Move a Monster To Another World

Chapter 202: No refund

Throughout the ages, for tens of thousands of years, every new **** was born with a tragic war that surpassed the level of national warfare, often involving hundreds of thousands or millions of people. I don’t know how many people will die, even with the old gods. The fall, the death of a large number of legends, demigods, sons of gods, and saints.

The Divine Broken Mountains, and even the entire island of Atonement, are related to the war of the gods.

It is really difficult to reach the legendary level, but this world is much larger than the planet of Azeroth, and there are many more people. Even if the proportion is low, a large number of legends will be born, among which the more powerful ones, if If you are willing, you can participate in the struggle for faith, gather divine power and divinity, and finally consecrate the gods.

But do they dare?

As long as you dare to do that, you will be watched by the gods and by the church of gods.

To develop believers is to **** believers from other gods.

Whoever you rob is just having trouble with whoever you rob, it is no different from grabbing money directly from someone's pocket.

A god, a church of gods, even the weakest kind, is not easy to deal with. It is not something that ordinary legends are qualified to deal with, and demigods and saints may not be qualified.

Can a hundred legends who plan to become gods succeed in the end?


And Gawain, obviously inferior to the legend, dare to grab faith?

That is to say, on the island of Atonement, in such a special place, the church of the gods can't reach out, and is not interested in reaching out. After all, there are few people, and there are few believers to develop. Gao Wen is so unscrupulous.

If in other places, how could Gawain dare to establish the "Azeroth Church" so quickly?

Impatient to live?

Of course, Atonement Island is not absolutely safe.

Not to mention that this place is ultimately the territory of the Principality of Thousand Islands. If it is too much, it will arouse the vigilance of the Principality of Thousand Islands. If the "Church of Azeroth" is classified as a cult or something, Gao Wen will definitely face a terrible crisis by then, the Principality of Thousand Islands. The power of the whole country is not worse than that of some weak **** churches. Maybe they will be attracted to the Bright Church, the Dragon God Church, the Agricultural Church, etc. How can it be so easy to deal with?

Even if the Thousand Island Principality does not deal with Gao Wen, Atonement Island can block ordinary legends, nor can it block the existence of those high above the legendary throne, not to mention the churches of gods generally span several kingdoms, principalities, and even several empires. Which church does not have many sons, demigods, and saints?

The reason why nothing has happened up to now is that Gawain is cautious enough. Until now, no one knows the existence of the "Church of Azeroth" and does not know that they are fighting for faith-there are only dozens of believers, and they can Competing for faith?

Perhaps some natives who believe in shamanism will have more faith in the spirits of ancestors than the "Church of Azeroth", right?

Secondly, Gawain is too weak now, making a small fuss, and still unable to enter the eyes of the gods.

In the eyes of the gods, Gawain couldn't even count as an ant.

Unless it reaches the legendary level, unless the "Church of Azeroth" has tens of thousands of believers, and it has developed to the point where the gods are wary of it, they will not care about it.

Gawain will inevitably face a more terrible crisis in the future, the hostility of the church of the gods and even the gods themselves, but before that——

He had to pass the stage of Shiva incarnation first.

You have to pass the hurdle in front of you first.


Bang bang!

There was a continuous gunfire, and then there was a violent knock on the door.

Although Gawain promptly let the mechanical alien scorpion destroy the fire door switch, and broke the wire by the way, it is impossible to open the door directly with a button, and there is no way to open the door remotely, and the dwarf is not capable of opening the thick and heavy door. But they have weapons, such as cutting machines and drilling machines, as well as various mechanical structures, such as logging machines and stone crushers.

Those mechanical structures were the main force in the war three thousand years ago. Naturally, they were more numerous, more diverse, more powerful, and more destructive than the ones Gawain had encountered before.

Science and technology are the third productive forces (the gods are the first, magic is the second). With these high-tech constructs and weapons, the overall strength of the gnomes is really strong and difficult to deal with.

Don't forget that there are kobolds, who are good at digging holes, and some can drive mice. Thousands of mice swarm up and dig a big hole every minute. No wall can stop it. It was estimated that they did it three thousand years ago.

Therefore, trying to block these guys outside the door is not reliable at all and can only delay time.

"Gavin, we have to find a way to weaken the enemy's power!"

Lancelot stared at the fire door that was about to explode, in a bad mood: "There are more and more thawed gnomes and kobolds, and our pressure will increase!"

Gawain nodded.

Of course, we must find a way to weaken, the reason is not only what Lancelot said.

Don't forget, this is the lost machine city, the city of gnomes.

In terms of understanding of the lost city of machinery, who can compare to those dwarfs?

The stalkers of the "Divine Thief" organization can get in along the sewers and ventilation ducts, but can't dwarfs and kobolds?

The size of a kobold is not as good as a dwarf!

Moreover, the so-called "kobolds" actually sound a bit like dogs. If you look at their appearance, these gangsters with rat-like tails should be called "rat people". "Is a talented skill of others, the same as the "escape" of the dwarf and the "greedy for money" of the goblin.

"Attention everyone! Sarnos, Astalya, listen to all the sounds, especially the subtle ones, and don't let the dwarfs and kobolds get in through any troublesome pipes. Other people, now Prepare to retreat to the second door. Of course, let’s set off fireworks first!"

Gao Wen raised his hand, with a few cards in hand.

Then raised his hand, a few blew sheep appeared, all staying behind the door, how they looked like a happy family.

The second door opened and they retreated back to the dormitory area.

Suddenly, hearing a loud noise, the first fire door was knocked open, and a large group of mechanical structures rushed in.



A series of explosions sounded, all the self-detonating sheep exploded, and the smoke filled with gunpowder in an instant, the fire was everywhere, and the mechanical structures were blown to death, and the broken copper and iron were scattered on the ground.

The second door closed slowly, and Gawain shook his head slightly.

Little effect.

The number of blew sheep is too small, and the enemy's offensive is also very organized.

The mechanical structure rushing to the front is huge in size and strong in defense. It is specifically responsible for breaking the door. Then there are shield robots, mechanical diamonds, spellcaster nemesis, etc., which have strong defenses.

The dwarf and the kobold are further behind, standing further back and more scattered.

The self-detonated sheep exploded and did not cause much damage, and the enemy's loss was less than one-tenth, or even less.

Gao Wen also has no good solutions.

Speaking of the tactical level, if everyone here adds up, Lancelot may be the highest. However, Lancelot is actually a knight. Most of the combat experience is to stick to Gawain’s mother to take risks. I haven't been to a large battlefield a few times, and I won't let him take command.

Not to mention tactical literacy.

Maybe the smarter kobolds are more suitable for commanding operations than Lancelot.

any idea?

There is a shortage of talents, and we can only do things step by step and retreat step by step.

If it weren't for transforming into a gold card, and the direct summoning effect is not great, Shiva still has his hole cards before the appearance of the incarnation, Gawain really wants to summon "Edwin VanCleef" now.

This is the leader of the Defias Brotherhood, the founder of an organization of at least a few thousand people, and was once a high-ranking member of the MI7. In terms of tactical literacy alone, he is probably higher than Lancelot. Some.

The second door was quickly breached, and Gao Wen and others retreated to the warehouse area, and then continued to retreat to the machinery factory.

out on a limb.

Further on, is the Gear Hall.

Behind them is the last door.

With so many enemies in front of us, how should we deal with it?

"Millhouse! How long will it take to master the master control center? If you drag it on, there will be no chicken legs!"

Gawain yelled at the dwarf communicator in an urgent voice.

Because the situation is really urgent, it is about to face a life-and-death battle.

"I, I don't know either!"

Millhouse was aggrieved: Whether it can be done or not, it is not my final say!

I'm not an engineer. I have to rely on the Gear Master and the Craftsman Town Technician. Even if I don’t give them chicken legs, I shouldn’t give them. It’s my fault?

"Almost figured it out, give me ten more minutes, Master!" The voice of the craftsman town technician sounded.

Gao Wen pursed his mouth, then raised his staff: "Everyone is ready to... fight hard, never retreat!"

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