Movie Master

Chapter 294: Coward

No one doubts that Tom has the ability to make Lance unable to get along in Hollywood. The ability that Diorama Films does not have does not mean that Tom does not have it. Even if it was just Tom's angry words, it still plunged the scene into a state of silence and horror.

Under Tom's overwhelming anger, Lance did not get dizzy. His pupils narrowed slightly, and he stared at Tom intently. His gaze was always locked on Tom's eyes. The calm and calm seemed to be Tai Chi, using softness to overcome rigidity. All of Tom's attacks were resolved invisible.

Tom raised his chin high, trying to overwhelm Lance with a powerful aura, but it was not an easy task. The inherent disadvantage of height put him at a disadvantage—he was four inches shorter than Lance (ten cm) is more than enough, it is almost an irreparable disadvantage, and the illusion of making mistakes makes Tom feel very uneasy.

As the silence spread, the uneasiness became more and more intense, almost boiling, and a thought of retreat suddenly appeared in the depths of his heart. Before Tom could think further, Lance moved.

Lance took a small step forward. The distance between the two of them was only three steps, but now it is shrinking, and after another small step, the shortened distance will further enlarge the height difference between the two, and the condescending sense of oppression is like A mountain weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he felt that his chest was so heavy that he couldn't breathe, and the thought of running away gradually became more and more hot.

When Tom realized this, uncontrollable anger rose from the bottom of his heart. He's scared! He was actually scared! He was actually afraid of Lance! This made Tom's clenched fist start to tremble uncontrollably, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Little white face, let me tell you, I have done my job well, and you have done yours well." , don't push yourself too far!"

But Lance's footsteps still didn't stop, so Tom didn't retreat but advanced, shortening the distance between the two of them in one fell swoop. Then Tom raised his hand and pushed Lance away forcefully, concealing his embarrassment in this way, "You've crossed the line! Rookie, let me tell you! I'll perform in my own way. I'm good enough! I That's good enough! All you need to do is tell me I'm good! Then, sit behind the monitor and do your **** sick work!"

Tom's hoarse growl was like thunder rolling. Let the entire studio staff start to feel overwhelmed.

After speaking, Tom turned around and prepared to leave without waiting for Lance's reaction. In all of Hollywood today, no one would dare speak directly to him like that, no one! Not even Steven Spielberg, not even James Cameron, not even Martin Scorsese! If someone is not afraid of death, he doesn't mind giving that person a taste of hell!

"Coward!" A taunt came from behind, which made Tom stop involuntarily. He turned around and looked over in disbelief, that handsome face even began to distort due to being too angry. Tom hadn't met a cast member who dared to challenge him to his face in the past 15 years.

Lance's azure blue eyes shine brightly in the dark night, like crystal clear blue diamonds, so thrilling that all adjectives lose their color, but the flickering light blooms with sharp irony, like a rose The sharp thorns below are chilling in the delicate dewdrops.

"Coward!" Lance repeated himself. Looking straight into Tom's eyes, without concealing the contempt and provocation in his eyes, Lance raised his chin slightly, and a contemptuous sarcasm was drawn at the corner of his thin mouth. But it lit up the entire sky like lightning, "If you are afraid, you will shrink into your tortoise shell like a coward!" The deep voice was a loud slap on Tom's face.

"You dare not step out of your comfort zone, you dare not challenge your limits, you dare not try methods you are not good at, and you don't even dare to laugh out loud. You actually want to hit the Oscars, haha, ridiculous!" Lan Si chuckled, the light laughter was like a dragonfly, it flapped its wings and tapped lightly in the dense night, and then flew away, but the remaining ripples were slowly fermenting in the air, "ridiculous , Ridiculous, shame! If you rely on your performance just now, you can regard the Oscar as a dream, and just win the Golden Globe. Maybe the Golden Globe is your limit, and you are just a natural match .”

Sharp blade, sharp blade! Lance's words didn't seem to add any tone at all, just an understatement. That fierce attack was vented from between the stretched brows like a storm, and it gave Tom a thunderous blow without any scruples.

-Tom has three Golden Globes, but has never had any statuettes. This is almost the biggest shortcoming of Tom's career, but now Lance has directly uncovered this scar, without leaving any face for Tom.

"Lancelot Strelow!" Tom was almost going mad with rage, he clenched his teeth, and the teeth had already started to rattle, but even so, he still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He just wanted to rush forward and completely tear the man in front of him into pieces.

But Lance did not retreat but advanced, and took a big step forward, quickly shortening the distance between the two people, "If you are afraid of failure, you can tell me directly, after you don't need to sign the contract, now Regret it again. This will only make you look more embarrassed, more cowardly, and more ridiculous." Lance's deep eyes burst into a terrifying light, staring at Tom, every word was a heavy blow, accompanied by He kept leaning forward, throwing all the pressure on Tom, "It will be more noble and great if you admit your failure frankly, instead of standing on the street like a despicable and shameless prostitute. while waiting for the humiliation of the guest."

For the contract, Lance is saying that Tom voluntarily gave up the right to confirm the contract when he signed the contract, but now he is unwilling to cooperate with Lance's direction, and he has always put on the posture of a first-line actor.

This sentence gave Tom a slap in the face again, and the humiliation of his back and forth almost made him lose his footing. It seemed that he was losing ground in front of Lance's powerful momentum, and he almost staggered backwards. The mixture of shame and anger drove Tom's emotions out of control.

"You're crazy!" a roar came from behind, and Terrence Cox strode through the stunned crew and walked directly in the direction where Lance and Tom were. He had just arrived on set and had no idea what was going on, just hearing Lance's sharp sarcasm was enough to send him into a rage. No one could humiliate his entertainer—especially when it was Tom C. Ruth time!

Terrence's burly figure was like a mobile tank. He rushed over rumblingly, setting off a powerful wave of air. He stared at Lance with red eyes, as if he could tear Lance in half by raising his hand. , "You dirty dog/shit, see how I can teach you a lesson and let you understand that there are some people you can't afford to mess with."

Terrence strode like a meteor, walking with the wind, and almost everyone in the audience turned their eyes away, but Lance didn't turn their eyes away at all, still locked on Tom motionlessly like a poisonous snake waiting for his prey, "Go away! "Lance directly raised his voice and roared, and the thunderous sound erupted with a terrifying momentum, which actually made Terence's hurried steps pause.

But then Terence reacted, the anger on his cheeks was revealed directly without concealment, he quickened his pace, and rushed over at a trot all the way.

Everyone saw that Lance's body was short, and then he gave a sudden force under his feet, and he rushed out like a cannonball. He was about to collide with Terence head-on, but Lance lowered his center of gravity and used his shoulders As a point of contact, the whole person hit Terence's waist, and then everyone was stunned to watch Terence fly out, and fell directly to the ground like a broken sandbag.

"Huh", everyone gasped, but there was no time to react, and then Lance stood up straight, turned around and walked towards Tom again, "Let me tell you, your performance just now It's a piece of shit/shit! If you insist that you don't want to change, then you can get out of the crew now, and I will pay you every penny for liquidated damages, and maybe I can contact Leonor now Do-DiCaprio."

Tom's foul words had come to his lips, he just wanted to give Lance a hard punch, then turned around and strode away, leaving this disgusting crew completely, this is a shame, a shame he has never accepted, even Not even in the rookie period, he will not accept such humiliation, absolutely not!

But Lance didn't give him a chance, "But!" He snarled, making everyone jump, "If you still want to stay, if you still want to hit the Oscars, then do as I say! "Lance's horrifying eyes locked on Tom firmly, like a net, making Tom unable to move even a little finger, and then, a smile appeared on the corner of Lance's The smile was as dazzling as the evening glow, and the neat white teeth were shining with a gnawing light, and he said every word clearly, "One! Word! No! Leak!"

The loud words echoed over the crew, brewing a midnight hurricane, sweeping in and whistling away. After finishing speaking, Lance lowered his eyes and never looked at Tom again, as if Tom was a dirty thing, he didn't even bother to look at it, turned around and strode towards the parking lot of the RV .

Tom's brain crashed completely, so that he forgot for a moment that he was the one who wanted to leave; Terrence was lying on the ground, in a mess, struggling to stand up, but seeing Lance's powerful The imposing manner, actually didn't know what to say for a while; the other staff members of the crew were also frightened, and no one could speak.

"Rest for fifteen minutes!" Lance's bone-chilling voice floated along the night wind, making people shiver uncontrollably, one after another. (To be continued.)

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