a very fake cry, but it's... oh, it seems like "he" should have been used to refer to Hubby long ago.

But he was actually very scared: "You said it yourself at the meeting before, once you meet that organization, you will be inexplicably unlucky."

"And in addition to the suspected lucky ability user, there seem to be many powerful guys in that organization. Didn't all the elite ability users encountered were killed in seconds?"

"In this case, you brought me here, didn't you let me die?"

"You know, my luck has never been very good."

"Just getting stuck in the neck, I have to get stuck once in almost every place I go to, just like punching a card!"

"May I ask, if I am so unlucky, will I die in an accident when I get off the plane?!"

It sounds plausible.


"Please! Which of your so-called bad luck didn't you kill yourself?!"

Sui Yu patted the dog's head in disbelief: "It's not so much that you're unlucky, it's better to say that you're still alive so far, not so lucky, okay?! dead!"

"As for those so-called powerful abilities you mentioned..."

"To put it It's just a rat carrying a gun!"

"Sounds great, but that's because they haven't really played against great people!"

"If you meet me! I'm afraid it's a rookie who was killed in seconds!"

This is not Sui Yu bragging.

With Sui Yu's strength, even a magical girl can fight back and forth after her transformation, and she can even win by relying on her rich combat experience!

What if a group of psychics living in peaceful times is weird?

Chicken is a chicken!

After meeting, it may really be done in a second!

Hearing Sui Yu's words, Hubby suddenly realized that it was really the case!

"Then I..."

Erha finally chose to compromise: "Just work hard! But you have to protect me!"

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