Movie Master

Chapter 108: Please enter the urn

The atmosphere in the office seemed very depressing. Tucker Toure raised his head, looked at Ryan whose face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water, then looked at Jason Berkeley who was silent with his head down, and finally fell to When it came to George, who was still calm.

In fact, what Tucker wants to ask most is: What is George doing here? George is not a shareholder of Diorama Films, nor is he a staff member of Diorama Films. Now it is an internal meeting of the company. Don't you think it is against harmony for an outsider like George to appear here?

George seemed to be aware of Tucker's gaze, raised his head and smiled elegantly at Tucker, exuding the calmness of a superior, as if... like a politician. This made Tucker's heart skip a beat, and he gave George a dry laugh twice in embarrassment.

"This is an internal meeting of your company. I think it's better for me to leave." George still maintained his usual politeness, stood up and prepared to leave after speaking. This made Tucker's face change, and he was not sure whether it was better for George to stay or leave. Before he could think of an answer, Ryan stopped George, "You are tied to us now. On the chariot, what's the difference?"

Ryan glanced at George standing at the door, then rubbed his temples, "George now holds 5% of the company's shares." This sentence immediately made both Tucker and Jason look up, Tucker He opened his mouth to say something, but Ryan quickly stopped him, "Trust me, this is a good thing, not a bad thing. You all know George's connections, and the next "good night, good luck" will be put into the preliminary preparations. This is critical to the company's planning for the next two years."

"Ryan!" Jason couldn't help but said, "Good night, good luck" is Lance's script, which they all know clearly.

Ryan waved his hand, showing an impatient expression, "Now is not the time to talk about these things, we all know that the biggest problem is Lance. Back then we all thought that 'City of God' would not be a threat, but now... "Ryan got stuck at this point, he just felt so tight in his chest that he couldn't continue talking, and he couldn't find a place to vent his anger.

Jason and Tucker each had their own thoughts, but when they heard Ryan's words, they both fell silent for a while.

The 35% of the shares that Lance handed over at the beginning have not been divided up, because the three of them are discussing whether to introduce the support of venture capital companies or seek the participation of individual shareholders. In the past six months, they have been making two-handed preparations. On the one hand, they went to Silicon Valley to find suitable venture capital companies, and on the other hand, they looked for potential individual shareholders. However, neither Jason nor Tucker expected that George had joined Diorama Films quietly. Although 5% of the shares is not much, but... is George's joining really a good thing?

However, as Ryan said, they don't have time to think about these things now, and the rapid rise of Chaos Films is almost unprepared, which is the most important thing.

George's eyes paused for a moment on Jason and Tucker, and found that the two seemed to accept it in silence, then walked back to their seats and sat down. George looked left and right at the other three people in the room, but found that all three were silent and said nothing. This made George a little puzzled. He didn't understand why the three of them looked like they were facing an enemy when they mentioned Lance? If Lance is really that powerful, then it should be Lance sitting here, not them, right?

"The most important thing we need to do now is to get the release of 'Lost in Translation' done well." In the end, Ryan took the lead in recovering his composure, trying to sort out his chaotic thoughts. Focus Features believes that this work has the opportunity to hit several important awards such as best original screenplay, best director, and best actor. In the next week, we will hold two important previews in Los Angeles and New York, inviting those film critics People and senior producers came to watch, and once the promotion is launched, we will not allow any slack."

After all, Ryan has been in charge of Diorama Films for many years, and after regaining his composure, he also regained his sanity. Compared with the strong rise of Chaos Films, Diorama Films still has a huge advantage. Their own works continue to achieve excellent results, which is fundamental.

"There is also 'Elephant'." Jason raised his head and took up the conversation, saying that this work was hand-picked by Lance, and he paid great attention to it, and they will definitely not take it lightly. Is it just me going there alone?" "Elephant" chose to hold its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, and after participating in several small film festivals in Europe, it returned to the United States to land at the Toronto Film Festival, which they had previously discussed. distribution route.

"It's fine for you to go alone." Ryan nodded to confirm, "Tucker will go to New York next week. Apart from 'Lost in Translation', there are two other projects that need him to go there to discuss." After finishing speaking, Ryan couldn't help but He rubbed his throbbing temples, "No matter what, the work is the most important thing, we must ensure that the work is excellent! The company can continue to move forward."

After speaking, there was a brief silence in the office. Because usually at this point in time, when Lance stepped forward, the overall planning of the production part is in charge of Lance, they have become accustomed to Lance's guidance, and now a year is about to pass, and they still haven't been able to perfectly fit.

"Ahem." George's cough broke the embarrassing calm, everyone looked up at him, but George was not flustered, and said methodically, "Ryan, remember what I said last time A movie based on a myth? How is your investigation going?"

In George's view, Ryan's biggest shortcoming is conservatism, and conservatism is the most fatal loophole in the business world, especially for entrepreneurship, mediocrity is not what a start-up company should pursue. George originally thought that Ryan would take the initiative to bring up this matter, but he didn't expect him to be the go-between in the end.

"European mythology?" It was Tucker who answered, "I did some research, and Chaos Pictures has indeed been making small moves in the past few months. They have contacted Warner Bros., Disney, Paramount, and Sony successively. Disney The news I inquired there seems a little unreliable. It is said that Chaos Pictures wants to sign a long-term cooperation proposal with Disney, hoping to adapt European mythology. This is simply nonsense. We don’t know what adaptation resources Lance has. But isn't it?"

"That's not necessarily true." Tucker was about to continue, but was interrupted by George unexpectedly, "I heard that Disney is quite interested, and I heard that Chaos Films mentioned several works, and Robert Iger I think it is very valuable for adaptation. However, it seems that the right to adapt is not in the hands of Chaos Pictures, and it still needs to be acquired by Disney. The plan proposed by Lance was entrusted to them by Disney to produce it. Robert has shown a certain interest."

George's words made everyone silent. No one can forget the fact that "Pirates of the Caribbean" is infinitely close to cooperation.

Jason frowned, "Is your information accurate?" He still didn't quite trust George, and he and George couldn't even be considered friends.

George shrugged his shoulders with a noncommittal look, not intending to explain at all. This made Jason glance at George with some displeasure, and then at Tucker, hoping that Tucker could stand up and ask for confirmation, but Tucker was still immersed in his own thoughts and did not respond at all.

In the end, Ryan said aloud, "George's network is wider than we imagined. If he is not sure, he will definitely not talk about it." This is considered to be George's defense, but Ryan turned his head and asked. , "How much authenticity do you think? What is the possibility of this cooperation being negotiated?"

George folded his hands beside him, "News is always news. In Hollywood, there are no facts written in black and white. Who can guarantee that?" Ryan blocked Ryan back with one sentence, but his tone seemed to be aimed at Jason, Obviously, he was still somewhat dissatisfied with the question just now. George also ignored Jason's hesitant expression, and continued to speak directly, "However, now Disney is headed by Michael-Eisner (Michael-Eisner), not Robert Iger, so we can't say anything. allow."

But these words didn’t help everyone, the atmosphere still seemed a little stiff, and this George felt a little tight in his Although it’s a pity to miss "Pirates of the Caribbean", but the movie has not yet been released, and the movie will be released in June After the premiere, the success or failure is not yet known. Ryan, Tucker and Jason have already begun to assume themselves, which really makes George dumbfounded.

But George didn't intend to go any further. Even if he said something about psychological barriers, it wouldn't help. He might as well pretend he didn't know. He turned to look at Tucker, "What about the other news? Tucker."

"Other news? Oh... and Warner Brothers." Tucker was stunned when he heard his name, and then he came back to his senses, "We are more familiar with Warner, I inquired carefully, Lance did find They went to the production department and said that they wanted to adapt the ancient Greek mythology. They talked on the phone several times. But they refused to disclose the specific content. They only said that they would follow the route of "Gladiator", which might be an epic blockbuster. Warner The brothers are considering the feasibility."

"Warner Brothers." George repeated softly, tapping the table with his right index finger, lost in thought.

But the memory was awakened in Ryan's mind, "Do you think Lance will start to fight back?" This sentence made everyone look over, and the atmosphere tensed slightly, "I mean, he knows that we have a relationship with Warner Bros. Cooperation, so I want to intercept it halfway." The more Ryan thinks about it, the more likely it is, "Last time at the funeral, he sabotaged my conversation with Barry, otherwise 'Lost in Translation' could be a war between us and Warner Bros. A stepping stone for long-term cooperation."

"You mean Lance?" Jason seemed a little overwhelmed. The Lance he was familiar with was not this type of person. Why did it sound so The fastest and hottest serialized works are available at For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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