Movie Master

Chapter 148: cast a wide net

On September 18, 2003, a piece of news that had nothing to do with the entertainment industry sparked widespread discussion. {For the latest chapter, please go to: ww.We} "Le

Dr. Chris-de-Freitas, editor of the American academic journal Climate Research, has the audacity to publish an apolitical – but factual – peer-reviewed article that concludes: Recent warming is not anomalous if the climate change of the past millennium is the background.

Following the publication of the article, there was an uproar, and international global warmingists quickly launched an attack on Dr. de Freitas, demanding that he be revoked as an editor and university professor.

The World Meteorological Organization immediately announced relevant data. So far in 2003, many places around the world have ushered in the hottest summer in history. The highest temperature in the town of Grono, Switzerland reached 41.5 degrees Celsius, breaking the 139-year record; the temperature in London, England reached 38.1 degrees Celsius, breaking the record set in 1990; The lowest temperature in Paris at night was 25.5 degrees Celsius, which also broke the record since 1873; Highest local temperature records... The impact of the greenhouse effect has inevitably affected all parts of the world.

The British "Guardian" published a report on the economics of climate change, which shows that if the 2003 lifestyle continues, by 2100, there will be a 50% chance that the global temperature will rise by 4 degrees Celsius. Once the temperature rises, it will disrupt the lives of millions of people around the world, and even the global ecological balance, eventually leading to large-scale migration and conflicts around the world.

For a time, Chris De Freitas was like a mouse crossing the street, suffering almost all-round blows. The United States is even more noisy.

Major newspapers, including the "Wall Street Journal", "Los Angeles Times", and "Seattle Post" have discussed this matter. The issue of the greenhouse effect has once again become a focal point in this debate.

As the most influential newspaper in North America, the "New York Times" will naturally not miss it. However, the "New York Times" did not immediately express its views. But after a series of investigations, on October 18th. That is, a month after the controversy of Dr. Chris de Freitas temporarily retreated, a professional review was published under the headline "Is the Greenhouse Effect Really That Dangerous".

Judging from the title, this article written by Javier Ulliel actually defended Chris and sided with Chris, and the "New York Times" boldly published it, which really caused an uproar.

This article by Havel raises the skepticism. "The global climate has not shown a warming trend for more than a decade since the 1990s."

Climate scientist Kevin Trembers (Kevin-Treh) said, "The fact that we can't explain why there is no warming is undoubtedly an irony." However, Kevin also said that only in People can only say that the climate is not warming as expected if those computer models are believed.

In other words, the global climate is indeed warming, but computer models significantly exaggerate the effect of increasing carbon dioxide on climate warming. As stated in Chris's article: The current warming is a natural phenomenon that has developed over the past millennium. It is not caused by so-called greenhouse gas emissions.

After this article in the "New York Times" was published, it completely detonated the bomb.

Only real industry insiders know that many people have reaped huge benefits from the threat of climate change. It allows government funds to flow into relevant academic research projects and becomes a route for government to expand bureaucracy. This rhetoric is an excuse for governments to raise taxes to make taxpayers pay for corporate subsidies, and it is also a bait to attract huge donations to charitable foundations promising to save the planet. Furthermore, the greenhouse effect is still one of the important excuses used by Western countries to condemn and sanction China.

It is conceivable that a simple greenhouse effect involves too many interests. If Chris's journal article just triggered a series of conditioned reflexes, then the "New York Times" article directly hit the hornet's nest. The entire United States, and even the whole world, have been completely fried.

Starting on October 18th. From meteorologists to government officials in one week. From the World Meteorological Organization to the United Nations Committee on Meteorological Change, from North America to Africa, from Asia to South America, all have been closely discussed,

The "New York Times", which was in the eye of the storm, had to publish a continuation of the first report on October 24, also written by Havel, "Whose Interests Does the Greenhouse Effect Hit?"

In this article, Havel further analyzed the global greenhouse effect research. Different from the first report, Havel emphasized that the greenhouse effect is indeed affecting people's lives, which cannot be ignored. Havel cites research on the greenhouse effect sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation as evidence.

Adding to the crisis, the Amazon rainforest is disappearing, research says. Known as the lungs of the earth, the Amazon rainforest covers 5% of the earth's surface, produces 20% of the world's oxygen and 30% of biological species. In the past 40 years, 20% of them have disappeared. This will exacerbate global warming, and many creatures that can only live in the rainforest will also face the crisis of extinction.

But at the same time, Havel also said that the greenhouse effect must be given corresponding attention, but people blindly believe in the research of scientists and computer calculations, so that they blindly invest in the research of the greenhouse effect, but they do not know that they are growing the spread of corruption.

At this point in the topic, Javier changed the subject and directly pointed the finger at many foundations determined to "save the earth". The relevant funds of the foundations have not been invested in corresponding research, and at the same time, they have not been invested in saving the earth. in real action. Regardless of whether the development of the greenhouse effect is serious or not, sustainable development is an issue that must be taken seriously, and these foundations are consuming people's awareness of environmental protection.

After the New York Times commentary was published, the whole society was in an uproar. I have to admit that, as the largest newspaper in North America, the perspective and intention of "New York Times" are indeed eye-catching. Those foundations use people's awareness of environmental protection to seek benefits, corruption and bribery are growing irresistibly, and the actions to save the earth There is no time to wait, and these people are still risking the future of all mankind.

At the same time, Chris De Freitas also publicly stated that this was the original intention of his writing that article, because the 2004 presidential election was approaching, and the issue of the greenhouse effect became a power for candidates to win public support, but Those who are really willing to invest in scientific research are rare.

This completely aroused the anger of environmentalists.

No one noticed that Chris made this statement after three visits by an ordinary grim lawyer; and no one noticed that after Chris made this statement, the charges against him were dropped, Both the post at the university and the position of editor-in-chief of Climate Research were retained.

Because at this time people are focusing on demonstrations!

Environmentalists are planning a massive demonstration. On November 1st, at the gate of the New York City Government; on November 8th, the demonstrators came to the gate of the White House in Washington. Unexpectedly, the star of the Green Bay Packers Gao Vin Strelow also came to Washington to give support. Not only Gao Wen arrived at the scene, but also his teammates and coaches all arrived at the scene. Green Bay Packers President and CEO Mark Murphy (mark -murphy) also gave support.

Due to the arrival of well-known personalities, the scale of the parade immediately rose to a new level. On November 9th, the NFL League press release also expressed support for the demonstrations, "Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. No matter when the disaster caused by the greenhouse effect will break out, this belongs to our earth." Subsequently, including Star players including Peyton Manning (-manning) and Tom Brady (tom-brady) have expressed their support.

With the support of the No. 1 Movement in the United States, things gradually began to ferment with more powerful forces.

When the parade came to the gate of the Los Angeles City Hall on November 15th, Edward Norton (edward-), Leonardo DiCaprio (leonardo-dicaprio), Julia-Roberts (julia-rpberts) ), Kevin-Space (Kevin-y) and others led the cast to join the demonstrations collectively, and the whole Hollywood became a sensation. More than 8,000 marchers were mobilized to push this debate to a halt. to the highest peak.

Along with the progress of the parade, the attention of the news media is also gradually heating’s not just the candidates for the presidential election who have stood up and expressed their positions righteously—in terms of environmental protection, there is no other At the same time, the investigation on the Environmental Defense Fund is also in full swing.

An anonymous whistleblower is the first to expose the internal secrets of a charitable foundation in Silicon Valley. They collect money in the name of "protecting the environment", but in fact all charitable donations are used for pleasure. With this pull, a long vine was pulled out, and a series of small gourds hung on the vine. The inside story of the Foundation* was exposed to the world, and it became notorious for a while.

Against this background, the parade further escalated. On December 5th, the National Weather Service in Silver Spring, Maryland, lasted for three full days, and more than 6,000 demonstrators were called together, which was huge; ten On February 12th, the demonstrations returned to the gate of the White House in Washington again. More than 10,000 demonstrators sat on the ground, hoping that the government/government could seriously face the issue of environmental protection.

From September to December, no one could have predicted that the long-standing greenhouse effect would become the hottest issue after the presidential election. Will climb again. (To be continued.)

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