"You'd better not mess with him."

Yu Shuntian opened his mouth and said.

"Is he amazing?"

Feng Zhenguo didn't take it seriously, and then changed the conversation: "Chairman Yu, hello, you are so rich now, so don't embarrass us who ask for a living.

Your grandfather smokes opium, you go to Ying Lao, your father smokes powder, you go to Po Hao, what are you doing for me to make a living?"

Yu Shuntian said, "You swore to Uncle Nan that you wouldn't touch the goods."

Feng Zhenguo laughed when he heard the words, and the deep hatred in his eyes flashed, and raised his right hand with a metal prosthesis: "My finger was cut off because of Zhengxing, and this finger is because I did not do well. , deserves to be chopped down, this root"

Feng Zhenguo raised his middle finger, made a gesture of international approval, and said to Yu Shuntian: "This is because I have known each other for more than [-] years... Wrong, sorry, these three fingers of mine are all because of You, that's why you were cut down."

At the beginning, Feng Zhenguo had three fingers chopped off by Zhengxing because he was wrongly accused of selling fans in the market, and the executioner was Yu Shuntian.

If you don't ask, don't check, don't check, you just think it's your own doing.

He couldn't bear this grievance at all.

Therefore, when Yu Shuntian gave him the chopped finger, he didn't want it, and threw it into the trash can, because he wanted to remember this grievance, turn hatred into motivation, and fight back.

Good! Since you said I sell fans, I will sell them to you.

Not only do I want to sell, but I also want to be the biggest and strongest one...! "That's why I swore that I must do it and make it earth-shattering."

However, obviously, Yu Shuntian couldn't feel Feng Zhenguo's feelings: "I'll tell you right now, I'll chop whoever touches it."

"Wow, it's terrible to chop, you thought you were a mixed society, hey! You are now the king of wealth and high society..."

Yu Shuntian didn't stop his former brother from taking pictures of his clothes, but said, "I think that day, I shouldn't just cut off your fingers, but also cut off your tongue."

"You should think you are omnipotent"

Feng Zhenguo sneered: "Oh, by the way, does your wife know that you used to be in a club?"

The five hundred and ninetieth chapter pass kill [2]

Wang Fa did not enter Yu Shuntian's room. As the director of the Jockey Club, he had his own private room.

With his current status in the Jockey Club, even Gao Xu Libi has to give herself a bit of a thin face. After all, in addition to being a successful businessman, Wang Fa also has a strong community background.

After the little secretary entered the room, he was always puffed up.

Taking the blame for this kind of thing is really disgusting, obviously Wang Fa wanted to scold people, but in her name, this is clearly to trap her, an upright scoundrel.

However, she also dared not to speak out.

This is the first time Wang Fa has brought her out, which makes her feel that the relationship between herself and Wang Fa is getting closer and closer, and it is just around the corner to find out what the other party is doing.

Thinking about it this way, she suddenly didn't feel so angry anymore.

"The next game starts in five minutes."

With the voice of the female announcer on the radio.

Yu Shuntian took a deep breath, suppressed the violent emotions in his heart, and said to Feng Zhenguo: "Our game has begun, guess who will win"

"Yeah, our game has begun."

Feng Zhenguo has murderous intent in his eyes.

Watching Yu Shuntian push the door and enter.

At the beginning, if it wasn't for Uncle Nan misbelieving the slander, and if Yu Shuntian didn't remember his old feelings, he would not have gotten to where he is today.

After all, the friendship between them is not deep, and the friendship for more than [-] years has all been fed to dogs.

Horse racing, like ball games, has commentaries.

According to the previous record, the commentator is more optimistic about "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva"

, feel that his only opponent, only "a generation of arrogance"

, These two horses shined brightly in the jockey club, and both achieved a lot of good results.

But today's game is the first time.

Therefore, many people are more interested in this and bet a lot.

But I don't know, in today's competition, there is another horse that is ready to go, ready to show its glory in this new arena for it.

That is Wang Fa's horse.

Generally speaking, every horse owner will give his horse a louder name, and the name Wangfa gives his horse is just...following this principle.

With a bell, the game begins and the floodgates open.

"As soon as the gate opened, the one who stepped out was... [Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva], [very good at running] got up slowly, followed by the [gorilla king] and the [generation of Tianjiao], followed by... [Spart] [Jiang Lianwei], the two behind two horses are... the ones who are slow to run [very good at running] and [Gong Xi Fa Cai] are only eight 8 horses away from the first place. Bit..."

The narrator explained quickly.

It can be seen that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's momentum is relatively fierce, as soon as he appeared, he was ahead of the other horses.

Wang Fa's [Gong Xi Fa Cai] is the first time to participate in the competition, so it may be a little uncomfortable. At this moment, it is still in the last place. However, after all, it has a pure and noble blood and quickly adapted to the scene. environment, and then keep rushing forward.

"For the time being, the first place is [Earth], followed by [King of Gorillas] and [Generation of Tianjiao] who are looking for cover... Okay, now turn to the corner, [Ksitigarbha] a horse A... ah, the last [Gong Xi Fa Cai] suddenly exerted strength, surpassing [very good at running] [Spartan] [Jianwei], and [Generation Tianjiao]..."

The narrator's voice suddenly became excited.

He also thought that [Gong Xi Fa Cai], who was at the bottom, would burst out suddenly, showing a great strength that stunned everyone.

"[Gong Xi Fa Cai] is still accelerating, very powerful, as soon as it enters the straight road, [Gong Xi Fa Cai] is just like installing a motor, surpassing [Generation Tianjiao], and catching up with the front [Ksitigarbha], it has passed, The first to cross the line was [Gong Xi Fa Cai], who won half a horse..."

Originally thought that [Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva] would be the first place, but who knows, there was a big upset, and the final result of [Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva] was not the first, but the third, and finally [Generation Tianjiao] surpassed it! In the room, Feng Zhenguo was furious, he lost to [Gong Xi Fa Cai], he didn't expect, he even lost to [A generation of Tianjiao], he picked up the chair and faced the table... The two beauties he brought shivered.


Feng Zhenguo took out his mobile phone and made a call.

[Gong Xi Fa Cai] It won the first battle and won the first place. As the first battle, it is undoubtedly a battle to become famous.

Wang Fa took Ding Xiaojia to take a photo.


Yu Shuntian exclaimed.

It was originally a contest between him and Feng Zhenguo. Unexpectedly, the other party finally won the victory. This is something no one thought of.

There was a big cold, this game, it can be said that the horse club can be said to be a total kill.

Wang Fa touched the fur of [Gong Xi Fa Cai] and said with a smile: "It is also the first time it has participated in the competition. It is really amazing that it can achieve such results."

Yu Shuntian followed with a smile.

Suddenly, a man came from outside and said something in Yu Shuntian's ear.

The latter's smiling face suddenly turned gloomy, then he said something to his wife and left.

Wang Fa's heart moved.

No accident, it should be that Feng Zhenguo couldn't accept that his [Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva] was overtaken by [a generation of Tianjiao], so he did tricks in private and chopped off the horseshoe of [a generation of Tianjiao].

At the beginning, Yu Shuntian chopped off three of his fingers, but now, he chopped off the opponent's hooves, which is a tit for tat.

However, the grievances between the two will not end there.

Love will disappear, but hate will not.

...Although the horse's hoof of [Generation Tianjiao] was cut off by Feng Zhenguo, he was not reconciled, because he still lost the game.

Back at the slaughterhouse, he instructed his younger brother to check Wang Fa to see what the other party was doing, and he dared to go against him.

Then he put on a thick mink coat and went under the cold storage.

Here, there is a man hanging.

He was stripped clean, shivering in the cold storage, and his body was covered with criss-cross scars. Feng Zhenguo picked up the work of sharpening his knife while talking on the phone, and followed the other side a few times, hitting him straight. Call.

hang up the phone.

Feng Zhenguo replaced the sharpening stick in his hand with a pig-killing knife.

The man was frightened: "Brother Jizo, don't."

"If you say no, don't."

Feng Zhenguo raised his voice abruptly and roared, "Why do you want to fuck her?"

For... men, you can hit me or kill me, but you can't cut me with a knife, it's a matter of man's dignity, for... most men, it's the last line of defense.

The man begged for mercy with a crying voice: "Brother Jizo, it's none of my business, she seduced me first."

"very good!"

Feng Zhenguo took a few steps and looked under the platform, the woman who knew how to tremble, ordered to her subordinate: "Chop him into meat sauce for me and feed it to her, don't you like to seduce people, I'll let you eat it clean.”

"Brother Jizo, don't, Brother Jizo..."

Chapter 1 Talking about business with Yu Shuntian [[-]]

Yu Shuntian has a keen sense of business in business. His Shuntian Holdings has now become one of the more famous listed companies in Heung Kong. Moreover, in the past ten years, he has become the largest shareholder of the other two listed companies through mergers and acquisitions. , with assets over [-] billion.

To be able to achieve such a great achievement shows that this person is not simple. After all, he is different from Wang Fa, and he has no cheating.

However, to be honest, his wife is his cheater.

At the beginning, he was brought in by his wife, and he developed his life mentor into a wife, and Yu Shuntian was considered a winner in life.

It's just that good luck doesn't always revolve around one person, just like Luo Minsheng, so far, Yu Shuntian has no children or half daughters under his knees.

Although he worked hard and worked hard, nothing means nothing.

He was not discouraged because the fortune teller had told him that he would have a son.

But later, Yu Shuntian realized that his son was not his current one, but his former girlfriend.

At the beginning, he was still a gangster, leaving early and returning late every day, hacking people and collecting protection fees. In the end, his ex could not bear to leave him, but after leaving, she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, and this person is... The fortune teller speaks of his son.

Yu Shuntian was very happy to learn that he had a son, he didn't tell his wife about it, but secretly flew to the scrap aluminum bin by himself, intending to meet the father and son.

His biggest regret in his life is that he doesn't have a son. Now that he has a son, he feels that his life is almost perfect.

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