Monster Factory

Chapter 740: : Conquer with your hands here

"Candied to talk." There was a dull voice in the satellite phone.

"In the afternoon of the second half of Nigaya's local time, we found traces of the two cargo planes from the air. I am sure they are owned by the behemoth industry and will have a bigger movement here."

"At present, according to the materials carried, they have plans to build factories here. The first batch of materials have been shipped away. Because they were escorted by local warlords, we did not keep up. But it is not difficult to find out. At dusk, we can follow the team trail to determine their campsite."

“Is there a list of materials?”

"The video has been recorded on the mobile phone, please check the lion to the secure mailbox."

There was a "hmm" on the other side of the phone, followed by a slight keyboard tapping sound. After about two minutes, the voice of the "lion" became confused. "In addition to industrial facilities, I saw a lot of arms inside. Are they ready to launch a war?"

"It doesn't seem like it at the moment, it should be defensive use. Because those employees don't have the taste of soldiers."

"Then follow your plan and find out their camp at dusk."


The dilapidated team rushed toward the direction of the Soto rainforest, even if this wilderness dirt road had been repaired by General Mopu, and the sand padded the countless pits, or the bumpy Huaxia employees kept on Ass, I have complained that this ghost place is no stranger to this. I don’t even understand the truth of wanting to build a road.

"The government has no money. Besides, there is a government here. There are only a bunch of warlords. They are willing to pay for the road."

"Look at our China, those villagers trapped in the Dalanggou can spend years and years of perseverance to cut through the mountains to repair the road." Huang Qiang sitting on the pickup truck, "So, we Huaxia To become the world's second largest economy, Africa alone adds up to a fraction of ours."

He said this in Chinese. The black guy driving next to him turned his head from time to time and showed a flattering smile on them.

In the eyes of these locals, the giant beast industry is about the same as the God of Wealth. As long as you are careful to serve, their beautiful fairy days will be ushered in.

The fleet was stopped by an original village dozens of kilometers from the Sotu rainforest. On the hard brown land, there are more than 30 mushroom-like thatched wood houses. Before the camp was built, it was their temporary stop.

Hundreds of employees were new and somewhat unbelievable. Although they had been mentally prepared before going abroad, it would be very hard, but they did not expect it to be so hard. These mushroom-like thatched wood houses are not in front of the window, not even a door panel. Inside, I couldn’t see the light everywhere. There was only a layer of hay on the ground, and there were no furniture or daily necessities.

Complain to complain, hundreds of young employees are not a big girl, the environment will be good for a few nights, good life is also to rely on hands to create is not?

There are three people in a hut, and everyone has a good position to put the belongings in, not to be hot and sweaty, and to get into the pickup truck, heading towards the rolling mountain at the end of the field of vision.

The team finally stopped at the foot of the mountain for two kilometers, away from the radiation, and it was a yellow-brown hard land that could not be seen at the end. Just like countless ruined football occasions, flattening the ground, it is very suitable for building factories.

There is already a lot of material piled up on this land. These are the basic building materials purchased from another country. Just green plastic drum cement powder has tens of thousands of barrels. There are also various types of steel, such as mountains, and sand stones.

These were all soldiers of General Mopu, who were shipped in the early days.

“In the first step, we first drilled three or two deep wells to prepare for concrete mixing stations and domestic water.” After hundreds of employees gathered, metal experts shouted in the hot sun: “The mountains behind us are hidden. A huge rainforest, so the groundwater resources here must be very rich."

“The second step is to build a living area and a concrete mixing plant to prepare for the construction of a permanent airport.”

"What we want to build is a living area that can accommodate 1,000 people. Everyone is divided into five teams. The captain comes over to take the construction drawings, and then each team leads two hundred local workers to work."

"any questions?"

“No!” Hundreds of employees furiously roar!

Although they have gone through a day's journey, they came here from Huaxia, thousands of miles away. The long journey made them sour and tired, and now they feel a little more relaxed when they step on the ground. You can step on this ridiculously hot land, look at the building materials piled up on the ground, and look at the materials and equipment carried on the long queue.

The unique soil-building genes of Huaxia people are instantly activated by the current environment!

Nothing, right?

Is the African primitive tribe?

Let's have fun with the heavens and the earth, let this barren land see, what is the Chinese people who have the spirit of Yugong Yishan!

"Working, working, working!" The roar of hundreds of people, then aimed the impulsive eyes behind them, letting the black indigenous people not far away see the stunned.

When they are full, they can't stay up, because these employees rushed over and used Chinese and English to help them carry the goods on the car. Huaxia employees are divided into five teams. Each captain is proficient in English. There are also several English-speaking co-sponsors who follow the English translation instructions.

The first thing that was unloaded was the two trucks of pure water. These physically exhausted employees poured a bottle of pure water on each person, and after pouring a bottle, they became more energetic like plants after the rain.

The various labeled boxes were opened with a wrench, and one piece of equipment that the indigenous soldiers had seen before was taken out and assembled.

Among them, there are actually five desert camouflage ATVs that make this group of people drowning.

Watching the ten Chinese employees squatting with guns and squatting on the equipment, the two of them took the cool to the extreme, and even the front end equipped with a small self-rescue winch, the indigenous soldiers felt their soul. I also followed, just as the clouds in the sky did not turn back.

More surprising scenes are still behind...

When the logistics chief Buzz arrived with another team to transport the workers, the five ATVs had already circled a few kilometers and inserted a few bright red flags on the ground. Next to the small flag, dozens of employees took the locals and set up steel equipment like a crane.

On the open space, a huge power-generating vehicle with self-propelled capacity has erected four hydraulic support columns and began to roar the heavy-duty diesel engine for power generation.

A thick baby's arm is laid flat on the ground. At the end of one cable, there are already 20 employees, where they cut steel and weld awnings.

"God~" Buzz and thousands of local workers, the expression of surprise is like a sinister who saw the miraculous manifestation. How long has it been, how many hours have it been? How can a construction work be hot?

"Diesel?" A shouting scream, pulling Baz from the miracle back to reality.

"With a belt, a full 20 tons of diesel." Buzz quickly pointed to a new and not old fuel truck behind him. The fuel truck was the golden egg chicken under General Mopu’s men. The fuel supply of the entire Anu area was counted on that. Several refueling cars are going back and forth, which is a monopoly business.

Buzz is proficient in Chinese, and he is also a person who has seen the world and knows the construction plan of this site. So he looked around and didn't see Mr. Jin Liuhai. He smiled and asked the young Huaxia employee. "This little brother, I heard that you have to play deep wells. You can take the liberty and ask how many days you can take the deep well. type it out?"

"This is the case. Our city of Anute is also in a serious situation of water shortage. After you finish the well here, you are still tired of moving to the city and helping us to play two. This contract is there."

"Oh oh~ That tomorrow, we have to rest early today, everyone is too tired."

"You don't have to be so anxious, you should take care of us first." Baz tried to explain, and the Chinese employee ran out to work.

Seeing this scene, Buzz sighed in his heart, thinking that the people of the Anu SAR had to work hard for one-third of these people. They had already gone to the world and hanged the surrounding countries.

After confessing that the workers he brought were obeying the command, Buzz was kneeling on the side of an old truck tire, blocking the sun by trucks, drinking water while watching the workers who were busy with the red flag.

He knows that these people are drilling wells, who is the source of life. In the dry Anu district, water has risen to the point of strategic supplies. Water can control the water source, and it can firmly control the local people.

Therefore, Buzz hopes that these people will kick out the deep wells and then help them.

Unconsciously, Bartz, who was tired for a day, fell asleep.

When he blinked again, the sun in the sky had already circled him. Wiping the sweat, Buzz looked at the time on the watch, now it is six in the afternoon.

Just wanting to take the bottle of pure hydrolysis heat, Baz suddenly attracted the attention of the well-drilling team over there.

Under the golden sunlight, the crane-like machine actually hit the earth in the "bang ~ boom ~", every few minutes, pulled out a knotted drill pipe from the ground, and then moved to On one side, pour the mud from the drill bit.

After a few more minutes, Buzz suddenly heard the shouting of joy coming from there.


On that piece of equipment, suddenly a thick mud was sprayed into the sky.

After dozens of seconds, the mud turned into the white water, and the waterfall fell in the air.


At the moment, the black people who were working in the hot sun were on the scene. At this moment, everyone lost their work and screamed toward the well-drilling squad. They undressed as they ran, revealing a shiny black body.

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