"Morning, Li."

Li Wenbin just opened the door of the office, saw Liang Ziwei, and asked in doubt: "Is there any emergency to follow up?"

Liang Ziwei handed it over: "You want to read the title, if there is no problem, I will pass the Chinese and English manuscripts to you later."

Li Wenbin glanced at it: "Project 8 is not good, the chill is not over yet, I don't want to announce the state of emergency."

"I do not quite understand."

"I've made it very clear that I should say it all over again."

Liang Ziwei was immediately stimulated by Li Wenbin's arrogant attitude: "Just now you asked me to filter the news, Li, it seems that this has never been the power of the director."

Li Wenbin stopped and faced Liang Ziwei: "Wrong! I am more familiar with the police cases than you, and I definitely have this power."

"I have served two division chiefs in my tenure, and they have never made such demands on our department as you are now."

This sentence directly stirred up Li Wenbin's fire.

"That's because they don't know how to use it! I'll give you an order now. Projects eight to ten can't be released without my consent! Understand?"

Madd, how dare you yell at the old lady! Liang Ziwei served two chiefs in her tenure, but again, none of them were as annoying as Li Wenbin, she felt that Liu Jiehui was right, and now Li Wenbin is completely because of his son. Lost reason and normal judgment! You have the ability to give orders, why don't you have the ability to let others know! "The operation is not over, I agree to cooperate with you, but the emergency order, I will not help you keep it a secret."

Liang Ziwei said righteously: "Because every Xiangjiang resident has the right to know the safety factor of the place where they live!"

"If you don't withdraw your request, I won't leave."

Li Wenbin turned his head in awe, his eyes shot a dazzling light, he looked at Liang Ziwei and shouted, "Is the right to know of the citizens or the safety of the police more important now!"

"News is news, and safety is safety.

You want me to not follow the established procedures at all and only follow your instructions, this is the rule of man, not the rule of law!"

Li Wenbin was furious and threw the document in his hand to the ground. It was the first time anyone dared to contradict him in such a long time! At this moment, Liu Jiehui, Luo Peiquan, Xu Yongji, Kuang Zhili and his party brought some military uniforms. Hear the sound!

The 2rd Chapter Successfully Seized Power [3/[-]]

With the arrival of Liu Jiehui and his party, the whole office entered a tense atmosphere.

Li Wenbin glanced at him, his eyes were deep, he passed Kwong Zhili, and said lightly, "Are you implying that I am abusing my power?"

Liang Ziwei will definitely not admit this blatant accusation: "I didn't mean that."

"Do you know that I have the right to dismiss... your duties immediately?"

Liang Ziwei faced Li Wenbin directly, without any cowardice: "I know, and He has this power."

Speaking of which, it's also interesting. In Xiangjiang, it refers to the police officers at the bottom, and as long as the letters are reversed, they are the biggest police officers..., Chief of Police! It seems that Li Wenbin only saw Liu Jiehui and his party at this time. , turned around and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Liu Jiehui put his hands in his pockets: "I have something to discuss with you."

Li Wenbin glanced at it, walked directly to the table next to him, and dialed the landline: "Call me all who have two or more stars to come up, bring a gun, it's all!"

After calling, Li Wenbin walked up to Liu Jiehui, put his hands on his hips, and looked at him condescendingly.

This height difference makes Liu Jiehui very unhappy: "Li, I think you have gone too far this time."

Li Wenbin is tit for tat: "So bring a bunch of military uniforms to help me get rid of the fire."

Hold Cao! I feel like I'm going to work.

Although Luo Peiquan has not been in the headquarters for a long time, he has been a bad guy for so many years.

The confrontation between the two chiefs.

A rare occurrence in 100 years.

Liu Jiehui: "I didn't mean that."

"That was not what I meant"

Li Wenbin repeated it, looked back at Liang Ziwei, as sophisticated as him, how could he not know the reason behind today's incident: "The two of you have a very tacit understanding. Word of mouth is the same."

What's so special! Don't you know I'd be embarrassed to tell this in public? It's like we're cooperating with the inside and the outside.

Liu Jiehui took two steps towards Li Wenbin and strengthened his momentum: "Li, the assault vehicle was in the New Territories South, and the supervisor of the New Territories South should be responsible.

This is the headquarters, the division of labor between you and me has always been that the deputy director or even the acting director will not directly participate in the operation."

Li Wenbin said: "So, you also think that I am abusing my power"

There was a sound of footsteps.

But it was Li Wenbin's call just now that got a response, and a group of people with guns rushed up.

Abuse of power is a serious charge, especially when pointed out by a subordinate.

Of course Liu Jiehui will not admit it openly: "I understand your mood, but your mood affects your judgment!"

"I asked you yes or no"

Obviously, Li Wenbin did not intend to keep the other party from falling behind, "Yes!"

Liu Jiehui roared, the blue veins on his forehead burst out: "Li, the case is very serious, but objectively speaking, your response is too much."

In this way, the conflict between the management team represented by Liu Jiehui and the action team represented by Li Wenbin was brought to the surface with the case of hijacking the assault vehicle.

Li Wenbin took out his mobile phone and turned on the recording function, and Liu Jiehui on the opposite side followed the same process.

Because next, their conversations may become evidence in court! Li Wenbin once again exerted his power: "Liu Jiehui, you should also know that I don't need any reason, I can lift it now... you job.”

"I know."

Now that Liu Jiehui is here, he naturally counts everything possible: "But this power, we both have it."

"Just one sentence from you, plus these military uniforms, has already constituted the crime of insulting the superior, so accompany Liu out.

Last time, at Dangan Mountain in Tsingyi, Li Wenbin also told Kwong Chi-li to do the same thing to settle Liu Jiehui.

But this time, Kwong Zhili stood in the team behind Liu Jiehui and didn't move.


Li Wenbin shouted, turned his head and glanced, turned and said behind him: "Take them down."

A soldier wearing glasses in Liu Jiehui's team suddenly wanted to draw a gun and was stopped. Xu Yongji pushed him and scolded: "What are you doing, you are crazy, put away the gun and stand behind."

Nima! This is the headquarters of the policemen. The shooting incident here has a greater impact than the terrorist attack! However, when he made such a fuss, the whole scene turned from one-sided to a stalemate. Li Wenbin walked over to Liu Jiehui with his arms in his arms. In front of him, he pushed away the person standing in front of Liu Jiehui: "I have been a police officer for so long, and I have never seen such a scene. If it happened on the front line, it would be a war.

I am now the acting director, [-], Liu Jiehui, I am officially dismissing... your post."

Liu Jiehui's eyes narrowed, and naturally he would not be dismissed obediently. What's the matter, ordinary people would make a lot of trouble when they were dismissed. Besides, he was still a deputy director of the police department. If you hit it, you will collapse: "Li, it is the police force's rules. If you have relatives involved in the case, you must declare your interests and avoid suspicion."

Li Wenbin explained: "My command is not for my son."

Liu Jiehui: "Obviously you didn't do it this time.

It also proves that you have a problem in the judgment of Chill's actions."

Li Wenbin: "You are questioning my ability to work. Liu Jiehui: "I think objectively, you should surrender the power of commander-in-chief.

This is the best choice for the police force and for you."

Li Wenbin: "This time, the gangsters targeted our communication loopholes, and it was a terrorist attack."

Liu Jiehui: "If you don't agree, I'm sorry, Deputy Director Li Wenbin, I have ordered the public interest and safety regulations to temporarily terminate your position."

Li Wenbin: "Don't think that the Security Bureau will protect you, I will be afraid of you!"

"Are you trying to seize power, do you have enough votes?"

Although Li Wenbin had predicted what Liu Jiehui would do, after the real thing happened, he still couldn't help it.


Liang Ziwei said suddenly.

"What's up!"

Li Wenbin roared.

"The chief's phone.

He's looking for the commander-in-chief of Operation Cold War."

Li Wenbin was stunned for a moment, and while he was relieved, he was also a little unwilling. He looked at Liu Jiehui and said astringently, "It's what the director meant."

Sure enough, the people from the Security Bureau, including the current director, were all optimistic about Liu Jiehui! Li Wenbin turned around and looked up at the ceiling, but no one saw the cold light that flashed in his eyes.

Since then.

Liu Jiehui completed the power seizure of the acting director, and Li Wenbin also successfully threw the hot potato out.

Since Liu Jiehui can detect the suspicious points of the assault vehicle hijacking case, how could Li Wenbin not detect it? His son is a genius with an IQ of 190+, so how could he be easily kidnapped? There must be something he doesn't know about.

Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty-Four I Will Make You Meritorious [3/3]

After passing the emergency law and meeting the conditions, Liu Jiehui replaced Li Wenbin as the acting director and the commander-in-chief of Operation Cold War.

After taking the initiative, Liu Jiehui's first order was... to cancel all emergency state warnings. Second, in order to express his feedback to Luo Peiquan, the assistant director, for his support, he was appointed as the deputy commander of Operation Cold War. .

The other appointed deputy commander is Xu Yongji, who has always been close to him.

As for Kwong Zhili, although Liu Jiehui used it to disgust Li Wenbin, he did not completely remove the grind and kill the donkey, and included the other party in the list of Chilling Action.

"I'm hugging my thighs"

Luo Peiquan suddenly turned from a bystander to a participant. To be honest, he was still a little uncomfortable.

This case is obviously very tricky, and solving the case will not happen overnight. As Liu Jiehui said, it is likely to be a protracted battle.

However, as the deputy commander, if this case is solved, then he will definitely have his own credit in the credit book.

It's a combination of risk and opportunity.


The phone in his pocket vibrated.

Luo Peiquan glanced at Liu Jiehui, who was giving a speech on the stage. After the meeting was over, he went to the toilet for an excuse and took a look.

It didn't matter at this point, he felt that his breathing was almost stagnant.

The information was sent by Wang Fa anonymously.

"Follow Liu well, I'll let you make a contribution."

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