Movie Master

Chapter 1027: keep pace

Warner Bros. teaming up with Disney to develop DC Universe?

Lance raised his eyebrows involuntarily. This is really unprecedented news. It is hard to imagine what kind of earthquake the entire Hollywood will experience after these two giant crocodiles join forces. It is very likely that one of the six major film companies will also It is necessary to distinguish between the first group and the second group. Even though Lance was mentally prepared to face difficulties and changes, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression at this time.

"Are they crazy?" Gawain blurted out, even though he was a layman, he clearly knew how far-fetched this matter sounded.

Lance curled his lips, and couldn't help but nodded, "I think they are indeed crazy." The chain effect brought about by this kind of strong alliance is simply immeasurable. Not to mention Chaos Pictures, it is estimated that the other four major film companies will also Take action. Lance's gaze fell on Ian again, "So, which work are they going to start with? 'Superman'?"

Ian shook his head and chuckled, "It should still be in the negotiation stage. Neither Barry Meyer nor Robert Iger are easy to compromise. There is bound to be a tug-of-war between the two of them." DC Universe No one can estimate how much interest is involved in the whole project.

From the perspective of Warner Bros., they are tantamount to cutting out their flesh, and they have not recovered enough benefits. They will never compromise easily. This is also the reason why Barry rejected Chaos Pictures in the first place. Chaos Pictures is not enough in this level of negotiation. From Disney's point of view, they are taking risks to gamble on the future, how to measure the ratio of contribution and return, and how to measure the division of power and interests, they will never let go easily.

Projects at the level of DC Universe, with companies at the level of Warner Bros. and Disney, it's never easy to work together long-term, more likely with Universal Pictures, Paramount, Sony Pictures, and Marvel Entertainment Launch short-term cooperation or partial cooperation. It's not uncommon for a disagreement to break up.

"What's more, even if they have already negotiated, we have no way to get such inside information." Ian added, "It is estimated that the detailed information will not be released until the project is officially approved."

"Then how does this affect us?" Gawain immediately sensed the abnormality. Lance exchanged glances with Ian and Theo. I have an idea and want to confuse the water, then..." Gao Wen raised his head and looked at Lance, "They can get in touch with DC, and they can also get in touch with Marvel, can't they?"

Although the worry was delayed for a while, it finally appeared. Chaos Films lacks absolute strength, and in this Wall Street war, it is indeed at a disadvantage everywhere.

If Disney is determined to buy Marvel Entertainment, Chaos Pictures will not be able to compete at all. Even if they signed a cooperation agreement with Marvel for five works, Disney still has many choices, and they can buy out the cooperation agreement at one price. Let Chaos Films make movies for them, or abandon this part of the cooperation agreement, abandon these five works, and start a new stove to shoot the same series, and challenge Chaos Films head-on.

At that time, Chaos Pictures can only be dumb and eat coptis, unable to tell the pain.

"Insist on our pace, this is the correct approach." Theo was the first to react, and said, "Since Disney temporarily gave up Marvel and chose to cooperate with Warner to develop DC, this explains some problems. "For example, Disney still has doubts about the prospects of comic book adaptation movies, so it needs to share risks; another example, Disney encountered obstacles in the process of contacting Marvel; another example, Disney has just completed the acquisition of Pixar, and within a short period of time To complete the second acquisition, for Robert Iger, who has just taken office for more than a year, he must be cautious. This is the opportunity of Chaos Shadow Industry.

"What else did Disney's internal news say?" Theo didn't rush to draw conclusions, and looked at Ian again.

Ian shrugged his shoulders, "There is not much, I only know that Disney and Warner Bros. have been in contact for a while, but I don't know what stage it is now." It took nearly two years to acquire DreamWorks, but it fell short at the last moment and was cut off by Paramount; there was also Disney's proposal to acquire Pixar within just four months, and it was implemented quickly and neatly. These inside information are bound to not be so easy to inquire about. "I called my friends on Wall Street yesterday, and I'm still waiting for their reply." The major moves of these big companies can always capture clues, especially small details such as capital trends and personnel changes.

"Then we have to be prepared." Lance took over the conversation, "The acquisition was successful, but the acquisition failed." Then he was silent for a moment, and the recent huge information surged into his head. The attendance at Cannes, "Iron Man " and "The Incredible Hulk" schedule, the performance of "No Country for Old Men", the production of independent works, the film festival looking for suitable distribution targets, the establishment of the intellectual property department, the development of overseas markets, the acquisition of Marvel Entertainment...

As Theo said, Chaos Films does not have an advantage in this game. It is foreseeable that the actions of the six major film companies are definitely not just this one. Even if the cooperation between Warner Bros. and Disney fails, the next There will be other surprises as well. Therefore, what Chaos Shadow needs to do is risk assessment, steady pace, and sticking to the plan. If you feel uneasy because of a slight turmoil, Chaos Shadow Industry does not have enough ability and background to make such actions as sudden braking and sharp turns.

The acquisition of Marvel Entertainment is indeed the most important project of Chaos Films this year, but in fact, it is the production department and the distribution department that are already on track. Five independent works are expected to be put into production this year, and three have already confirmed their release dates This is the foundation of Chaos Films, a down-to-earth foundation. Even if the acquisition of Marvel Entertainment is completed, this work cannot slow down. After all, Chaos Pictures can only produce one or two popcorn commercial blockbusters a year at most, and other energies will be concentrated on independent works ;At the same time, this is also the part that the six major film companies cannot directly affect Chaos Films. On the contrary, it is very likely to become an advantageous project of Chaos Films.

"It seems that I really have to go to Cannes this year." Lance quickly realized that whether it is the influence of the Cannes Film Festival itself or the development of the European market, this is very important to Chaos Films , "How is the progress of the property rights department?"

"The copyright of the adaptation of 'Twilight' has basically been negotiated." After Ian returned to Los Angeles, he took over the construction of the property rights department. At present, the main funds of Chaos Films are still concentrated in the acquisition of Marvel Entertainment, so the start of the property rights department is very low-key. According to Lance's idea, they started with the copyright of juvenile novels, and continued to find novels suitable for adaptation.

The market for young adult fiction has not been fully tapped yet, and while "Harry Potter" has been a huge success, "The Chronicles of Narnia" has been a disastrous failure. The six major Hollywood film companies have been paying attention to the copyright of novel adaptations, but they have not spent much energy on the youth area. They are more focused on works such as "The Da Vinci Code", which gives Chaos Pictures more Activity space, more importantly, in the absence of competition in the adaptation copyright, the transaction amount is not high.

"Twilight", this is the first series Lance confessed to buy. "In addition, the 'Percy-Jackson' series and the 'Ender's Game' series are still under negotiation." Ian briefly reported on his recent work, "Our main energy is still concentrated on the CD sales market, 'Fury Road' 'The DVD has been contacted with the manufacturer and can be put into production. We hope that it will be released before April, before the influence of the Oscars has weakened. However, recently everyone in the circle has been discussing that the DVD format seems to be outdated. I think I heard that companies headed by Sony are promoting a disc format called Do you think we should release Blu-ray discs?"

"We also support Blu-ray. Do we need to join any camp? Sign a cooperation agreement or something?" Lance said bluntly that the future belongs to Blu-ray. It could not be better.

Ian was stunned, he didn't expect Lance's response to be so direct, "Why, have you seen this format of CD?"

"I've seen it." Gao Wen said aloud, "Sony, Samsung, and Panasonic are now promoting Blu-ray, and a Blu-ray alliance was established last year." Facing the suspicious eyes of Ian and Lance, Gao Wen Shrugging, "You know, many sports fans are also technology enthusiasts, advocating the most advanced technology. We occasionally chat about stereos, CDs and so on in the commentary room."

The three immediately chatted about details such as the clarity and resolution of Blu-ray discs. Most of the time, it was Gao Wen who spoke while Lance and Ian listened.

Ian rubbed his chin, nodded and said, "I'll discuss it with James later, find out the Blu-ray disc and have a look." How should we do the CD release of "Road"? Now the main force in the market is still DVD, but Blu-ray has begun to appear one after another. Should they switch to the Blu-ray camp completely, or should they release both formats? This needs to be discussed in detail.

"Ian, what is the market value of Marvel now? How much price do we need to win it? Can the short-seller's income meet expectations? Have you made an estimate?" Theo interrupted Ian's thoughts aloud.

Putting the matter of Blu-ray aside for the time being, Ian came back to his senses, and then looked at Lance with a bright smile, "I must say, Lance seems to be winning this gamble again."

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