Move a Monster To Another World

Chapter 276: The third level reward determined in advance

Chapter 277 Dog's head is fragile, fireworks are easy to cold

This is a complicated mine. Gawain didn't even see the boss. This was the first time in his life.

Is it a stalker boss?

No, it's not.

Gao Wen quickly discovered the anomaly.

There are many kobolds in the mine, some of whom have candles on their heads and backpacks on their backs.

Those are the "kobold digger", the advanced version of the kobold miner, which is basically the difference between the big and small workers on the construction site. Not only are they taller, they also have special equipment that ordinary kobold miners don't have.

These kobold diggers took out the red candles from their backpacks, buried them in the crevices of the rocks, bent their heads down, lit them with the candles on their heads, and then screamed, turned their heads and ran away while holding their heads, covering their ears.


The candle burned for a few seconds before exploding.

The fiery red wax oil splashed all over, like gorgeous syrup.

The rock was also broken, and part of the mine wall collapsed.

The kobold miners who followed immediately pushed the mine cart and screamed and rushed to mine.

After digging the ore and rocks, he hurriedly pushed the mine cart away, and then the kobold digger continued to blow up with candles.

This is a cyclical mining process. The main purpose is not to mine, but to excavate mining channels, so that it is more convenient to detect ores and veins, and it can also be more convenient to excavate.

The key is the candle in their backpack.

Those candles are obviously specially made "candle bombs". Although they are not as powerful as mines, they are not bad. The damage is at least equivalent to Tier 1. If it is a contact explosion, it must be more powerful.

And if all the candles explode at the same time, the power of the explosion is probably much more terrifying than landmines.

Gao Wen understands who the boss is in this level.

"Hamm the Road Builder?"

Looking at the vast number of kobolds in front of him, Gawain rubbed his temples with a headache.

There are too many, beyond his imagination.

If you fight hard, I am afraid that Gawain's spells will be exhausted, and he will not be able to kill half of it. Then he will be besieged by many kobolds and drowned in the ocean of People's War.

But it is not difficult to eliminate them. This level is not suitable for hard hitting, so you have to use your brain.

The biggest question is, where is the "roadbuilder Hamm"?

"Play a wave first!"

Gao Wen noticed that the kobold miners transported the blasted rocks away in batches. After all, they were blocked here, which would affect the traffic.

This gave Gawain an opportunity.

After a group of kobold miners left, there were only a few kobold miners left.

As for Gao Wen, a few kobold miners of rank 0 and rank 1 are obviously very easy to deal with.

Wearing an "cloak of invisibility," Gawain avoided the kobold miner and quickly approached the kobold digger.

Then find a perfect opportunity to stun with a hammer to prevent it from attacking itself with those annoying exploding candles.

Then, Gawain carried the warhammer, like an invisible ghost, and quickly hit the kobold miner's head with the hammer.

In less than 30 seconds, all kobold groups were destroyed.

This kind of mining tunnel, as long as the entrance and exit are blocked, no matter how many kobolds you are, you will not be able to escape the boring hammer of Gawain.

"A hammer in hand, I have a candle!"

Gawain became more proficient with the boring hammer, and he was very measured. So the ordinary kobold miners burst their heads, but the only kobold digger, but the head was not exploded, and he was quickly caught by Gawain. Wake up, and then Gawain and the kobold digger looked at each other, wiping out the sparks of friendly exchanges and spiritual communication between different races.

"Mind Vision!"



Kobolds are a race that runs away screaming and holding candles at every turn. They have relatively weak mental will. Among a hundred kobolds, there may not necessarily be a "spiritual horizon" that can exempt Gawain, and this is the same.

So it was easy. Gao Wen knew the answer he wanted through "intimidation", "inquiry", and "mind vision".

"Hamm, the roadbuilder, is the captain of the kobold digger? Not here? He will only appear if you kill all the kobold diggers? And before that, no one can find it? So I don’t even want to find it. it?"

New boss mechanism.

It is estimated that "Hamm the Road Builder" will not appear in this level before all the kobold diggers die!

Kobold digger is an elite level, not strong, almost like Tier 1, Tier 2, and there are not many Tier 2 appearances.

However, there are more than twenty, and they are scattered in different mines. It is not an easy task to kill them all, and it takes a lot of time.

As long as you do it, it will cause the kobolds to be alert, and then the other kobolds will get together. In this case, it will be very difficult to kill the kobold diggers.

After all, when the time comes, what you have to face is the vast army of kobolds. According to Gao Wen's estimation, there will be two to three hundred at least, and four to five hundred at most.

So many kobolds, although their average combat effectiveness is not strong, but if they want to use spells to kill them all, high-level mages can't stand it either;

If he wanted to kill them in close combat, Gao Wen estimated that his hands would lose his strength, his body would become dehydrated, and he would never be able to smash them with a boring hammer.

still have a question.

If you use a sneak attack to kill the kobold diggers instead of dealing with the kobold miners, when the "roadbuilder Hamm" appears, will you summon all the remaining kobolds to besiege?

I'm afraid, this is the difficulty of this level.

"So, this is a level for monster hunting?"

"Basically you can only kill all the kobolds before you can deal with the roadbuilder Hamm?"

"How do you feel, this boss is much harder than Elder Echinodermal?"

"Why didn't I read "On the Protracted War" by the great man in the first place?"

Gawain lowered his head, saw the backpack on the back of the kobold digger, and chuckled.

The heavy hammer fell and knocked the kobold digger under his feet into a stun. Gao Wen carried his backpack and left quietly.

For the next full hour, the entire mine was in panic.

One after another kobold diggers were knocked sap, and the backpacks and all the candles in the backpacks were snatched upright and quietly.

Then, those kobolds who were alone were smashed by invisible boring hammers one after another, and the all-colored Tianling Gai was attacked.

"Ghosts! Invisible ghosts! There is no break in the battle!"

"A living warhammer against the kobolds!"

"Behind the kobolds being smashed by the hammer, is it a stalker who is a part-time paladin or a paladin who is a part-time stalker?"

The kobolds were in a panic, an unprecedented panic.

Kobolds, like humans, are social creatures. Once they encounter indescribable weirdness, they will hug each other to keep warm.

So an hour later, the remaining two hundred kobolds hugged and gathered together, with a look of horror.

"I originally planned to deal with you in batches. Who knew that you had more than two hundred kobolds together to keep warm?"

"But it's cold underground, let's make you warmer!"


In silence, a bulging backpack appeared and threw it into the crowd of dog heads.

Then they were caught subconsciously.

Before the kobolds had time to react, a "flame shock" hit the backpack.


An explosion, brilliant fireworks.

I don't know how many kobolds were killed.

Among those kobolds, there are more than a dozen kobold diggers who also carry a large number of "explosive candles."

These hazards are also ignited by the explosion and then exploded.


Boom boom boom!

A "serial bombing case" wiped out more than two hundred kobolds, and the remaining ones were also buried by the collapsed mine.

Wearing an "cloak of invisibility", Gawain turned around and came to the place where he started, and then he raised the hammer and fell to death, killing the original kobold digger Is it coming? "

If he feels it, he looks at where he appeared when he first entered this level.

There, a kobold with a candle on his head, a backpack, a mine **** and a candle in his hand appeared.

The attribute is very high, as high as 5/6, which surpasses the "Kobold Brute". Although it is not a "master", it is really a master, "master of blasting", and "master of excavation".

Such a guy is naturally very difficult to deal with.

But for Gaowen, who had almost no mana consumption, it was nothing more than that.

A "flame shock" hit its backpack from behind it.

Then in a burst of brilliant fireworks, the picture freezes.


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