Movie Master

Chapter 1018: Frequent upsets

Ten days, from the end of the Golden Globe Awards ceremony to the announcement of the Oscar nominations, in this short period of ten days, the nominations for the five major union awards in the United States were announced one after another. The agreement awards, the Denver Film Critics Association Awards, and the Georgia Film Critics Association Awards have all announced the nomination lists one after another. The bombardment is dazzling and overwhelming, and the amount of information is really beyond the ability to accept.

On the same day that the academy voted, the nominees for the Producers Guild of America Awards were announced.

The so-called Producers Guild, in simple terms, is equivalent to the Best Picture Award. Like the Directors Guild of America, the American Producers Guild Award and the Oscars are very well matched. In the past 18 awards, the results have only missed five times. , the correct rate exceeded two-thirds. However, in the past two years, the American Producers Union has continuously made wrong predictions. Unfortunately, "The Aviator" in 2004 and "Brokeback Mountain" in 2005 failed to reach the top of the Oscars. High profile.

But in the end, the Producers Union of America broke the shocking surprise. Five works including "Little Miss Sunshine", "The Departed", "Fury Road", "Dreamgirl" and "The Queen" successfully entered the final five, and the harvest nominate.

This also means that "Babel Tower" was out of the competition. Compared with "Letters from Iwo Jima", "Borat", and "Pan's Labyrinth", "Babel Tower" lost its nomination seat. This is the real cause of the uproar throughout North America. People can't tell whether it is "Dreamgirl" or "Queen" who squeezed out "Babel", but this is no longer important. What is important is that there is no "Babel" in the nomination list of the American Producers Guild. "s position.

People originally thought that the troika situation of "Babel Tower", "Infernal Walker" and "Fury Road" had been formed, but they did not expect that "Babel Tower" would lose the chain at the critical moment, and the overall advantage of the first group reappeared Accident. Not only is it a far cry from the results of the Golden Globes, but it's a strong continuation of the chaos of this year's awards season.

"Fury Road" missed out on the Writers Guild nomination, "Queen" lost the Directors Guild nomination—and the Screen Actors Guild's ensemble nomination, "Babel" lost the Producers Guild nomination, "Dreamgirls" Also lost the screenwriters union. Browsing through the list of nominations for the five major labor union awards, people suddenly found that the expected troika did not appear, and the leading ones for the time being were "The Departed Walker" and "Little Miss Sunshine". Lost at the Golden Globes, which…

The five major labor union awards in Hollywood are very important to the awards season, not only because they cover the five core links of the film industry, but also have a far-leading membership base, which is the main composition of the academy's judges. It can be said that the trend of the trade union awards will largely determine the ownership of the Oscars—of course, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, which have deviated from the list of winners for the past five consecutive years, chose to remain silent.

The chaos of this year's awards season has also continued to the five major union awards. Even the American Editors Guild Awards, which are the least popular, have three nominations for "Thriller Flight 93", "Thank You for Smoking" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". It seems a little surprising. Not to mention the bewildering slate of nominees from the Directors Guild and Producers Guild.

Nevertheless, amidst the turbulent information, some clues can still be glimpsed. For example, Clint Eastwood's Oscar road this year is really bumpy, although "Letters from Iwo Jima" has successfully harvested after its release. Praise, and even won the National Board of Review Award in one go, and once again justified the old cowboy's name, but the follow-up momentum has not kept pace.

For example, "Fury Road" has once again continued the model of universal love. Except for the script, it has risen in an all-round way. Overall, the momentum of the awards season is indeed unrivaled. Only "The Departed" can compete, especially the directors union and The affirmation of the producers' union is even more eye-catching—even "Fury Road", which is recognized as the weakest performance link in commercial works, has opened up a sweeping mode in the actors' union.

Another example is the rising momentum of "Dream Girl". After the outbreak of the Golden Globe Awards, it ushered in a wave of popularity across the board. In a trance, the momentum has surpassed "Chicago" a few years ago. The prospects for the Oscars are suddenly bullish.

For example, the status of the two independent films "The Queen" and "Little Miss Sunshine" has reversed. The momentum of the former has begun to slow down. Containment, especially the voices within the American Producers Union, shows that the possibility of overtaking "The Departed" to win the Oscar for best picture is increasing...

It's hard to imagine what happened in Hollywood in the past ten days, the exchange of interests, the exchange of favors, the change of power, the change of wind direction... not only the large film companies, but also the small and medium independent film companies Active; not only the public relations team of the nominated works, but all practitioners seem to have begun to actively participate; not only Hollywood, but even public opinion led by the media have begun to cast their attention and watch the show.

So, what will happen to the selection of the 6,000 judges in the academy? How did the 6,000 judges tick off the voting sheets, each decision could become a choice that could change the course of history, what did they think about "Fury Road", did they choose "Letters from Iwo Jima", what did they think How much recognition does "Babel" have, how many divisions they choose "The Departed", what is their attitude towards "The Queen" and "Little Miss Sunshine", do they agree with the film critics on "Pan's Labyrinth" Whether they are positive or negative about the future development of "Dreamgirls"...

Everyone has their own ideas. Even if the old academics of the academy try their best to use their personal influence and powerful contacts to change the direction of public opinion, it is still impossible to control the direction of each award with 100% accuracy. This is the principle of public relations in the academy. Charm, it is not uncommon for the weak to beat the strong; this is also the source of Oscar authority, reflecting the choices of more than 6,000 judges; " beat "Saving Private Ryan" just as jaw-droppingly.

The nomination list is the clarion call for this public relations battle to enter the decisive stage.

On January 26, 2007, the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the list of nominees for the 79th Oscars, which attracted global attention and was very lively, causing a lot of exclamations.

As the jewel of the crown, the best picture is always the top priority every year. It is not only a reward for the entire crew of a work, but also an affirmation for the production company and distribution company. The works of "Best Film" are irreplaceable honors. This year, of course, is no exception; or it should be said, this year is especially important.

"The Departed", "Fury Road", "Babel", "Little Miss Sunshine", "The Queen".

This is the nomination list for the 79th Oscar for Best Picture. The top five seats belong to their respective positions. After nearly three months of controversy, ups and downs, reversals and confrontations, the final list has finally been decided. Unpopularity is still the key word-

The mighty dark horse journey of "Dreamgirl" came to an abrupt end. Whether it was the Golden Globe Awards or the five major labor unions, this work sparked extensive discussions in just one month, but it still failed to break through the siege. Whether it is questioning or praise; whether it is opposition or support, at this moment the answer has been obtained: even though other associations are bustling and bustling, everything is superficial. Six thousand college judges voted at the critical moment , or choose another work. This reminds people of "Fury Road".

The "Fury Road" that gained power but didn't score any points has spanned the entire awards season, but has never been able to win more awards and recognition. It seems that the status of the "top seed" is not worthy of its name. However, the audience's feedback, the recognition of film critics, and professional opinions finally fermented the due effect, maintained the rhythm in the sprint stage, and successfully entered the competition for the finals. So, will "Fury Road" continue the momentum of winning nominations and missing out on awards, or will it really complete the Jedi counterattack and stand out in one fell swoop?

The two works "Babel" and "The Queen" narrowly won a place among the final five finalists. After all, the scuffle situation after the Golden Globe Awards still failed to fundamentally shake the foundation of the two works and the advantage of centralized voting. Or keep them till the end. After receiving nominations, this is the first start. Although the sprint in the second half is full of more variables, at least they have won the qualification for the final battle.

"The Departed Walker" was successfully shortlisted without any suspense, and it seems that it has risen to the number one seed in the awards season, and its momentum is unmatched. Relatively speaking, "Letters from Iwo Jima" failed to make a comeback after all. Warner Bros. painstakingly promoted the two works of "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima". It's really embarrassing to pass the gate of the finals. But on the other hand, Warner Bros.' public relations power will be concentrated on "The Departed", which must not be underestimated.

During the nomination stage, "Dream Girl" undoubtedly became the biggest loser. The overwhelming momentum was still limited by the mediocre quality of the finished product. The much-criticized narrative rhythm and plot thickness dragged back, and all the voices suddenly turned into bubbles and disappeared. On the contrary, Chaos Pictures became the biggest winner, five nominations gained two seats, overtook Paramount and Warner Bros. in one fell swoop, and became the leader in the final stage. For Chaos Pictures No matter whether they won the award or not, their rising momentum has gradually stabilized. As Hollywood's new seventh player, their confidence is not limited to Lance.

However, this is only the best picture. In other departments, the list of Oscar nominations has continued the trend of this year's award season, with both shock and joy, and the entire pattern has been completely reshuffled.

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