Movie Master

Chapter 285: Delicate performance

In the scene just now, Kate's core idea was to "fight back", which was also the trait she showed during the audition process, so when Kate was performing, she was always trying to show her aura, including the connection of lines, including speaking The speed, including the use of eyes, has been restoring the performance rhythm of the day of the audition. (For the latest chapter, please go to: Literature Building..)

During the performance, Kate’s feeling is not obvious, she is always trying her best to devote herself to her role, she can feel the emotional involvement of Lance, under the firm and strong belief, her counterattack appears meticulous and smooth, almost Without any thought, the confrontation has already formed. However, standing in front of the monitor now, Kate gradually felt that her and Lance's performance rhythms seemed to be not on the same frequency.

Logically speaking, the two are arguing and confronting each other, so the rhythm of the performance must be on the same level, especially in the 60-second performance just now, you come and go, dialogue after sentence, the narrow space and dense The dialogue leaves hardly any gaps. But here lies the problem. With the same lines, the same intensity, and the same speed, Kate feels that the rhythm of the two performances is different.

This feeling is really weird. Kate knew she wasn't slowing down, on the contrary, she had been trying to speed up—naturally, the faster and higher the reaction speed during the argument, the faster and higher the reaction speed, so it could only be that Lance was slowing down.

Raising her head, Kate looked at Lance, but found that Lance didn't have any extra expressions, but just looked over calmly, which made her a little uncertain. Then I heard Lance say, "Play it again."

Sixty seconds is a very short time, and it passed in a blink of an eye. After the broadcast was over, Lance turned his head to look at the other actors around him, but found out. Everyone was silent. So, Lance said again, "Play it again." At this time, everyone finally realized that something was wrong. Obviously this scene is not as simple as it seems.

Others were looking back, but Lance was also watching carefully. Just this show. The room for development is very limited, but Lance doesn't think so. It is these seemingly simple scenes that show the depth of the performance. Everyone has their own small movements and expression habits, which cannot be controlled, and are also formed according to the person's life, work, friends and other environments.

For example, a taxi driver is a very special profession because you need to contact a large number of passengers every day. He sat in the driver's seat all the time, motionless, driving for a long time was not only exhausting, but also very boring. Some drivers will choose to turn on the radio and focus on the radio waves; some drivers will look at the faces of passengers, and if it is appropriate, then he will chat with passengers; some drivers will be very gossip and quietly observe every passenger , writing all kinds of stories in your head.

Lance wanted to figure out the role of a taxi driver, not long ago. It actually took two weeks to drive a taxi, eight hours a day, and observe the city from the perspective of a taxi driver. Then Lance discovered that in Michael Mann's version, Max played by Jamie Foxx was obviously not clear enough.

Jamie's version of Max has many qualities, and his dream is to own a couture car company that makes customers feel so welcome that they don't even want to leave their cars. Therefore, when he played Max, many details started from this perspective. For example, I like to listen to elegant jazz, for example, I will take the initiative to chat with customers at the right time. For example, we will choose the right route from the customer's point of view...

It's all on the right track, but Lance finds out. Missing here is Max's own personality. In "Murder with a Borrowed Knife", Max is a person who has a dream but never dares to realize it; He drove a limousine and received high-society customers.

Therefore, Max should be a cautious person, he takes good care of his taxi - even if it does not belong to him, but belongs to the taxi company; Max should be a person with countless thoughts in his heart, maybe every time Every time he sees different customers, countless compositions will appear in his mind, but he never dares to show them; Max should be a person who is always not very confident. He doesn't like to quarrel with others, and he doesn't even dare to easily Express yourself.

This also makes the collision between Max and Vincent more sparkling. All the emotions in Max's heart are like a dead volcano. Under Vincent's pressing step by step, in this night full of killings, a little A little bit of breaking free from the shackles led to the final big explosion.

So, how should these personalities be reflected through delicate performances?

Lance tried to reflect it in the performance just now. Max is always looking in the rearview mirror frequently. This is not only communicating with Annie, but also constantly looking at Annie. There are countless emotions surging, so his eyes should always be moving, from the rearview mirror to the road directly ahead, from the road directly ahead to other vehicles on the side, to the fingerprints on the steering wheel, the dust on the glass window, etc. The kind of detail, that restless fantasy picture is always kept alive.

In addition, Max seems to always hold a breath when he speaks. That breath is his instinctive habit, and he hesitates before speaking every time. In fact, this kind of hesitation is difficult for other people to feel. They may mistakenly think that he is just breathing—every breath is a big mouthful, but in fact this is the boiling of Max's own thoughts. Even in the face of his expertise—he knows every road in Los Angeles like the back of his hand, and he can even figure out the approximate time of traffic lights, but when confronting Annie, he still seemed hesitant. On the one hand, Anne's customer status is considered, but on the other hand, it is also Max's personality factor.

What's more, Max has some small unconscious movements, such as tilting his head, touching his eyebrows, exhaling, pursing his lips... Such small movements reveal Max's inner uncertainty and active thoughts.

These are so delicate that they are almost negligible, and they are probably just subconscious movements of people in life, but they are enough to make the whole character three-dimensional, really get rid of the appearance of "Lancelot-Strello", and transform " Max's soul is substituted into the body.

However, Lance also discovered in the process of watching back and forth that his performance is still not precise enough, and the most direct manifestation is the eyes. His eyes are too bright for Max's character setting, he should droop his eyelids a little bit more to hide his emotional changes, along with the development of the plot - for example, he realizes that Vincent killed someone Only when he was flustered would his eyes gradually light up. Later, during the argument between him and Vincent, the change in his eyes should be related to his inner struggle.

Sure enough, it’s been too long since I’ve acted. In the previous life, the role of Max would not be a big challenge for Lance, because Max is not a character with a distinct personality and a mixed heart. His entire image is relatively single-lined. . This is also a setting that is consistent with the overall business style of "Murder with a Borrowing Knife", so Lance has always said that Vincent is the real challenge.

However, there have been no performances for two years, and the grasp of details is still lacking.

Lance rewatches the scene repeatedly, not because of himself, and not just because of Kate. Objectively speaking, Kate's performance has reached the passing line, but the details are still lacking in changes. In fact, Kate only needs to adjust the rhythm of her breathing and add some performance details between the spoken sentences-such as looking up in the rearview mirror, such as fiddling with her mobile phone, such as looking back and forth between the window and the briefcase on her lap , showing Annie's anxiety and tension at the moment, and then maintaining the previous performance, there is no problem.

In addition to correcting Kate, Lance's real purpose is Tom and other actors. He needs everyone to understand how the performance rhythm of this play is, and the details of the performance must be carefully selected.

However, the scene just now has been replayed at least five times, and everyone can sense something is wrong, but they can't tell why. Lance raised his head and looked around, and his eyes stayed on Tom for half a second, but Tom still didn't say anything, and everyone else stood there with obscurity.

Lance couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief. Although the scene was only 60 seconds long, Lance believed that the actors he selected had all been trained in acting and had a solid foundation. At least they should see a So come to Moreover, Lance is not considered a top director now, everyone is not afraid to express their opinions, but what about the result? It's still quiet, which is really disappointing.

Lance looked at Percy, retracted his jaw slightly, and was about to let him play it again, but suddenly there was a hesitant voice next to him, "Lancelot..." Everyone's eyes turned away in an instant, Michael Fassbender raised his right hand, feeling that his whole body was full of arrows. He retracted his arm timidly, and said uncertainly, "Mr. Strelo?"

Michael's gaze paused for a moment on everyone around him, and finally landed on Lance. At this moment, Michael only felt that his scalp was numb. He was probably the most unqualified unknown person on the scene, and he could feel the ubiquitous pressure at this moment. However, facing Lance's calm blue eyes, Michael couldn't help but gritted his teeth secretly, and then said, "Sir, in the scene just now, you not only slowed down the performance rhythm, but also added a lot of performance details." So, it can be felt that you and Miss Beckinsale's performances are not in the same rhythm."

Speaking of the latter, Michael became more and more guilty, so he simply stopped and looked at Lance at a loss. (To be continued.)

ps: The second update today, I implore all book lovers to support the genuine subscription, thank you everyone!

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