Monster Factory

Chapter 961: : The only good news

There are not many time left for Ye Qing.

Before the battle started, the monsters cut off all the contact systems in the camp.

It is impossible for people who set up this secret camp to ignore the situation here. They are likely to keep in touch with the camp.

In the moment of communication interruption, they will subconsciously feel that something is wrong.

Within a minute, all the contacts in the camp could not be recovered, and that was definitely an accident.

The United States is stationed in the largest Bagry Air Force Base in Central Asia, only 500 kilometers away. The group of fighters stationed there, if the supersonics fly, can reach the canyon in twenty minutes.

The battle took less than four minutes. During the rest of the time, Ye Qing wanted to lead the monsters to clean the battlefield without leaving anything to reveal their identity.

In addition, the Banshee aircraft should also be dealt with. Ye Qing did not intend to take it away, nor would he be free to leave the wreckage to the enemy for research.

Several technicians and pilots, like the chickens, broke into the warehouse of the lord's battleship.

After being isolated from these irrelevant sights, Ye Qing recruited 20 talents in one breath. They are strong and strong, and they immediately begin to clean the battlefield.

In the five nighthawks, two of them were fired by the enemy and lost their flight capacity. One of them was also hit by a series of warhead rockets. The metal jets destroyed the internal parts of the aircraft, and even the value of maintenance was gone.

The Nighthawks originally wanted to be a trainer. Apart from glass bulletproof, the other parts are no different from ordinary helicopters.

If you increase the cost, it is very simple to make a bulletproof version.

But there is currently no such technology to defend against the tandem warheads that deal specifically with tank armor. After all, its armor-breaking ability is too abnormal. If it is on a homogeneous steel plate, it can penetrate a one-meter-thick steel plate. Nighthawk aircraft can't afford too much armor weight.

The giant laborers are cleaning the battlefield, and the masters and several metal experts come to the banshee aircraft.

The current banshee aircraft is already like an empty can that has been stepped on.

However, the damage of the four propellers of the aircraft was not too serious, and the plasma battery placed on the bottom layer was unscathed.

The four propellers have been torn by the maintenance arm of the main battleship, which needs to be taken away.

The master master took the person to cut open the inconvenient warehouse deck and exposed the plasma battery control management system.

Energy is conserved.

A compact aircraft capable of carrying dozens of tons of long-haul flights necessarily means that the energy density of the plasma battery is much higher than that of the existing technology. Just like coal, the higher the calorific value of coal, the more energy can be converted in the power plant.

The liquid inside the plasma battery is converted from a variety of rare metals. This plasmonic liquid is described on its technical drawings and is flammable.

Now the master is going to modify its control management system so that the energy modules connected in series by the standard plasma battery pack can be short-circuited at any time.

A short circuit of light is not enough. After cleaning the hard work of the battlefield, it is very intimate to collect all the remaining ammunition in the camp and bring it to the front of the Banshee aircraft.

瞧瞧 These special warfare players, the guys who piled up in the camp.

Point 50 heavy machine bullets, the remaining three thousand.

It can shoot five rounds of at4 tandem warhead rockets of one meter of homogeneous steel.

There are hundreds of offensive grenade and tens of thousands of general-purpose rifle bullets.

Six new types of stinger individual air defense missile launchers.

In addition to these, there are a lot of messy gadgets. For example, the whole box can be glued to the vehicle at any time, stuck to the outside of the building, and only need to be equipped with a detonator to bombard the plastic explosive.


"Will this be too much?" Standing in front of the banshee aircraft, Ye Qing had some scalp tingling, watching the masters go back and forth these "dangerous gadgets" under the wreckage of the aircraft.

"It's a bit too much." The master was busy, grinning.

"We are coming too hurriedly. Otherwise, from the side of Soto Rainforest, getting a bucket of enriched uranium with a purity of more than 60% is much simpler."


Taking away everything that can be carried, after 17 minutes, the lord battleship re-started.

Less than two minutes after the departure of the lord's warship, there were four f16 fighters in the sky in the southwest, rushing at the speed of thunder.

More than five hundred kilometers, they only took less than twenty minutes.

This shows that the four f16 fighters in the sky will be executed in advance. The pilot sits in the cockpit of the fighter plane, and the ready-to-fire fighter is parked on the edge of the runway. Once the order is received, it can fly into the sky within a few minutes.

After the four supersonic rushing fighters reached the top of the gorge, they immediately disengaged from the supersonic state and switched to low-altitude cruising.

They hovered over the canyon, and the reconnaissance pods hung below the fuselage also turned back and forth.

After a few minutes, the four f16s were divided into several directions, like a hound, searching back and forth within a few hundred kilometers.

"Firebird One reported that in the mission area, no vehicles were found and traces of personnel were present."

"The Firebird II report, at the exit of the canyon, only traces of the entry of our vehicles."

"Firebird No. 3 reported that the detector did not detect electromagnetic interference fluctuations. But the photoelectric reconnaissance equipment scanned the infrared spectrum of the canyon and analyzed that there were many suspected bullets hitting the rock in the canyon, and a small amount of metal jets. Residue of matter."

"Based on these data, I can speculate that there have been battles in the canyon twenty minutes to half an hour ago."

"The Firebird No. 4 report, above the gorge, has not found traces of UFOs, and the airborne radar shows normal."


In the communicator of the four fighters, it took a few tens of seconds to pass the apparently panting voice of the base commander.

"This is impossible."

"Twenty minutes ago, the liaison between the headquarters and the camp was continued. The soldiers in the camp reported everything was normal. After twenty minutes, the contact was suddenly interrupted. Including our passive individual positioning module and the anti-jamming satellite encryption communicator. They were all cut off in an instant."

"No one can kill this camp in twenty minutes. It is even more impossible to evacuate the canyon perfectly during this time.

"There are no traces now. Is it a soldier in the camp and a collective rebellion?"

This time, when it comes to the four fighters who are in silence, whoever dares to talk about this topic.

They don't know what tasks are being carried out in this camp, they can only report everything they find.

"Firebird III, please come close to see if there is a red UFO in the canyon."

"Roger that."

Soon a warplane traversed the gorge, and in a thrilling and no-throwing position, it swooped up against the cliff at the end of the canyon.

The pilot jumped his heart and quickly reported: "The wreckage of the suspected aircraft was found, the wreckage was mostly intact, and there were no signs of explosion."

The commander sighed, "This is probably the only good news."

Two hours later, three slaves, and two Black Hawk helicopters, landed in the canyon.

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