Monster Factory

Chapter 800: : I hope that you will think twice before you go.

They are sitting in the corner, and in one of their eyes, one eye can't think about it.

The other eye is not bleeding.

This is a mercury bullet with a kinetic energy of only 90 joules. If an ordinary person comes, this kind of bullet hits the person. As long as it does not hit the key, it is estimated that dozens of hairs will not be able to trip a strong man in an instant.

However, the avengers with machine-like hands and ballistic computers can accurately deliver bullets smaller than the 22 munitions into the enemy's eye sockets.

The smaller volume gives it a stronger penetration.

This kind of special mercury bullet, which is more expensive than a high-precision sniper, enters from the eye socket, and the outer metal will break, allowing the mercury inside to plunder in the enemy's brain, not giving the enemy even 1 second. Struggling to react time.

With the skills of a hundred and a hundred, you don't need big kinetic energy and big caliber to pursue lethality.

In the dark, the Avengers robot jumped again in a building.

After a little incomprehensible, another soldier who was shrunk in the corner to watch the night was soft.

The defensive circle, which looks like an iron bucket, was pierced by the Avengers robot, and the soldiers who were inside the house were unaware of what happened on the top of the head.


In the cover, General Almon was now using a wired telephone to transfer an overseas call. The call was from France. General Almon gave a message to his woman in France and asked her to go to Bordeaux to find a small manor. If the war situation here has been unclear, he will retreat early and go to France to live a life of capitalist.

After explaining the matter and adjusting the situation, General Almon was reluctant to hang up.

"The feeling of money, it's so good!" General Almon took a deep breath, there is no smell of dollars, so that his heart feels empty.

At the same time, there is some feeling of excitement.

When I thought of being able to live a high life in a capitalist society, General Almon felt that all this was too much.

Then, General Almon seemed to hear a strange voice.

The sound came from outside the bunker and seemed to be like a broken glass. General Almon had just thought that his subordinates had carefully broken the bottles and cans in the building above, and the result was a sudden exclamation, which made him sit up from the chair in an instant.

The shelter he hid was located five meters underground in the private house. The passage is a narrow staircase, and now the explosion-proof door at the end of the passage is open, so General Almon can faintly hear the sound outside.

Outside the problem is a core defensive circle of more than 500 soldiers. Outside the defensive circle, it is a battlefield of tens of thousands of soldiers.


There have been changes in the earth.

A total of twelve personal guards were responsible for the safety of General Almon. They all stayed in the bunker, and six of the twelve men were squinting.

Then they watched a mysterious figure shrouded in a cloak and slammed in from the window.

I have to say that the six guards responded very well. In the first time when the glass broke, they touched the weapon from the side, and when they opened the bolt, they also issued an exclamation warning. After 5 seconds, the first early warning soldier suddenly suffered a lightning strike.

Several other soldiers stunned to see the companion suddenly shocked, and then the soul fell softly on the ground.

They shouted and tried to trigger the class.


After the Avengers landed, they swayed with one hand, and with the special weapons in their hands, the five guards shook their bodies one by one.

When the five guards fell, the house also followed a series of crispy gunshots of fried beans.

The other six guards who were resting were awakened, and their faces changed so much that they couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them. They raised the assault rifle and used an attitude that the guy had to die to empty the bullet in the magazine.

Unexpectedly fragmented, facing the dozens of bullets on the face, the Avengers robot stood still.

The bullets passed through the cloak, emitting a series of dazzling sparks and metal crisp sounds.

Some of the bullets also had a bounce because of the angle problem, and the headless flies were everywhere.

Two seconds later, the gunshots stopped!

The guards of the six armed rifles almost smashed their eyes to the rupture. What they saw, they saw that the intruder was all sparkling in the bullets, and saw the broken cloak, revealing the metal skin. They saw it, and the intruder slowly looked up and stared at them with a pair of weird red eyes.

The new clip is tied to the old clip and you only need to press the latch to replace the clip in two seconds to re-ignite.



"what is this……"

The six guards were mad, and they no longer wished for any orders. They dropped their guns and rushed out of the room like an antelope with a cheetah.

Outside, there are hundreds of their companions. With them, it will be safe.

The Avengers did not care about all this. He reopened the trench coat full of holes and inserted the pistol with a peculiar shape into the back.

He stepped forward and walked toward the deep corridor on the ground in the middle of the living room.


In the bunker, General Almon rushed to the front of the passage with the fastest speed in his life, and then slammed the blast door that could withstand large caliber machine gun attacks.

After doing all this, he rushed to the back of a file cabinet, pulled out the pistol for self-defense, and gasped with a big mouth.

"This is impossible... this can't, I have 500 guards, and I have just changed my hiding place in the afternoon. It is impossible for someone to find me." General Almon said to himself with mourning, "unless my subordinates have traitors, unless they Can buy all the guards here..."

"This is impossible, I don't believe it." At this moment, General Almon suddenly remembered the phone with General Mopu.

The sentence "You will die soon".


When General Almon reacted suddenly and rushed to his desk to grab the phone, the explosion-proof door was suddenly slammed outside.


General Almon’s hair was blown up at this moment, and the huge fear filled his mind.

"咄咄~" The knock on the door continues.

General Almon called for help, while he was pale and crazy: "I don't care who you are, but you have to know. You will kill me and you will die. There will be tens of thousands of people waiting to kill you outside. This explosion-proof door can withstand continuous shooting of heavy machine guns and can withstand grenade blasting."

"You can't get in, as long as you stay outside for dozens of seconds, my people will rush over and tear you into pieces."

"Hell, how can the phone not go out?"

A violent explosion completely interrupted his roar. The sound of the explosion came from the passage, accompanied by ground vibrations, and the sound of heavy objects landing. It seemed that the passage collapsed.

When the explosion returned to silence, General Almon could still hear a series of snoring and ak-specific gunshots.

Is it...

Is the enemy bombing the passage, preventing his men from coming to rescue?

This thought just rose, and the explosion-proof door suddenly remembered the dense arc whipping sound.

Under his unbelievable eyes, the phoenix door that he had high hopes and threatened to resist the continuous shooting of heavy machine guns, a point quickly turned red.

Just as the metal is ignited, the red dot turns into a hot white light in a blink of an eye, and then melts into a hot metal stream.

A half-human high ablation mark quickly appeared on the explosion-proof door. When the trace overlapped with the original point, General Almon saw the piece of cut iron plate crashing to the ground.

All hope, all sense of security, turned into dust after the explosion-proof door was destroyed.

General Almon became a sieve, watching a mysterious figure wearing a black cloak, coming in from the other side of the explosion-proof door.

His cloak was covered with bullet holes, his hands were metallic silver, his face was hidden under a piece of black cloth, revealing only a pair of eyes with strange red light.

"Ah!" General Almon subconsciously pulled the trigger and hit the bullets in the magazine in one go.

" is it..." Almon shouted.

"Now, perform revenge missions."

The Avengers’ icy voice made a sound. “The people in front were compared and confirmed to be General Almon.”

"Excuse me, General Almon, have you regretted the ransom of 100 million?"

"Ah~ please let me go, that 100 million dollars are in the warehouse. I regret, I regret very much, as long as you let me go, I promise that all 100 million dollars will be returned." General Almon sat on the ground, like a A timid soldier mourns and prays in front of the local commander without dignity.

He was terrified, and the chill came straight from the soles of his feet.

"Excuse me, if you give me a chance to come back again, would you still choose to detain the Chinese workers and extort the giant beast industry?" The voice of the Avengers robot is like the cold wind from the Sima Yala Mountain.

"No, no, no, if I come back, I am willing to use the highest reception etiquette to send the Chinese workers safely to the border."


Three sharp-edged blades, from the fingers of the Avengers robot, if the outside person sees this scene, will certainly exclaim that the robot is attached to the Wolverine.

"I beg you, please beg you..."

"I ~ is the Avengers of the giant beast industry."

"General Almon, in view of your participation in organizing a kidnapping campaign against Huaxia employees two days ago, and threatening the behemoth industry, asking for 100 million US dollars."

"So I am here to announce that today is the moment you pay the price."

"Please say the last words."

"No, kill me, you will die, I don't care what you are. You can't kill me. If you don't kill me, I will let the soldiers let you go..."

"The last words have been recorded. I hope that you will be the generals. Think twice before you go. Don't pretend that you don't presume."

After that, the Avengers raised their claws and turned them into a bolt of lightning, and rushed to General Almon, who was sitting on the ground.

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