After all, the times are developing and progressing. Under the pressure of all parties, the soil for its survival will become smaller and smaller. It was precisely because Lin Kun realized this that he planned to follow the method suggested by Guan Li before. Get the money, then retreat.

Cha Chai is very pessimistic, he is not optimistic about the future of his line, he feels that within ten years, the Golden Triangle will become a tourist area, and he also advises Lin Kun to stop early.

It seems that, as a friend, this Cha guess is still worth making.

However, Lin Kun is a very ambitious person. He does not think that the so-called data analysis can decide everything. As long as someone sucks, their line will never be eliminated.

Chachai had the intention to retire, but it was because he was old, and he had the intention to retire, but because of his poor health, he was not allowed to continue running, otherwise, he could continue to do it.

Lin Kun said: "In our line of business, we must personally deal with the owner of the goods. First, if we have a good relationship, he can trust you, and the supply of goods will be guaranteed. Second, we will see the harvest and counter-offer with them. ...don't trust him completely."

Guan Li said, "Then why do you believe me?"

"I thought about it"

, Lin Kun replied: "On the 8th floor, only those who sell goods dare to jump, scoundrel, hum!"

Next, Lin Kun took Guan Li around the peptide country, doing their business and earning money 1.

Money laundering is also a problem.

Of course, it is more famous now, and the word of mouth is..., find them to launder money, absolutely safe, rest assured, and guaranteed.

Professional money laundering for [-] years, has not been caught by the police.

The sellers of goods are actually similar to the clerks. They are also divided into districts, East Kowloon, West Kowloon, New Territories, Tuen Mun and Hong Kong Island. Each district has different buyers, and they are scattered down one by one.

Lin Kun introduced Guan Li's regular customers from one district to another. In a few days, he introduced almost all of his regular customers.

Only at this moment did Guan Li realize what a huge network this is.

There is definitely a reason why Lin Kun could stand for so many years.

Speaking of which, it is really good to have money. Lin Kun donated a sum of money to a foreign hospital, and he has already queued up to go abroad for a kidney transplant next month.

"I'm checking and guessing the money there, and I think it's the capital I gave you. I wish you the best of luck and a great profit."

Lin Kun picked up the coffee and touched Guan Li.

8 US dollars, I will give it away...Lin Kun really took himself as a disciple.

Guan Li moved in his heart, picked up the cup, took a sip, and looked at Lin Kun with a complicated look.

The five hundred and seventieth chapter of Ali's choice [1]

Inside a cheap taxi.

Affin lay on the sofa like a puddle of mud.

She told Guan Li that this sofa was very comfortable, but it was a little out of tune with the environment of the whole room.

Some time ago, because of Guan Li's appearance, she originally thought that her life would improve a little.

These days, there are not many people like Guan Li who are sympathetic and willing to help others.

If she can catch it, her life will be much better than now.

It's a pity that everything has returned to the original point before she can go any further... Since the other party left that night, she has been hiding from her intentionally or unintentionally, and she can't see anyone for three days, which makes her Very distressed.

The days are back to their former shape.

The girl wants to study, but she doesn't have a serious job, and she doesn't have a fixed source of income, and even if she has money, she will exchange it for goods as soon as possible.

What do you get your kids to go to school with.

What made her feel most desperate was that her husband came to her door.

This, the man she shunned, just slammed the door and came in.

speak up.

A Fen's husband is also an illiterate gangster, and like her, he is a drug addict.

In the original play, A Fen talked about her smoking experience, saying that she was actually forced to smoke, and the purpose was to prove to her husband that addiction can be quit.

But, in the end, she got it, and couldn't get rid of it.

at this time.

In front of the table, A Fen's husband, a young man with steel teeth and black eye rims, who looks like a collapsed night owl, is fiddling with a syringe with an excitement that doesn't match his image.

He shook the syringe to blow out the air inside, and then impatiently tied his arm with tape, ready to inject himself.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Turning his head, he looked at A Fen lying on the sofa, like offering a treasure, and introduced: "Wife, this thing is amazing, try it."

Affin was like dead, not speaking, not answering, not blinking.

But A Fen's husband knew that if the other party didn't speak, it meant acquiescence. He rolled up the other party's sleeves, tied the belt for the other party like a professional nurse, and then patted the other side, patted and patted, his face covered Doubt: "Why don't the blood vessels swell?"

Although his technique is as sophisticated as a professional nurse, in fact, he does not know that if a person injects too much, the blood vessels will not appear like Affin.

From Affin's husband injecting his arm, and Affin's patting his arm without showing blood vessels, it can be seen that whoever sucks more also means who sucks earlier.

After all, this thing is not three meals a day, you can't stand it if you don't smoke it.

From this, it can be concluded that Affin was exposed to the goods earlier than his husband.

Her so-called reasons for smoking are all lies.

After a few more attempts, Affin never appeared on his arm.

Then, I heard Affin say: "Slap the neck."

A Fen's husband was stunned for a moment: "Wow, I'm very good at playing, I can't stand it."

The neck is the place closest to the head, there is no blood vessel in the middle as a buffer, and it is not for ordinary people to bear it all at once, and it feels irritating to think about it.

Efendao: "I'm more excited."

As A Fen's husband found out, there are not many places on her body that can be injected now, and the blue veins on her neck are barely the last position.

"let's hit."

A Fen's husband hesitated for a while, and finally stuck the needle in A Fen's neck and pushed the liquid inside.


At first, Afen let out a cry, but then her voice changed, full of pain, and then her whole body began to twitch, and then she foamed at the mouth, and her whole body went crazy similar.

The whole process lasted for about a minute and a half, and then she completely lost her movement.

When you die, your body is rigid.

... At this time, Guan Li did not know that the woman he had fantasized about was dead.

The corpse is being eaten by a group of rats.


He has almost completely accepted Lin Kun's contacts and influence. Next month, the other party will fly abroad. According to what he has inquired, the other party will not come back.

That is to say, in principle, starting from next month, he will replace Lin Kun as the new bookmaker:.

Originally, according to the policeman's requirements and goals, Lin Kun had to be arrested, and it was best to follow the path and pull out all the people behind him.

However, Wang Fa gave Guan Li another choice.

Guan Li looked at Lin Kun with gray hair, who would cover his kidneys from time to time, revealing a face of pain, and his heart was very entangled.

At that time, I was penniless, and the other party lent me money, so I had a place to live.

If you lose money in gambling, you are chased by loan sharks, and it is the other party who takes money to save yourself overnight.

...Although everything is fake, but the love is real, Guan Li knows that he has regarded Lin Kun as his brother.

Apart from his occupation, he does take care of himself with all his heart.

In Lao Guo's words..., a person, no matter how bad the outsiders say he is, but as long as he treats you well, you must remember his goodness.

People's hearts are all fleshy, and Guan Li is no exception. Besides, he is not a pure bad guy himself.


After thinking about it, he finally made a final decision.

..."you think about it"

"Think about it."

"it is good."

...on the endless sea, a yacht, sailing on the sea.


I saw that several marine police yachts were chasing them from behind, including speedboats and motorboats, apparently trying to intercept the yachts in front.

Next, there was a gun battle between the two sides, and the fighting was very fierce.

In the end, the yacht, without knowing what was hit, exploded with a bang and turned into pieces, including the people on board, who also died in such a violent explosion.

"Our station reported that there was a shootout in the waters of Dalong Bay. According to relevant police personnel, they were arresting a drug lord named Lin who was preparing to abscond. In the end, all the drug lords were killed. Regarding the further development of the case, our station Will continue to monitor..."

in the hotel.

Guan Li watched the news broadcast on the TV, then picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

And next to him, following him, was Lin Kun's sister-in-law.

The five hundred and seventy-first chapter revenge [2]

After some lingering, Lin Kun's sister-in-law left.

Guan Li lit a cigarette and smoked silently.

The Lin Kun family has already left Xiangjiang and are on their way abroad. I believe that they will land in a short time, and then take root and live there.

As for Lin Kun's sister-in-law, she stayed.

So, obviously, the news on TV was fake, and it was a game he asked Wang Fa to do in his name.

In fact, Lin Kun is not dead.

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