Movie Master

Chapter 515: the fool

Matt Owen walked into the New York Stock Exchange and greeted his colleagues all the way. At this time, there were still about 30 minutes before the opening of the market. The exchange seemed a bit empty, but he knew that it would take another fifteen minutes at most , the doorway will start to bustle.

The tea room was filled with smog, and about seven or eight people gathered together, laughing and talking loudly. Compared with the race against time at work, they could only enjoy leisure in the short time in the morning. "What are you discussing?" Matt leaned against the door, not intending to go in. Grimoire, who was standing closest to the door, raised the lighter in his hand and asked Matt if he wanted to smoke. Matt waved his hand and smiled. Said, "Could it be that the church broke the news again?"

The recent "Boston Globe" news is like a continuous tsunami. One follow-up report after another is shocking. The parents of those children who are underage are panicked for a while, lest their children also become victims of the dark side of the church. Most of the people on the exchange are already parents, so the topic of the church has never cooled down in the past ten days.

"Atmosphere breaker." The man who cursed in a rough voice was called Petty, and he raised his **** at Matt. He looks tall and tall, as if he was born as a wrestler, but he is a complete spoiler of his daughter, and he loves his two women to the bone. Therefore, after the church incident broke out, Petty hated the church deeply.

"Don't talk about such a heavy topic early in the morning. After two days of silence, the family is already tense." Palmer, who has instant noodles and curly hair, looks very cute like a pug, but at this time his expression is very cute. Wretched, "We're talking about the electronic display on the outer wall of MTV's headquarters this morning."

MTV is a cable TV network in the United States. At the beginning of its establishment, it was a TV station dedicated to playing music videos. Later, it gradually developed into a cable TV station targeting teenagers. Their headquarters in New York is not far from Times Square. The exterior wall of the entire building is a huge glass wall, next to which is a large electronic display. When many popular singers' new song music videos are released, they will choose to play them directly here, and the publicity effect is very outstanding.

"Why didn't I know when you started to like underage girls?" Matt's teasing immediately caused everyone's booing to sweep towards Palmer.

But Palmer shook his head and shook his right index finger, "No, no, you guessed wrong this time. The one that appeared on the screen was Jessica Alba, remember? That pretty chick from 'The Day After Tomorrow'? Of course Matt remembers that the most sensational trailer for the Super Bowl last year attracted thousands of people, and then Matt also entered the cinema to watch that movie, and met the man named Lancelot Strelow for the first time. director, "She is simply a stunner, people can't bear it at all."

Matt curled his lips, "As long as you like it." As if he didn't care at all, he turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Palmer immediately ran after him and grabbed Matt, "I haven't finished talking yet, it's not a music video, it's a movie. I remember you like movies, right?" Palmer put Matt went straight to the lounge, and there was a laptop on the table next to it, which seemed to be Palmer's personal belongings, "After I noticed the trailer, I came back and looked for it, and found that the video had already been It has been circulating on the Internet for nearly a whole day, and the second trailer will be released at twelve noon today, and then..." Palmer stepped aside and showed Matt to watch, "I found this."

Matt frowned and looked carefully. In front of him was a page with a completely dark style, but the page was very simple, without too much complicated information. The header of the page was written in **** fonts, "Welcome to Sin City", occupying The theme of the page is one skull, which is neatly displayed in a horizontal three vertical grid pattern. At present, only the first skull is marked with a big red cross.

"Could this be some kind of hacker's gathering place?" Matt's question caused another booing from the sidelines. It seemed that everyone agreed with Matt, and the boos went towards Palmer.

"Click to see, just click to see!" Palmer said angrily, but Matt was unmoved, and Petty, who was standing beside him, patted Matt on the shoulder vigorously, "Look Look, Palmer won't stop if you don't watch."

Looking up, Matt saw Palmer's expectant eyes, "You will never regret it!" Palmer vowed.

Matt looked helplessly at the computer, clicked on the first skull, and a video popped up.

In the dark background, a spot of light blooms from the middle, as if the sun is rising from the horizon, and then you can see that spot of light is a figure, stepping on enchanting steps and moving fast, the surrounding darkness is caused by The light becomes distorted, and the black and white picture refracts the light and shadow of a bar like a cartoon. The unique picture brings a strong visual impact.

The outline of a figure appeared, and it was Jessica. She was wearing a rivet bust/dress and a pair of tight leather pants, showing off the curves of her figure. Jessica held a leather whip in her left hand and swung it slowly, with a wonderful rhythm that made people's mouth dry.

Suddenly, the whip whipped violently, and a crisp "snap" broke the tranquility. Lazy and psychedelic jazz music sounded. Jessica danced the whip slowly but explosively. Flying in the air, the haughty and cold queen burst out with aura. The pure and rich hormonal breath made a corner of the body start to move, and the most primitive call broke out.

"Tearing", the whip slashed across the screen fiercely, the screen was like a torn canvas, divided into two halves in the middle, the screen curled up and down, and the mustard yellow liquid slowly flowed down from the crack. Then I saw Jessica bent her body and moved forward slowly, the bunny bound by her chest/clothes was about to break free, her plump lips opened slightly, and she whispered, "I killed a person. "Afterwards, an evil and cold smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

The mustard yellow liquid exploded immediately, swallowing Jessica's figure. Then, a line of words appeared on the screen, "See you on April Fool's Day."

Beyond that, there is no information. Matt was just dumbfounded... What the **** is this?

Is this a movie trailer? There is no movie information, no starring information, no plot hints, no clues to follow, not even a short film, it looks like a cowboy promotional film - the kind of love action theme that is forbidden to watch under the age of 18 .

"Hey hey, Matt, do you feel it? Do you feel it?" Palmer smugly draped Matt's shoulders, teasing in a glib manner, then glanced at Matt's lower body, and then Palmer raised his eyebrows. He raised his hands high, "We have another champion!" Everyone in the tea room raised their hands and booed.

Only then did Matt react, and looked at everyone in a daze. Everyone was high-fiving, as if he was the only one in the dark—so, it's all just a prank game?

Petty came over with a smile, "Palmer bet us, how many people will react." One sentence is enough, it seems that everyone in the tea room is in the same group, and everyone joins hands Played a trick on Matt.

"So, is this video real?" Matt asked curiously.

"Oh, really, 100% true. This website is also true." Petty explained, but before he could finish, Grimaud who was standing at the door raised his voice, "Charlie Baker is here , Charlie Baker is here." Immediately, everyone withdrew their smiles and started talking again, and Petty also said to Matt, "Another sacrificial sheep is here."

Fortunately, Matt is not alone.

After everyone's cooperation, sure enough, Charlie also came to watch the video. Matt was standing next to him. This time he calmed down and watched it carefully. Even though it was the second time, Matt still had to sigh, Jessica brought the definition of sex/sensuality to the extreme, and at the same time he also noticed the details that he had just ignored, the original hormonal atmosphere was full of an indescribable The restless atmosphere, the unique stylized composition and the lens present a feeling that has never been seen before. The all-black and white picture and the stick figure style of comics actually have a kind of... weird coolness.

At the end of the video, apart from the phrase "See you on April Fool's Day" on the screen, Matt finally noticed a detail—a detail marked in the lower left corner, "Mayor: Lancelot-Strello". What mayor? Mayor of Sin City?

A flash of inspiration came to Matt was in shock—so, all this is just a marketing gimmick for a movie? Is this all just a publicity gimmick before the release of a movie? What does this all mean...Lance's brand new movie is coming?

Not long ago, Matt had just finished watching "Murder with a Borrowed Knife"-he went to the theater three times, the first two with friends, and the third time by himself. He has not seen such a wonderful work for a long, long time. If it is said that "the day after tomorrow" was just because of the magnificent visual effects, out of curiosity, he watched Lance's work at random, then after "borrowing a knife to kill", He became really interested in this director, and he even found out "City of God" to watch, and really fell in love with Lance.

Now, Lance's latest movie is coming out?

Matt only felt that all the blood in his body was boiling, and he couldn't wait to watch the trailer again, hoping to get more information from it. Palmer, who was standing next to him, immediately grabbed Matt, "Don't worry, don't worry, Little Red Riding Hood, the hunter's trap hasn't been removed yet."

Matt laughed dumbly, "Palmer, you just said, when will the second version of the trailer be released?" (To be continued.) Activate the new URL

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