Move a Monster To Another World

Chapter 244: Divine right of kings?

   Gao Wen also got a valuable piece of information:

   Your Majesty the Great Kobold King, actually sent a special envoy!

   What’s more interesting is that those special envoys don’t have candles on their heads, and their eyes are still blue!

   "A believer in Shiva? You stretched out your hand so fast...Aren't you afraid of being cut off by me?"

   The kobold patriarch here doesn't seem to like the envoys.

   As for why they don't like it, ordinary kobolds with low status obviously don't know, but after synthesizing all the information obtained, Gawain quickly analyzed the result.

"The king's involvement in the internal affairs of the various tribes is to move from a slave society to a feudal society. It is estimated that the next step will be from a sub-feudal system to a centralized system. How can it not but arouse the resentment and even resistance of the major tribes? Especially the major tribes. The patriarch of, is equivalent to the original king of the mountain. The king doesn’t care much. Now he is under tighter control and his power is weakened. Can he be happy?"

   "The development of civilization is always accompanied by blood and killing, and it is gentler to proceed step by step. Is it really good to triple jump like this?"

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance!"

   "Kobold king is unlikely to have the brain and courage to change the tradition for thousands of years. This is a feat like a great man. Legendary emperors in history have no such ability. Among them, there must be the support of the believers of Shiva."

"The believers of Shiva may not be satisfied with simple missionary work. After all, the Ice God Church is already weak and needs rapid expansion. Atonement Island is a good place for me, and it is also a good place for the Ice God Church. If a hundred thousand kobolds The believers who have all transformed into Shiva can at least summon the real Shiva incarnation, right?"

   "So maybe it's not just a centralized system, but the monarch power!"

   "Boldly imagine... the kobold king should not be willing to change the ancient tradition. The main **** the kobold believes in is the kobold god. Unless... the kobold king has been coerced!"

   "This is... really interesting!"

   Gao Wen found that the situation was a bit complicated, and it also gave him new hope.

   Against a country, even the weakest principality must at least be a real power earl, or a legend capable of doing things.

Although Gawain’s strength and influence are advancing by leaps and bounds, to be honest, he is not as powerful as the Earl of Gold and Earl of White Dragon, and even less than the legend. After all, no legend is alone. Basically, he has a lot of entourage under his hand. , There are also very powerful forces, such as a big city of 100,000 people.


   The kobold kingdom is not a human kingdom after all, it's too far away.

According to incomplete statistics, there are four million people in the Thousand Islands Principality, which is comparable to some less powerful kingdoms, and this small kobold kingdom has only a mere 100,000 kobolds, not even comparable to Golden Island and White Dragon Island. Not as good as Harvest Island.

   It's too bad.

The second-class earls in the Principality of Thousand Islands, such as the earls around Yangfan Port, have a total population of almost 100,000. After all, a city with a decent scale has 20 to 30 thousand people, plus the surrounding towns, Villages and farms are not difficult to gather 100,000 people.

   The average combat effectiveness of kobolds is definitely not as good as that of humans, even if the proportion of professionals is higher, but the proportion of professionals above level 3 is too low, and the overall strength is still not good, far behind.

   The kobold kingdom is not the Principality of Thousand Islands. The king’s prestige and dominance are far inferior to the Duke of Thousand Islands. Now that he has to triple jump, it will inevitably lead to resistance.

   Throughout the ages, except for flower growers, that country dared to triple jump, step by step without following the law of social development?

   something will happen.

   Rat steals into the game and Shiva believers into the game, adding a bit more controversy.

   Gao Wen didn't want to eat a big fat man in one bite, but to take his time, share a piece of the pie, get over his mouth addiction, and then think of a way to swallow the entire kobold kingdom.

  Although Gao Wen does not have this kind of struggle experience, he has inherited the fine traditions of flower growers after all.

   Anyway, it's not a treacherous human being, but a kobold with a much lower IQ.

How difficult can    be?

   Gao Wen went all the way, thought all the way, and discussed and discussed with Lancelot and Van Cleef by the way, and fully combined the experience and wisdom of the earth, Azeroth and the world, and soon he had a set of struggle plans.

   Hans was frightened when he heard that, thinking that he knew so many secrets, the chance of surviving might be even lower, right?

   Hearing Samuro Fireblade's back chills, I thought that humans are indeed the most terrifying creatures in the world, even more terrifying than demons!

  The mine is complex.

   Even if there are indigenous kobolds who voluntarily surrendered along the way, it took Gawain two hours to pass through the huge Jinsha mine and came to a huge mine.

   This mine is much larger than all the mines I have seen before. It is as big as a football field. It seems to be the temporary residence of the kobolds. Those kobolds who are mining are likely to live here.

In the corner of    mine cave, piles of gold ore, piles of gold ore, made Gawain's eyes glow.

In different places around   , there are scattered piles of different items, such as tattered weapon armor, poorly crafted bench tables, and some ancient relics that look very old and exude the vicissitudes of history.

   There are food scraps and kobold dung everywhere on the ground.

   Kobolds are more edible than flower growers. They are veritable omnivorous animals, so miscellaneous and unbelievably miscellaneous.

   Simply put, eat everything.

   is not to eat everything when you are extremely hungry, but to eat everything at ordinary times.

  Animal carcasses, grass roots and bark...

   If you have anything to eat, eat soil if you have nothing.

   Therefore, kobolds have a short life span. Basically, they can only live about 30 years old. Only a very small number of long-lived people can live to 50 years old. They are rarer than centenarians in the human world and comparable to giant pandas.

   In addition to kobolds, there are many mice.

   There are groups of small mice, giant rats as big as pigs, and many moles.

   Kobolds have nothing to do with dogs. They should be called "rat people" because they have rat eyes and rat heads, and they are naturally able to drive mice.

   The mouse will make holes.

   Actually, the intricate passages in the kobold world are not mainly dug by kobolds, but driven by these rats.

   Gao Wen hadn't seen any mice before, and thought these kobolds had changed their habits, but unexpectedly all the mice were gathered here and digging holes!

  Although they can't dig rocks, they can dig the soil beside the rocks, so the rocks will be looser and easy to open, which is very helpful for mining.

   At the center of the mine there is a newly excavated mine tunnel with a lot of dirt around it.

   It was a forty-five-degree downward mine tunnel, and there were hundreds of kobolds guarding it, and even a simple camp was built. The lit candle illuminates the entire mine and also the mine tunnel.

   The mine tunnel is very wide, and sometimes kobolds push and pull the mine cart up to transport the ore.

   In addition to the widest mine tunnel, there are still many mine tunnels being excavated. Obviously the kobolds also know that one mine tunnel is not enough and ventilation is a problem. The kobold must breathe, otherwise it will suffocate.

   Don’t forget, burning candles consume oxygen too!

   Anyway, the oxygen content in the depths of the cave is very low, and Gawain feels very stuffy. If it weren't for the strongest adult humans now, he really couldn't bear it.

   Gao Wen roughly estimated that there are definitely more than a thousand rats here!

   Although most of them are ordinary rats, only a few giant rats are not difficult to deal with, but the number has reached the order of "thousands", which still gives Gawain a headache.

   The point is that it is a little scary.

   Fortunately, Gawain has no intensive phobia.

   "Fortunately, I am not here to kill the kobolds."

   Gawain looked at Hans and lowered his voice: "You remembered everything I told you before, right?"



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