This made Liu Jiehui a little unhappy, so he didn't answer, just looked at Lu Minghua silently.

Of course, he also has another meaning in it: he wants to see what the other party's attitude towards this matter.

Lu Minghua didn't get a response, he quickly knew what the other party was thinking, and continued: "I believe that intelligence is the key to success or failure for all operations.

If there is any information within your power that you cannot see, you can ask me."

Liu Jiehui's eyes narrowed.

Lu Minghua said this, it means that he has the same views on the Cold War as he does.

So, instead of being silent, he said, "I have reason to believe that this kidnapping incident is related to Li Wenbin and his son. I would like to see his character assessment and background check in the Executive Council."

Without any hesitation, Lu Minghua agreed to Liu Jiehui: "In an hour, I will give you a copy."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

Lu Minghua looked at the subordinate he had taken a fancy to, and decided to help him again, because he felt that the shivering action was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and ending it as soon as possible would be good for him and himself.

"Trust your own judgment.

In extraordinary times, in extraordinary ways.”

Liu Jiehui nodded: "I understand what you mean."

Dong dong dong! Just then, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Chapter 2: The Experienced Ten Times Li Sir [3/[-]]

The knock on the door was a little hurried, and it was obvious that something big had happened.

Liu Jiehui came out to take a look, and found that besides... a few people brought by Lu Minghua, Luo Peiquan was standing at the door.

Luo Peiquan looked solemn: "Liu, there is a cardboard box at the door. I suspect it was put there by a gangster."

Lu Minghua said to Liu Jiehui: "You go first, I'm leaving."

Liu Jiehui did not send each other.

Although it is a relationship between superiors and subordinates, Liu Jiehui did not act like licking a dog.

He was able to sit in this position, although Lu Minghua helped him, but he couldn't do without his own ability.

At his level, licking a dog will only lower his grade and style.

The reason why he can get Lu Minghua's support is because he is useful to him. The three divisions and thirteen bureaus, although the director is greater than the director, but as the director of the security bureau, Lu Minghua's power and prestige are not lower than the third division.

Liu Jiehui knew that Lu Minghua was not just content with the position of director.

As the most important part of his plan, he will definitely try to protect himself, which is why he took the initiative to come over today.

"How is the situation now"

Liu Jiehui asked.

"Xu is working downstairs."

Liu Jiehui paused, did not go downstairs, but returned to his office.

"I know, you go do your work first."

Return to the Deputy Director's Office.

Liu Jiehui poured himself a cup of coffee.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

He turned his hand, and then a man wearing glasses appeared at the door. It was Kwong Chi-li. He looked at Liu Jiehui, and there was not much respect in his tone: "Look for me."

"Come in."

Liu Jiehui poured an extra cup and handed it over: "Coffee."


This was the coffee poured by the deputy director, Kuang Zhili took it and didn't drink it, because he knew that the other party didn't ask him to drink coffee.


Kwong Chi Li sat on the sofa, put the cup on the glass coffee table, leaned back, and crossed Erlang's legs.

This is a defensive posture. Obviously, he is wary of... Liu Jiehui, and at the same time expresses a mentality of not caring.

The two sides are not in the same department, and they have had a long history of grudges. Therefore, although Kwong Chi Li is only a senior police superintendent, he does not have much awe for... Liu Jiehui.

Even a little disgusted.

Liu Jiehui took all this in his eyes, leaning against the table with coffee in his hand: "Did you just ask something?"

Kwong Zhili just looked at the other party and did not answer.

He has nothing to do.

Liu Jiehui continued: "I passed the entrance, but I can't even get in at my level."

This is because I want the position of deputy director to press myself.

The first level of the official university crushes people to death, not to mention that the opponent is more than one level older than him.

Kwong Chi Li had no choice but to answer: "South Asians are... being used."

I could hear that there was an emotion in Kwong Zhili's tone, Liu Jiehui's eyes were deep, he took a sip of coffee, and said leisurely, "Mr. Lu came here just now.

If the prisoner had finished the trial earlier, you should have been able to see him."

Kwong Zhili's expression changed, Erlang's legs were put down, all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, he pursed his lips a few times, and pressed it with his hands, as if doing so could restrain the waves in his heart, his voice came from his fingers. From the cracks came out: "If you have something to say, just say it."

Liu Jiehui was very satisfied with Kwong Zhili's response and sighed in his heart. Even though he is now the Deputy Commissioner of Police, in order to intimidate a senior police superintendent, he has to bring out his backstage. However, Kwong Zhili is very important. Only this way can impress the other party: "I understand Li's current situation very well, but we are the management of the disciplined forces. Before making every decision, the role of the father can never take precedence over the identity of the police officer."

Kwong Zhili's heart moved: "I know Mr. Lu values ​​you very much, and there should be an agreement between you two."


"May I know"

I really can't see a rabbit but not a hawk.

Liu Jiehui nodded and vetoed: "But not now."

"it is good."

Kwong Zhili already knew what he wanted to know, and stood up from the sofa: "I don't think it's convenient for you to convey what you said just now, so I suggest you talk to my boss directly.

When I haven't been here."


Kwong Zhili walked to the door, as if thinking of something, turned around and said, "Actually, I like to drink latte."

The way is different and not conspiracy.

Open the door.

A figure appeared at the door.

Kuang Zhili was stunned for a moment, and passed by the other side.

Xu Yongji was a little puzzled as to why the action team appeared in Liu Jiehui's office, but he didn't think much, but walked in, closed the door, and took out a memory card.

This card was found in the box sent by the gangsters, along with it, and a cell phone with a phone number on it.

Liu Jiehui looked at the memory card, thought for a moment, and dialed the landline on the desk: "Come to my office."

at the same time.

Kwong Zhili was walking to his office, thinking about Liu Jiehui's intention to find him. Obviously, the other party wanted to turn against him. Although his immediate superior has extensive contacts, Liu Jiehui's backer is the Secretary of the Security Bureau.

Thinking like this, he approached the door of the office, just put his hand on it, then took it back, and then quickly walked to Li Wenbin's office.

"Head, Li passed me just now."

Sitting behind the desk and looking at the case, Li Wenbin, who was suspected of sorting out the case, raised his head, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, did not speak, just looked at Kwong Zhili.

Kwong Zhili then explained everything that happened in Liu Jiehui's office.

Li Wenbin leaned back, holding his arms, his eyes twinkling.

It seemed that Liu Jiehui was in a hurry and wanted to differentiate himself. He glanced at the clueless case on the table, pondered for a while... and said, "You can do what he says."

Kuang Zhili was stunned for a moment: "Li..."

Li Wenbin raised his hand: "You have been with me for so many years, I absolutely believe in your character and person, you go out first."

With the layout of the gangster last night, the only clue was broken, and the current gangster is smeared in his eyes, and he doesn't know what to do next.

Even if he has decades of experience in handling cases, there is nothing he can do.

Li Wenbin knew that Liu Jiehui would not sit still, but he didn't expect that he would put his hand on his own people. Is he trying to seize power? To remove himself as the acting director, he needs to prove that he has committed negligence, and at least five 55-level constitutional committees. Management's consent.

Since you want to dismiss me so much and take the initiative, then well, I will fulfill you!

Chapter 3 Level 3 Alert [[-]/[-]]

"How much is a stormtrooper, five 55s, plus the equipment on the car?"

Like the phone recording, the video in the memory card starts with the same sentence.

But this time I can see people.

There are four people in the video, three of them are wearing masks and can't see their faces. They should be gangsters. The other person is wearing a uniform with a black hood on his head.

"I'm running out of time. At three o'clock this afternoon, I'll contact you again."

After the gangster finished speaking, he walked up to the person in uniform and pulled off his headgear. It was Li Jiajun.

I saw him shouting at the camera: "Don't pay attention to him, don't come to save us, don't..."

The film came to an abrupt end.

Liu Jiehui turned his head somewhat still, glanced at Xu Yongji, his eyes swept across, and fell on a beautiful woman with shoulder-length hair sitting beside him.

This woman's name is Liang Ziwei, her English name is the director of the police force's public relations department, and she is the mouthpiece of the police force, responsible for disseminating the news of the police station to the outside world.

Liu Jiehui did not show this video to others, but called Liang Ziwei to watch it together, which of course had deep meaning.

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