Monster Factory

Chapter 347: : Increase efficiency by 20 times

(ps: Today's four chapters, three chapters have been written, one chapter is released in half an hour, and the last chapter comes out.)


"The end of the scalper party is here."

In the Longxitan factory, Ye Qing stared at the equipment that seemed to be out of the science fiction film, and said excitedly.

After the efforts of the monsters, the first full-motion assembly platform was finally completed.

At the same time, Ye Qing spent huge sums of money, and the massive processing centers ordered from a number of machine tool dealers have also arrived.

DMG, TRUMPF, MAG, Schuler, etc., are all top machine tool brands.

Now the monster factory ranks in the province, has been squeezed to the 31st, with an honor value of more than 3 million.

With the rapid increase in funds, the ranking of the monster factory is also rising day by day. Just follow the rising honor value, let Ye Qing feel that it is used too little, and accumulate more than three million honors worth of the present, it can not be used.

The pretender's overalls are already one of the monsters, and the fourth stage of the monster factory opens the second honor item.

- Monster Toolkit.

A thing similar to the standard kit in the market, with a very small portable tool that can increase the efficiency of repair and disassembly.

This thing is suitable for monsters to go out and use only the monsters.

The honor draw was refreshed once and 10,000 honors were drawn. Because a few products have been taken, three-dimensional cameras and industrial glasses are the most useful, and the rest are not useful. Ye Qing is afraid that the honor value will have a greater effect, so I will accumulate it there first.

Let's go all out to the fifth stage!

A giant **** i-type slowly opened to the door of the factory, carefully dragging the steel cable to move the full-motion platform fixed on the metal base of the pulley to the off-site. Then the giant **** i-shaped two mechanical arms clamped the base from left to right, and transported the full-motion assembly platform to the new workshop.

The factory located on the south side of the transit warehouse is its new home. A factory can accommodate four full-motion assembly platforms, and another assembly platform can be completed in two days.

With the i-type i, Ye Qing walked into this technology factory with four sets of parts for the system.

The assembly platform cannot be created out of nothing. The product parts of the ionization purifier need to be delivered to the assembly platform at high speed through the supply system.

This is similar to a magazine.

The parts are pressed into the supply system like bullets, and the full-motion assembly platform is a fully fired machine gun that ejects an ionization purifier.

Ye Qing has no concept of this speed, and now I can finally understand it.

Only slightly above the ground, the system with six closed high-speed supply chains has been on standby. The blue cool light on the supply chain shuttles back and forth, eventually gathering on the central square platform.

Regardless of the angle of view, the system in front of Ye Qing’s eyes is like from outside technology.

In fact, it is more mysterious than the stars, because aliens can at least be seen in science fiction movies, and the monster factory is not even in human imagination.

The giant i-type slowly puts down the assembly batch platform when it docks with the parts supply system.

The monster factory phone also followed the prompt:


The parts of the product, the processing and manufacturing parts of the monsters, exceed 70%, achieving excellent quality requirements.

Full-motion assembly platform (excellent quality / saleable), operating procedures are written.

Attribute skill generation...

A touch of metallic halo passes through the full-motion assembly platform. It seems that the whole body is carved with a single piece of alloy, and there is no assembly platform for any gaps. Under the reinforcement of the monster factory, there is a soul.

The cold light on the supply chain stopped the shuttle, as if waiting for the order.

The reinforced platform silently cuts the front hatch to reveal a transparent viewing port.

"Boss, all the parts are ready, you can start." The masters squinted and stared at the equipment that cost them a lot of effort.

“Do you not need to enter the manufacturing instructions for the ionization purifier first?”

Ye Qing carefully looked at the intricate mechanical structure inside through the observation port, and wondered: "CNC machine tools must be programmed in advance to advance these steps, and the full-motion assembly platform is the same."

The master of the skill nodded and activated the full-motion platform.

"咔~" A metal rang, coming from all directions.

The chain compartments that supply the parts for the assembly platform are all activated, and the master is standing in front of the control panel to write the first product program.

On the chain compartment at two o'clock, the blue luminosity moves forward one space. Then, in the observation window of the full-motion platform, the metal panel of the round and round body slides open, and a snake-like mechanical device takes out the injection molded casing of the ionization purifier.

Then, the blue light moves on the chain compartment in the four-point direction, and the magnetic induction element of the ionization purifier is taken out.

A hollow probe was carefully moved by the master to the joint between the two, with a slight rotation, the probe was fed into the fixed wire, and the magnetic induction element was fixed on it.

Moving in the six o'clock direction, the magnetic generator is taken out, and the two snake-like mechanical devices move. The slender silver-white soldering needle moves, and the rolling arc is brought out during the process of touching the magnetic generator.

In this way, the manual operation is carried out step by step. When the last white laser melts the gap of the ionizer purifier, a brand new ionizer appears in front of Ye Qing.

"Operation steps are completed."

“The system automatically optimizes and eliminates redundant and invalid actions...”

“There is no excess and invalid action to eliminate, is the preservation plan, fully automatic manufacturing?”

“Automatic manufacturing begins!”

On the chain compartment, the blue luminescence, which represents the feed rate of the parts, suddenly starts to accelerate.

In less than two seconds, one frame was advanced. In the observation window of the assembly platform, Ye Qing blinked hard and could not see the movement of the mechanical device inside.

The arc flashed, the laser swept, and the snake-like mobile device danced through the sky.

Ye Qing feels that he also takes two breaths, and an ionizer has appeared on the conveyor.

Take another breath and another one appears.

Then Ye Qing waited for the return from the shock, and there were dozens of ionizers outside.

How long does it take for a traditional production line to build one?

Forty seconds, this is still the case when the monsters are fully staffed, and now the full-motion assembly platform has compressed this speed twenty times.

The most important thing is that you don't need any monsters to stand by!

As long as the parts supply can keep up, a full-motion assembly platform can produce 40,000 ionization purifiers per day.

The saved monsters can participate in the capacity expansion of parts and components.

When all five units are manufactured, they can reach 200,000 ionization purifiers per day.

From then on, users do not have to wait, and they can be ordered at any time. The high price will naturally fall back. Those who buy at a high price and want to change their hands will naturally lose their tears.


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