Movie Master

Chapter 476: cosmic plan

"All the nominees, please look here, take one last photo, smile, one, two, three!"

After the sound of a series of flashing lights ended, there was a round of polite applause, mixed with a burst of chuckle. @乐文@Novel@Fiction|More than two hundred Oscar nominees stood together to take a family portrait. All are included in the same photo.

Every year at the nominations luncheon, this photo is taken, and readers jokingly call it a "spotting" moment—because the faces are so small, it's almost impossible to tell who is who. But this kind of family portrait has also become the annual highlight of the Oscars, not only because of the gathering of stars, but also because these are the most watched filmmakers in the past year. In addition to directors and actors, those behind-the-scenes staff are also included. Meaning is naturally more important.

Now, the family portrait has become a kind of inheritance of the college.

Lance stood between Clive Owen and Jamie Foxx, in front of him was Sharon Davis (Sharen-Davis), the costume designer of "King of Soul", and behind him was a tall man Clint Eastwood.

After the photo shoot, Cliff patted Lance on the shoulder with a smile, "Long time no see, is everything going well with the post-production of the movie?" "Sin City" just finished filming not long ago, but Cliff's role is relatively early It's over, the two haven't seen each other for a while.

Out of the corner of his eye, Lance caught Clint and Jamie talking intently. At the Oscars last year, Clint treated Lance coldly. After a year, the situation still didn’t seem to have changed. Clint seemed to have not seen Lance, talking and laughing with Jamie Straight away.

"It's going well, everything is fine." Lance's eyes just passed by, and then he looked at Cliff, "We are now looking for a publishing company and arranging a suitable schedule."

In fact, the post-production and shooting of "Sin City" were carried out at the same time. Due to the special style of the film, many shots were shot directly according to the editing ideas. After the production is completed, Aaron Menke's work is not complicated, and it can be completed next week at most. Now only the soundtrack is still in production. As long as it is negotiated with the distribution company, it can be released in theaters.

"Wow, I can't wait, I'm very curious about what kind of effect the movie will show when it's released..." Cliff's slightly rigid face showed a look of surprise, but before he could finish speaking, there was someone next to him Someone walked over, "What effect do you expect?"

Both Cliff and Lance looked over, and it was Barry Meyer who came here. Warner Bros. can be called the biggest winner of this year's awards season. "The Aviator" and "Million Dollar Baby" are both released and produced by them. So Barry also made an exception to attend the nomination luncheon today, obviously hoping to further create momentum for the two works.

Seeing Barry's bright smile, Cliff's eyes flickered. He would never forget that Lance had issued a gag order, and no one was allowed to talk about "Sin City" without being notified. thing. So far, the gag order is still valid. Cliff doesn't want to get into trouble. Although the movie has been finished, no one knows what unexpected move Lance will make—fire Ben Affleck, adopt Cliff, etc. Reeve Owen, this decision made many people fall through the glasses.

Now, facing Barry's question, Cliff was at a loss for words for a while, and he didn't know how to continue. Fortunately, Lance did not pause, "My new movie." Lance took over the conversation very naturally, "This time I tried some new shooting techniques, and now I am looking forward to the finished product."

"Oh!" Barry suddenly realized, "So, another 'Murder with a Borrowing Knife'?"

Lance smiled and spread his hands, "I hope so." The calm and confident appearance made Barry laugh out loud, Cliff breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly excused himself to go over to say hello to Natalie Portman After a while, he turned around and left, lifted his feet and left this place of right and wrong.

"You are always so keen to break the shackles of tradition." Barry shook his head sighing, the two of them walked side by side, shuttling through the lively crowd, many people around cast their eyes, curious about these two people What does the encounter mean.

Lance didn't seem to feel the sight of those probing, "No, I won't say that." Lance said with a chuckle, "Sometimes, I choose to be conservative and follow tradition." This refers to "the day after tomorrow ", "Sometimes, I will choose to innovate and break certain barriers." This refers to "borrowing a knife to kill someone", "But sometimes, I will seek the middle point." This is naturally "City of God", "Important What matters is never the way of expression, but the effect presented.”

"Look, this is the difference between you and me. You are a film creator, and I am just a film businessman." Barry did not hesitate to smile, and laughed loudly, expressing to Lance in this way commend. "So, I'm always looking forward to working with you one day to see what sparks can come out."

This is clearly hinting that Superman is rebooting the project. Indeed, this is also the time, Disney has already launched a plan, and Warner Bros. naturally cannot remain indifferent. It seems that Barry came prepared today.

Lance raised his eyebrows, "I hope this day won't be too far away. I always have a lot of fantastic ideas in my mind, but if I want to put them into reality, I need some support." One sentence is meaningful, Lan Si Singer is implying that Warner Bros. has approached Bryan Singer, and apparently Lance is no longer their first choice.

"Oh? Fantastic ideas, you know, I like these unconstrained ideas the most. If you don't mind, you can share them. Maybe I can give some advice." Barry's words and words are very thought-provoking , he avoided the topic of Bryan Singer, as if he didn't hear the deep meaning in Lance's words; but then, Barry expressed interest in Lance's ideas, which was a positive signal, but in the end Barry chose The word "opinion" instead of "support", it can be seen that he is more cautious now.

Lance didn't focus on Barry's talking machine front. For him, competing with Brian for the guide tube was not the point, but building the entire DC universe was. Therefore, he must keep a clear mind and not get entangled in those delicate and delicate things.

"For example, comics are adapted into movies." Before they knew it, Lance and Barry had already walked to the side of the balcony. There were still some people around them, but they were far away from the center of sight. It’s perfect for a conversation, “Now we’re hesitant to adapt comic books to movies, but I think that thanks to the great progress in computer special effects, the sci-fi world built in comics has the potential to become a reality.” The possibility of adapting comic books can completely become a brand new type of film.”

Lance did not directly start the topic in a hurry for quick success, but started to lay the groundwork from the main premise.

Barry showed curious eyes, "However, it is generally believed that comics are niche and the market is limited." Barry could hear the subtext in Lance's words: comic book adaptation movies can become mainstream, which also means that comics Warner Bros., which holds DC Comics, should make a big splash.

The reason why Barry found Lance was only because of the Superman reboot project, which is complementary to the Batman project reboot. But beyond that, it never occurred to him that adapting DC comics into a series of movies would be too risky. As he said, comics are something for niche nerds and do not conform to the mainstream market. The reason why Superman and Batman were chosen is only because these two characters have a long history and a huge audience base.

"People used to think that 'Harry Potter' was a niche children's book." Lance did not explain, but countered with examples. Facts speak louder than words.

Barry laughed dumbfounded, but was not persuaded, "Books and comics are two different things."

"No, books and comics are the same thing. Both tell stories, but one uses words and the other uses paintings." After Lance's voice fell, Barry did not answer quickly this time, but savored it carefully. , Lance continued, "Just as 'Harry Potter' built a magical world, comics built a world of superpowers. And, compared to 'Harry Potter,' comics The reader base is larger and the history is longer. What we think of as the otaku market, after excavation, will bring everyone a huge surprise.”

Barry frowned slightly, and said curiously, "If I remember correctly, you don't read comics."

"That didn't stop me from walking into the theater to watch 'Spider-Man.'" Lance's answer still had a hint of sly humor which made Barry chuckle and nodded, "Fair enough."

Lance knows that the window is coming, "So, I've been thinking recently, can we make the comic world into a huge world-even the universe, such as the DC universe, like 'Harry Potter'. If each hero is extracted individually, we can create a movie for him; then gather all the heroes together, and we can create a large movie; the most important thing is that these movies are a world that exists independently of each other, But under the background, it can be connected into a story, and maybe some heroes can make guest appearances in movies where other heroes are the protagonists."

Lance put the concept of the DC universe in front of Barry for the first time, "It's like... It's like we've shot a Harry movie, and then a Ron movie, and of course, a Hermione movie. , ended up putting everyone together and making a Harry Potter movie. But the problem is, J.K. Rowling didn't write a story for everyone, but the comics did. This makes the comic book universe , independent of each other but connected with each other, forming a huge fan harvester."

Barry stared at Lance in front of him intently, and saw a confident light on that handsome face, "Maybe, this can become an existence beyond 'Harry Potter'. For example..." The corner of Lance's mouth The arc is in full bloom, "'Star Wars.'" (To be continued.)

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