Movie Master

Chapter 468: Territory expansion

"God, that old fox Belichick won again. I can't believe it!" Gawain complained with dissatisfaction, rambling on about the Super Bowl that just ended last Sunday, the New England Patriots Defeated the Philadelphia Eagles and successfully defended the title. Unfortunately, the Green Bay Packers lost to the rival Minnesota Vikings in the first round of the playoffs.

"There are no victorious generals, this is the charm of the NFL." Lance said with a smile, "I heard that you are planning to change the general manager. It seems that this year's draft is planning to make some drastic changes..."

"Phew, God, when did it start to rain in Los Angeles." Ian took off his bowler hat, patted the water droplets on it, and handed it to the waiter along with his coat, and sat down in the empty seat next to Lance. down. Theo stood not far behind, then passed the coat over, and sat next to Gawain, "So, what are you talking about?"

"Super Bowl." Lance shrugged. "Belichick had the last laugh again."

Seeing Lance's helpless expression, Ian couldn't help laughing, "Manning lacked a little luck this year. But I think there's nothing wrong with the Patriots' victory."

"What!" Gawain's eyes widened, with an incredulous expression on his face, as if Ian had uttered something out of the Arabian Nights. But Ian shook his head, with a look of secrets on his face, he was unwilling to say more, which made Gawain grind his teeth, "Ian Strelo, let me tell you, Belichick is a **** beast The old fox, constantly calculating everything, he even sent spies to spy on the opponent's military situation, such indecent means..."

"Okay." Theo saw that Gawain was getting more and more excited, and his voice had gradually risen, so he had to stop him. Gawain adjusted his position with a depressed face, moved awkwardly, and still muttered and complained. , Theo looked up at Ian, "Just tell him, you bought the Patriots and made 80 million dollars, so it's over."

Ian opened his mouth, and froze in frustration, "Theo, you have no interest." Lance and Gawain looked at each other, Gawain thought Lance knew, and cast a proving look, Later, it was discovered that Lance didn't know anything, so the two of them looked at Ian.

Ian found that Theo was completely indifferent, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile, and explained, "We made a small fortune last time at the European Cup. So, I thought, this time I will not try again."

Lance's pupils began to open slowly. Before that, Ian asked him to predict the Super Bowl champion jokingly, and it happened twice. He thought Ian was just concerned about Gao Wen, but now it seems that Ian had planned it in advance.

Ian nodded to Lance, and gave an affirmative reply to Lance's guess, "The odds are 5 to 13, I bought the Patriots." This is the source of the 80 million that Theo said, " It’s just a small amount of money, after paying taxes, it’s about 55 million. At least, we don’t have to worry about not having a source of funding for our next work.”

Lance laughed dumbly, "Ian, you know it's unreliable, right?" It's impossible for Lance to remember the results of every sports game. Possibly, because the Las Vegas openers aren't going to let that happen over and over again, even in the stock market.

Ian shrugged, "Don't worry, I'm measured." Ian's eyes fell on Lance, and he took a deep look.

From the European Cup to the Super Bowl, Lance's "intuition" has succeeded twice in a row, and the 100% correct rate is really amazing. Recalling the footprints of Chaos Films in the past two years, recalling Lance's behavior in the past two years, and recalling Lance's hesitation and determination before the European Cup, it seems that Lance has grown up overnight Now, it is a good thing to grow into a giant that can support the sky, but it is also a bad thing, as if... as if this is a brand new Lance, so strange that people almost don't recognize it.

The betting on the Super Bowl this time, the odds are actually not high, but Ian still chose to believe in Lance, which may or may not have confirmed his guess. Now, the results are in. So what does this mean?

Lance seemed to notice Ian's gaze, raised his eyes, and stepped forward. Ian carefully looked at the blue ocean-like pupils. In these familiar and unfamiliar eyes, he tried to search for the image of the innocent and lively younger brother in his mind, and then he caught a trace of love in the calm and honest pupils. Timidity and a little hesitation, like a snowman trembling in the sun, yearning for warmth, but afraid of heat. The fragility hidden behind is so strange, yet extremely familiar.

This is his younger brother, the younger brother who grew up under his wings, the younger brother he is willing to protect at all costs, the younger brother he unconditionally supports and believes in, the younger brother he is willing to walk with even if he goes to **** step by step.

The corner of Ian's mouth curved slightly, shallowly, but extremely warm. This made Lance a little embarrassed. He lowered his eyes magnificently, trying to hide the panic and bitterness between his brows, but when he raised his eyes again, he still saw Ian's familiar smile, romantic/suave/tangly yet Cunning and wise, Ian is still the same Ian, the Ian who will always stand behind him no matter right or wrong.

Ian's gaze turned to Theo, and then he saw Theo's eyes as calm as snowfields, Theo always did, believing in Lance unconditionally, even if Lance said the sun was a square, Theo would Nodding without hesitation, he always stood behind Lance, never willing to question Lance, and guarded Lance in this almost blind and stupid way.

It was the same this time, Theo saw his temptation. At this moment, Theo seemed to be saying, "Are you sure?" This made Ian's eyes flicker slightly, and he said, "Theo, you can show Lance the contract." Then he turned his head and looked at Lance, "Chaos Films' trailer soundtrack company has been formally established, and months of hard work have finally paid off."

Theo took out the contract from his briefcase, "We have acquired three companies from your list, Gothic Storm, X Brand Music, and Fanzi Music. The price of the remaining anti-hero is too high. After evaluation, we think it is not a good deal. , so I simply gave up." The contract was placed in front of Lance, but Lance did not read it, but looked at Theo intently, anyway, he couldn't understand it, and it might as well be more professional than Theo's explanation, "Integrate After that, it became a huge trailer sounding company with a staff of forty-eight."

For the undeveloped trailer soundtrack industry, the company with 48 people can indeed be regarded as a giant.

"The most important thing is that our company now has more than 3,000 soundtrack materials. Apart from intuitive music, we are currently the largest owner in the market." Theo's calm explanation immediately made everything clear , "However, there are less than 15 trailer soundtrack companies in the entire market, and the market structure is still in the early stage of development."

Lance showed a bright smile, "After the market develops, it won't be our turn." With the current scale of Chaos Films, it is impossible to compete with those large production companies and can only survive, "This Does that mean we can start taking over work now?"

"Actually, we have already started work." Ian answered the call, "We are responsible for the soundtrack of the trailers for 'War of the Worlds', 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', and 'Madagascar' in this summer." Before the acquisition , the three companies already have projects in hand, and now they are naturally transferred to Chaos Films. Ian paused, with a sly gleam in his eyes, "We also work on 'Operation Smith'. If there is no accident, they will be released on June 10."

The trailer soundtrack company seems to only make the soundtrack for the trailer, but in fact, it can learn the internal news of many large companies. Hollywood is a big world, but it's actually a small field.

Not only Lance, but also Gawain laughed while sitting beside him, "Can I charge a little more?"

Nobody has trouble with money, and while "Operation Smith" is looking pretty bad right now, and Lance and Brad aren't quite up to it, being able to make money off a competitor is something that's a joy to behold.

"We have already officially registered, Chaos Music." Theo pointed to the column of Party A on the first page of the contract, which made Lance roll his eyes didn't care He pursed his lips. Chaos Music, it sounds like Chaos Films is going to get involved in the music market, but in fact this is just a trailer soundtrack company.

"That's Chaos Music." Lance could only accept it with a shrug, "Then you can take over the work, I think you need to pay more attention to this part." This sentence was said to Ian, Lance He really doesn't have much talent in business, so he can only rely on Ian.

If managed properly, relying on the copyright of the soundtrack, Chaos Music will become a hen that continuously lays golden eggs and become one of the biggest pillars of Chaos Film Industry.

Ian nodded his head as a matter of course, expressing his understanding. Lance went on to say, "Actually, I'm looking for you today, and I have another matter. I want to set up a screenwriting department..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the surprised expressions of Ian and Theo, Gao Wen looked eager to try, Lance waved his hands again and again, "It's not literally." Immediately afterwards, Lance said the idea of ​​the blacklist.

There was a long, long silence between the four people, everyone was thinking carefully about the huge impact of this idea, and finally Ian was the first to speak and chuckled, "It seems that I After completing all work handovers, it is a wise choice to officially enter Chaos Films, and the work will come to you." (To be continued.) Opening a new website

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