Monsters Through Movie

Chapter 161: Godzilla's Mutation

When the love between An Qi and Wen Hao was in full swing, the traces of monsters were excavated around the world. The government military tried to block the news, but Wen Hao could still obtain this information by his own means.

"Godzilla should be on the stage! Since it is coming to New York, Godzilla will definitely appear in this place!" Looking at the content of the intelligence, although most of them are catching the wind and catching the shadows, they also objectively interpret Godzilla's size huge.

"Hao, what's the matter?" An Qi looked like an octopus and grabbed Wenhao when he stared at the TV.

On the television, Albert Mayor ’s declaration of inauguration is being broadcast live. In this election, he won again with high votes and was re-elected as the mayor of New York City for two terms.

"Nothing!" Wen Hao kissed Angel's forehead, but his eyes looked at the picture on the TV. I saw thousands of citizens holding umbrellas and gathered on the square to support Albert as mayor.

"Thank you for coming here in such good weather. Four years ago people didn't believe that I could reduce crime, but I did it!" Albert's speech was very heartening and cheered on the spot.

However, at this moment, the onlookers in the square also seemed to realize that something was wrong, set aside the umbrella and looked at the sky. Drizzle is like silk, dripping into lines, watering the whole city, everything is still so quiet, which makes those who are uneasy wonder.

However, what happened next proves that their hunch is not groundless, the ground trembles violently, like a prelude to an earthquake. Under the tremor, everyone ’s minds follow, and New York is not in the volcanic earthquake zone, just happened , They are only a temporary illusion.

"Boom!" Before everyone could return, a more trembling tremor followed, accompanied by a hazy alarm, which made everyone turn around and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Boom!" The high-rise building that I saw was broken open, the stone chips flying across, and the dust was flying, the smoke was scattered, and I could not see the object. A moment later, a monster of hundreds of meters walked out of the broken building. With a low roar, the giant beast stepped forward, each step into the ground three points, and printed huge footprints on the wide streets.

In the face of the monster that appeared suddenly, everyone except panic or panic, everyone was so frightened that they turned around and ran, but the speed was far inferior to the monster.

"Rely!" Wen Hao scolded. I saw the introduction of the 1998 Godzilla movie before. Godzilla is only 90 feet tall and totals about 31 meters. But looking at the current Godzilla, it completely broke the routine. The floor behind it in the panic shot is at least a hundred meters tall.

"Hao, what shall we do?" Looking at this scene on TV, An Qi was uneasy, the scene was not far from here, and Wen Hao's house was on the top floor, and it would definitely be affected.

"It's okay, I'll say hello!" Wen Hao patted An Qi on the shoulder and signaled. With the live broadcast on TV, Wen Hao does not know Godzilla's specific attribute data, he needs to go and meet this monster for a while.

With that, Wen Hao opened the window, jumped down, and then transformed into a pterosaur, skimming in the direction of Godzilla.

"Ah !!!" An Qi of unknown reason screamed when Wenhao jumped the window, and immediately ran to the window, his head sticking out of the window, trying to search for Wenhao's trail.

It is a pity that under the tall building, there is no shadow of Wen Hao, and in the distance, a giant bird is flying across the sky, flapping its huge wings, a few ups and downs, and a long, hazy sky.

Godzilla ’s size is too large, and none of the monsters that Wenhao touched can be compared with the type. The height of King Kong and Tyrannosaurus is only a few meters. Not to mention, their size is not much larger than humans, and it is even useless.

The only blood beast of similar size is still half as small.

When he was on the road, Wen Hao was thinking of a way to complete the task. Within half a minute, he volleyed Godzilla's head, and Godzilla's attribute data also appeared in Wen Hao's eyes.

Name: Godzilla

Blood level: 5000

Strength level: 3000

Agility level: 300

Intelligence level: 1

Specialty: Tail whip, nuclear energy absorption, reinforced copper bone

Status: Urgent

Godzilla's statistics are not very good. Although the blood volume and strength are very high, the others are not worth mentioning.

Now Wen Hao, has not valued ordinary attribute data, the key is the specialty, a good specialty, can completely crush the general attribute data. And Godzilla's specialty, there is nothing worthy of attention, which makes Wen Hao feel a little relieved.

Pterosaurs circled for a week and landed on Godzilla's head steadily. Wen Hao instantly returned to human form and began gene collection.

"Discover the mutant species, the name Godzilla, did you read the duplicate gene?"


"During gene reading, the remaining time is 5 ... 4 ... 1!"

"In gene replication, the remaining time 5 ........ 4 ... 1!"

Relative to Godzilla, Wen Hao's body shape was like a drop in the sea, and was directly ignored. It was not until the pain in his body spread that he noticed Wen Hao's existence.

Unfortunately, Godzilla ’s attack is too simple, short claws, it is difficult to reach Wen Hao on his head, under severe pain, he wants to hit the wall, but the body is huge, and the corresponding movement range is also large. The gene collection has been completed.

"Fuck, so simple?" Wen Hao completed the task in the first ring easily, which was completely unexpected. He turned into a pterosaur and flew away, dived back into his room, and jumped into the window a moment ago. Transformed into a humanoid form, a follower fell steadily into the house.

"Hao! What the **** happened?" An Qi asked Mo Ran when she saw the changes in Wen Hao's body.

But at this time, behind him came a roar of shock, Wen Hao turned around and saw that Godzilla was like a madness, dying all the way, rushing in this direction, and Godzilla's attribute data changed greatly.

Name: Godzilla

Blood level: 10000

Strength level: 6000

Agility level: 600

Intelligence level: 0.5

Specialty: Tail Whip ~ ~ Nuclear energy absorption, reinforced copper bone

Status: Anger

Godzilla's main attributes doubled, and Wen Hao didn't know the reason, but he knew that, according to the direction of its progress, he must have come to himself, so he could not explain so much.

"We have to find a way to leave first!" Wen Hao calmly uttered his voice. In An Qi's surprised eyes, he transformed into Fengshen Pterosaur, his wings fluttered, and the wall was cut, and then his front claws twisted An Qi, at the other side. In the scream, he walked away.

Although Wen Hao left, Godzilla's pursuit did not stop there. Wherever Wen Hao went, where it chased was like a tarsal maggot, lingering, wanting to be hard, but he couldn't beat it and escaped, Can't get rid of it. As if satellite positioning was installed, Godzilla could always find Wen Hao's presence in the first place.

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