
The policeman scratched his head: "I want to get married."

Lin Zhengfeng hadn't spoken yet, but the female police officer sitting behind suddenly became unhappy: "Who are you marrying?"

The male police officer turned his head: "You."

The policewoman was stunned.

You and I got married, and I was the second one to know if there was such a thing. Besides, you haven't proposed yet.

The male police officer said, "Will you marry me?"

"What are you doing?"

The female police officer glanced at Lin Zhengfeng, a little embarrassed.

For a big event like marriage, shouldn't we find a formal occasion, and then light candles, flowers, or something, at least, with steak and red wine?

"I even have my wedding ring ready."


Although this scene looked very sweet, Lin Zhengfeng couldn't help interrupting: "Hey, I said you two, don't do this, it's unlucky."

Film theory, if you take out a photo before taking action, say that you miss your family and your wife, and give it a close-up, this person will definitely die.

At this moment, the action is about to be triggered, and as a result, his subordinates expressed that they want to get married, and they also made it very sweet. Lin Zhengfeng felt a little drum in his heart and secretly muttered, thinking that tonight's action might go wrong.

"Boss, there is a situation."

A voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Lin Zhengfeng's heart moved, immediately.

Pick up the binoculars and observe.

At this time, a few cars came across and parked opposite Abbas. No accident, it should be the delivery party. Then, it was... Inspection, veteran dealer: Lin Kun said that transaction is such a thing , you must wait for the goods to be inspected before you can transfer the money, otherwise, once you transfer early and the messenger comes, then even if the goods are not available, then the loss is yours.

On the contrary, as long as you don't give money before the inspection of the goods, you are disturbed by the police, and the goods are delivered, then you don't have to pay a dime.

All in all, if you pay money from generation to generation, then the goods are yours, and the loss is also borne by you.

Seeing that Abbas started to inspect the goods, Lin Zhengfeng held down the walkie-talkie and was about to announce the action.


A shot went off.

One of the traders fell to the ground.

Immediately, those... sellers were so frightened that they quickly picked up their weapons from the car and became alert.

Hold Cao! Who is the one who shoots, I haven't said the action yet.

However, the gun: all rang, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, Lin Zhengfeng immediately.

Announce action.

Then, the sirens blared loudly.

The police car rushed out and surrounded the ...... traffickers.

However, the gunshots continued.

The opponent is hiding in the dark, it should be a sniper.

With the intervention of the policeman, a group of unidentified people rushed out, all of them wearing masks, and they came in... collided, and a gun battle broke out.

Lin Zhengfeng's eyelids jumped.

It actually happened by accident.

He didn't understand, who were these people who suddenly appeared, and they were just... a violent burst of fire at these... traffickers.

Then, he actually grabbed the truck full of goods and drove away.

A good move, it just failed.

Even the undercover agent died.

..."Brother Tian, ​​things are done."

Yu Shuntian nodded, it seemed that the message Wang sent was quite accurate, since the other party had given sincerity, then it was up to him.

It's a battle between smart people.

Although Wang Fa has not given him the list of drug lords, but through this incident, the other party has proved his ability to himself.

"Okay, find a chance and send it to the poor guy."


Then, A Ming said another sentence, Yu Shuntian's complexion suddenly changed, and he said in a sonorous voice, "If you think of a way, no matter what, you have to get him out."

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Chapter 1 Giants Meeting [[-]]


The lights flickered, the gongs staggered, and the beauties danced.

Two fashionably dressed young men came in from outside, one of them was wearing a hat, with a beard and long hair, looking like an artist, while the other had a necklace around his neck, walking loose and showing In a hip-hop style.

From the outside, these two seem to be the kind of... little gangsters who just entered the business.

But in fact.

These two people have quite a background. One is called Cao Tai and the other is called Cao Ping. They are brothers. Outsiders call them Tai Ping brothers. cutting edge of the times.

The most despised is... the old-fashioned merchants like Lin Kun.

Of course, this can be seen from the way they dress.

After flirting with a wave of girls, they came to the inner package.

Here the field has been set up, there are groups of beauties, dressed very well, and there is a beautiful woman dancing in the cage, watching with canaries, or foreign breeds.

"Haha, there are many beauties here, all of them are beautiful."

The two brothers were not divided, and they hugged and hugged when they came up.

"you do not say."

"But I still think my sister is the prettiest."

As the owner of this place, my sister is in her thirties. She has dyed her spring hair and has a big wave. Because of her wealth, she is well maintained and her skin is particularly fair.

It is said that one white hides a hundred ugliness, not to mention that my sister is not ugly.

Strictly speaking, except...a little weaker in terms of age, but overall, she's the best in the room.

Taiping two brothers, one singing and one harmony, praised the sister a lot.

, The elder sister had a smile on her face, but she scolded the two brothers in her heart.

What is the charm of staying alive.

It means that the old lady is old and can't speak, so don't speak.

In order to prevent these two self-righteous guys from continuing to vomit ivory, the elder sister interrupted: "I heard that your two brothers Ou Zhou's mushrooms are selling well."

"Thanks to my sister, let's make a living."

"I heard that your domestic peptides are also good."

The elder sister originally got the goods from Lin Kun, but after the whole network of Lin Kun was taken down, she got on the eight-faced Buddha, that is, Zhang Ziwei. The current market can only be said to be good.

For..these....buyers, they still need a stable supply.

The reason why she called the Taiping brothers over today was because she had received information that Abbas's goods had been robbed, and it might have been blackmailing.

Besides...Tai Ping two brothers, she also called Jizo.

“Small, good entrance:.”

Taiping made an obscene gesture.

Sister frowned: "However, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to do in the future. On the one hand, I have to guard against the bad guys, and on the other hand, I also need to guard against some people being black and black."

What she said was clearly...meaning.

Cao Ping sat up and looked at his elder sister: "You mean about Abbas?"

At this moment, a beautiful woman came over and said, "Sister, Brother Jizo is here."

While speaking, Feng Zhenguo walked outside with a cigar in his mouth. Since Yu Shuntian cut off three fingers more than ten years ago, he has completely let go of himself. Apart from...selling goods, he is the best Love is a woman.

The Taiping brothers spent a cent from the door to the inner package.

And he came over for a full minute.

This is also the reason why he is late.

"come so late"

Feng Zhenguo spread his hands and looked cynical: "I came as soon as I received your news, who made your girl so beautiful."

As soon as I opened my mouth, it was... 1 "Sit down."

Sister greeted.

Then he ordered the girls: "You go out."

In an instant, these.... the drinkers, the dancers, all went outside.

Feng Zhenguo was suddenly unhappy: "Where are you going?"

The elder sister explained: "After talking about the serious business, let them in."

"Hey, they're... serious business.

Look how serious they are."

Feng Zhenguo reluctantly swept these beauties, and then sat down on the reserved seat on the sofa: "If you have something to say, tell me, I just saw a foreign girl, she is very beautiful, how about you? It's amazing, you can find this kind of stuff."

The sister choked.

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