With the help of Gao Jin, he leaned on the hospital bed, looked at Wang Fa, and showed a victorious smile: "We finally officially meet, Wang Fa."

Because Tian Yangsheng was outside the door and did not come in, and Wang Fa was still wearing handcuffs, he had no doubts.

Wang Fa smiled and said, "It seems that Mr. Hong's operation was a success, congratulations."

He can still laugh! A gleam of light flashed in Hong Wengang's eyes: "Thanks to you, I am penniless now, I never thought that you, a mixed society, could make me so embarrassed, to be honest, I am really a little bit. I hate to kill you."

"Really you will let me go"


If Gao Jin killed Wang Fa directly, then he would kill him.

However, when he saw Wang Fa, he couldn't help but change his attention. The other party was able to play around with him, which showed that he was also a talent.


He listened to the report of his subordinates, the other party's power is not small, if he can absorb him into his subordinates.

Then, in the future, his business will definitely be better.

He didn't know how many young and bewildered boys there were in the club, he guessed, at least there were thousands of people.

In the name of physical examination, he could have Wang Fa collect the numbers of these people.

In the future, these are his "sources"

Anyway...for...Young and Dangerous.

They are just... a bunch of reckless men with their heads pinned to their belts, maybe one day they will be hacked to death in a fight, and the policemen rarely care about their lives.


This is definitely a wave of good resources.

Hong Wengang couldn't help but feel complacent about his whims, with a kind of humility and a sense of pointing the country.

"You are a smart person, you should understand what I mean, and you don't want to die, then you will become my dog ​​in the future."

Wang Fa pouted: "So, the person next to you... the person who caught me today is also your dog."

Hong Wengang changed his face and snorted: "At this time, you are still thinking about sowing discord, it is useless, I have a cooperative relationship with him, and I have saved his life before, yours... ...the trick is too low-level."

"Tricks are never low-level or low-level, only if they are easy to use or not.

Hong Wengang, do you think that changing a heart means that the whole world is yours?"

Hong Wengang laughed: "Young and Dangerous Boys are...Young and Dangerous Boys, they are in the world at every turn. It seems that the talks between us should have collapsed."

Wang Fa said lightly: "You want to kill me"

"Since you don't want to be my dog, I can only cook you."

"You're right, in fact, if you wanted to be my dog, I'd cook you too.

After all, your heart belongs to someone else, and although dog meat won't make it to the big feast, it still tastes good."

Courting death! Hong Wengang's eyes were full of murderous intentions: "You dug out my brother's heart, and today, I will also dug out your heart.

Gao Jin, kill him."

There was no movement.

Hong Wengang turned his head... and looked at Gao Jin in amazement.

The latter shot out suddenly.

only see.

A cold light flashed.

A dagger was firmly inserted into his heart like this.

Hong Wengang's eyes were full of disbelief.

I almost wondered if I was hallucinating.

Gao Jin is obviously his person, he has saved his life... However, the pain tells him that all this is true! "Why, why"

Hong Wengang was bleeding from his mouth.

With a slight movement of Wang Fa's wrist, the handcuffs were easily undone by him.

He walked up to Hong Wengang, looked down at him, and said indifferently: "Do you think that if you change your heart, you can live longer, it's useless, the King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, and will not keep you until the fifth watch. "

"you you......"

Hong Wengang narrowed his eyes.

Why did I put so much effort into this, and finally changed my heart. I thought that my life could start a new chapter, but who knows, it just ended like this.

It shouldn't be like this! What he didn't expect was that Gao Jin would betray him. Before he died, he couldn't figure out how the other party did it.

Looking at Hong Wengang, who was staring at him, still losing his breath, Wang Fa looked indifferent.

Turn around and leave.

Leave a word.

"Clean up."

Not long after Wang Fa left, the doctor suddenly opened his eyes and saw a bloody knife in his hand. .

Then, Hong Wengang's men, who heard the movement, rushed in.

"well done."

Wang Fa looked at Gao Jin in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction. The other party was indeed a prison warden. Not only could he be able to fight, but he was also pure and innocent.

However, he was a little hesitant about Gao Jin's departure or stay.

In the beginning, his idea was to keep Gao Jin by his side and form a pair of guardians with Tian Yang.

But if this is the case, Gao Jin's identity is a little blind.

After all, he is not the same as Tian Yangsheng.

Tian Yangsheng is a ronin who lives in no fixed place and is a home in the world. Gao Jin is still very powerful as a warden in Peiguo. It would be a waste of resources to let him give up everything before and follow himself.

This is not in the interest of maximization.

In the end, he decided to let Gao Jin return to the Peptide Country.

In Kongpree Central Prison, there are some very vicious people, many of whom are bigwigs of local associations. Gao Jin can use his identity, seize opportunities, create tricks, get these people out, and then cultivate them. With his own power, he gradually brought all the social forces of the entire Peptide Kingdom under his own banner! Although Wang Fa felt a little regretful about Gao Jin's departure, he did not regret it.

Suddenly, he moved in his heart, and through the rear window, he saw a woman wearing colorful clothes and a helmet, riding a scooter, running frantically on the road.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feifei

Chapter [-] Encounter with Ding Xiaojia

Wang Fa just saw her and only heard "Whoosh"

one sound.

She quickly rode over from the side, obviously a small pedal, it gave her the feeling of riding a motorcycle.

She doesn't take the non-motorized vehicle lanes, she just drills into the group of cars, making twists and turns, slipping like a loach.

It can be seen that her sensitivity is very high, that is... always shouting "Get out of the way"

, it feels like the butt is on fire.

This is the motor vehicle lane, and I don't know how she, who is riding an electric donkey, has the confidence to drive onto the motor vehicle lane, and let her have four wheels and let her have two wheels.

The whole traffic flow was messed up by her.


Several times, it was all perilous.

However, it was no wonder that she was so flustered, after all, there were two motorcycles behind her, and she was eating very hard.

Although he just glanced at it, Wang Fa somehow felt that the woman was a little familiar, but...for a while, he couldn't remember who she was.

However, he didn't take it to heart.

This is the world of movie fusion, so it is common for him to meet a few people who look familiar.


only hear "bang"

With a bang, a motorcycle couldn't brake enough, and it had a rear-end collision with a car, and then I saw that... a rider wearing a leather jacket and a helmet, flew out! This collision was not light.

He flew directly out of the distance of two cars, fluttered his teeth and claws in the air, then landed on the ground and rolled a few times.

Wang Fa was not surprised.

This is the Xiangjiang of this era, this kind of thing happens almost every day, not to mention rear-ending a motorcycle, and occasionally you can see someone chasing someone on the street and slashing.

However, such cases are, after all, rare.

The whole environment tends to be stable, at least on the surface. Generally speaking, there is no deep hatred and hatred, and you will not do this kind of thing in public, because if you are caught, it will be dealt with severely.


Wang Fa's car surpassed the small pedal.

"Get out of the way."


Facts have proved that although a small ship is easy to turn around, if one is not good, it is easy to hit a huge ship, and then the ship will be destroyed.


The woman riding the pedals did not get rid of the fate of the crash, and flew out directly. After rolling a few times on the ground, she just rolled in front of a car that was parked at the intersection and waiting for the traffic light.

Ignoring the pain, she glanced at the motorcycle behind, which was about to catch up, and then at the traffic light.


Quickly opened the door of the back seat of the car and got in.

At this time, the signal light also changed from red to green.


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