Monster Factory

Chapter 902: : boiled water only

The nuclear power plant of the secret factory uses a pressurized water reactor of the same technology as the humpback whale.

The reactor power is amplified, and the fuel rod uses enriched uranium with a purity of 60%.

In industrial design, the proportion of a product is enlarged, and the difficulty involved is not on the drawing, and the details of each part become larger. The original industrial representative of Zhongyun City, Huaxing Heavy Industry, has made such a scorpion.

They changed the full set of drawings for 190 tons of mining trucks purchased from abroad to 240 tons. As a result, there are many problems and problems.

These problems are placed on mining trucks. It may be that the gearbox leaks oil. It may be that the brake interval becomes larger. It may be that the power system is not adjusted properly and the power consumption is increased.

Domestic cars or construction vehicles are all step by step to find out.

Can be placed on the nuclear power plant, these small problems, it may lead to a serious fatal nuclear leak.

The reactor of the humpback whale is drawn from a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with an output of 270,000 kilowatts. At present, the nuclear power plant used in the factory has a single-seat output power of twenty times.

This is not a problem that can be solved by a magnification of twenty times.

Just like a truck engine, fifty and five hundred engines are the same size, usually only two or three times.

In the same way as a nuclear reactor, the volume used in the factory has not grown much. The biggest change is the volume change of the internal fuel rod. The humpback whale is loaded with nuclear fuel weighing no more than three hundred kilograms, and it can run uninterrupted for twenty-six years.

The four nuclear reactors of the nuclear power plant have a total weight of nearly ten tons of nuclear fuel and a service life of only eight years.

On the one hand, the fuel rod used in the factory is only 60% pure, which is 30% less than the purity of the humpback whale. On the other hand, the plant nuclear power plant needs to heat more than one or two circuits of cooling water.

Only in this way can we provide enough power for the super-supercritical machine of the plant nuclear power plant.

For other nuclear power companies, dare to amplify the marine reactor to the nuclear power plant, waiting for a major nuclear accident. In exchange for the giant beast industry, there is no risk at all.

The core principle of the nuclear power plant has been thoroughly understood by the monsters. When building the marine reactor, Academician Liu Xuetao of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also provided a large number of commercial nuclear power plant technical information. The rest is nothing more than nuclear fuel rod shell material, pressure shell material, piping, and critical unit materials.

The importance of metal materials need not be said, but for the behemoth industry, it is the easiest to solve.


After the 30 monsters were in an orderly manner to debug the gas centrifugal unit, they were transferred to the secret factory behind the Sotu Rainforest to carry out nuclear power plant reactor installation.

In the secret factory, an underground “safety shell” with a higher safety standard than the opposite gas centrifuge plant has already been built.

All the excavation work was carried out by the angry miners. There are four reactors and ten ultra-supercritical generator sets in the huge “safety shell” deep underground. If Academician Liu Xuetao, one of the leaders of Huaxia Commercial Nuclear Power Plant, let this scene be seen.

He will be furious and will not hesitate to reprimand the behemoth industry and play [safe production].

In a pressure-resistant shell, only one reactor can be placed, and the generator set and the reactor are placed separately. This is the most basic industry hard rule. Otherwise, if there is any accident in one of the reactors, the other three reactors will not run and they will only be destroyed together.

The monsters don't care about these. All the accidents in the nuclear power plant, except for the irresistible cause of the tsunami earthquake, are all due to the negligence of the personnel and the strict observance of the operating rules.

This kind of thing does not happen here in the monster.

In the Soto rainforest, whether it is the management of the factory or the general Mopu who leads this place.

Everyone knows that there is a secret factory behind the rainforest.

The factory management, faintly aware of the secret factory, is specifically dealing with calcium uranium mica mine.

After the purification of calcium uranium mica is uranium, this mine is associated with the monazite mine producing rare earth metals, and there is a small amount of calcium uranium mica in the mining area of ​​the plant. Behind the more radiating rainforest, the amount of calcium uranium mica mines will only be more.

Of course, it can be guessed that the secret factory is mining calcium uranium mica, which does not affect the daily work of these management.

Mining calcium uranium mica is not illegal, and many foreign mining giants have such a business. Moreover, the primary purified product of calcium uranium mica [uranium ore powder] is itself an industrial product that can be supervised and circulated in the mineral market. The spot price is one kilogram and five hundred yuan.

Including many domestic ore collectors, they like to collect beautiful calcium uranium mica mine.

The ability to extract calcium uranium mica and purify uranium ore into enriched uranium is two concepts. Just like the iron ore mining in the ore field, there is no technology to make these iron ore into a car.

The uranium mining field behind the rainforest may be used for selling money after mining. Anyway, several projects of the giant beast industry have deep cooperation with the military system, and the relationship is very hard.

They just don't know that the gang of monsters have been daring to extract a lot of enriched uranium.

Of course, even if you know it, it is also a matter of state management.


The installation work lasted for two days, and Ye Qing also stayed in the factory for two days.

Ye Qing stood in the operation room of the radiation protection treatment. Through the lead-glass observation window, the monsters installed the four reactors in place, and then connected with the second-circuit cooling water in parallel with the ultra-supercritical unit.

Everything is ready, just put the fuel rod.

Ye Qing has been turning over these two days, and the academic materials provided by Academician Liu Xuetao to the giant beast industry.

The data shows that the most important step of a commercial nuclear power plant is the first placement of the fuel rod. Once the fuel rod is placed, the nuclear power plant will officially enter the working state. If the fuel is not released, the reactor will not stop working.

When it comes to the first start of all systems, the preparation work can not be overemphasized.

In the safety manual, more than 300 safety inspection procedures before start-up and 17 pipeline tests other than reactors are strictly marked.

The general process requires the use of all nuclear power plant staff for a one-month inspection test.

Ye Qing is flipping through the information. I don’t know when a fine master knocks into the door.

"The boss, the giant laborers have already brought in the fuel rods. We can put the fuel components into the reactor pressure shell."

“Is all the procedures checked?” Ye Qing turned over some of the data and simply pushed the information to the master.

"I just looked at it again, no problem." The master carefully flipped two pages and quickly threw it aside. "Boss, these materials don't need to be seen. Believe this, we might as well burn the anthracite."

"Then put it directly?"

"Yes." The master was very intimate, helping Ye Qing to put together the thick safety manual on the table.

"The boss, absolutely can't blow up."

"Well... let's put it, I will go out for a while, no problem for two hours, I will come in again."

After dozens of minutes, Ye Qing took the lord's battleship and rose up.

Next to the reactor, the master of the protective suit, like a screw, completely screwed a fuel rod into the fuel assembly.

The fuel rods are densely screwed into the assembly, like a pile of compact overall "firewood."

At the top of the reactor, the powerful and hard-working laborers are fixing one fuel assembly after another on the core drive rod below the pressure-resistant casing. After doing this, and then lock the pressure shell that is opened by the machine, everything will be fine.

Oh~ It’s still the last one, injecting a loop of cooling water.

Look at the primary circuit cooling water, under the heating of the core, quickly pull up the temperature.

The master master clapped his hands and gestured.

Boil boiling water only.

What is the essential difference between anthracite to burn and uranium enrichment?

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