Movie Master

Chapter 529: ultimate showdown

Looking at the TV screen, Bryant and Katie announced the final list of winners with excitement on their faces. The tip of Ryan's tongue was covered with the smell of blood, and the pungent blood stimulated the raging anger in his chest, but in a blink of an eye, He was extinguished by that bitter despair, and all the strength in his body was directly drained, as if he didn't even have the ability to clench his fists.

Everything was moving too fast, too swiftly, too violently. It’s only two Oscars, only three movies, and they have gone through the vicissitudes of life, from the condescending winners, contemptuously and proudly looking at the losers who have fallen into the dust; Rising up, the majesty was swallowed by provocative anger, and began to take risks; when he was defeated by the opponent, his eyes were covered with hatred, and he wished to go into battle shirtless and bite the opponent's veins; They have no strength, not even a gap to resist, not even room for hatred, they must concentrate on themselves, survival is the first step, otherwise the so-called revenge and revival are just empty talk.

It seems like a lifetime away.

Ryan knows that they must now focus on "Sahara Cavalry". The success or failure of this film will determine the future fate of Diorama Films, and will also determine whether they are qualified for a comeback in the future, and even determine their future life development. direction.

"Can the winner's work be exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York?" Ryan noticed the subtitles at the bottom of the screen, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Tucker turned around, nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah." He wanted to explain, but found that he didn't know what to say, so he gave up, turned around again, and looked at the TV screen .

Ryan opened his mouth, he wanted to ask, how did Lance do it? The Museum of Modern Art in New York cannot be entered with money, nor can it be accomplished simply by having connections. Talent alone may not be able to win attention. Maybe you must have all three. Then, the "Sin City" movie How did a publicized event get favored in this way?

Martin Scorsese, Tom Cruise, Brad Gray, Cole Greider, a few names came to mind; Best Cinematography Oscar for "City of God," "Murder with a Knife" ", the stylized video trailer of "Sin City", several possibilities emerged in his mind...

Ryan is unwilling to continue thinking about it, because he will get an answer that makes him unhappy. So, he closed his mouth and looked intently at the TV screen.

"The comics also received more than 700 entries?" Ryan couldn't help asking again.

"Well." Tucker nodded, "There are more than 5,000 works in total." The explanation was cut off again here, he and Ryan exchanged a look, Ryan finally looked away, and Tucker also looked away up.

"Top five in each category?"


"I heard that the promotion was very successful."

"I heard it is."

The dry conversations are always hesitant to speak, as if every sentence hides the infinite possibility of follow-up, but in the end they all come to an abrupt end, without continuing, just asking and answering meaninglessly.

"So, how much did they spend on publicity?" Ryan couldn't hold back after all, and asked this question.

Tucker paused, "I don't know." There were some guesses in his mind, but he didn't say anything.

"Oh." Ryan didn't pursue it either, but just responded dully, and the office fell into silence again. The host of "Today" on TV has finished announcing the list of winners, and Kelly Clarkson's performance is about to make her debut, and the excitement of the scene can be felt through the screen.

"Saharan Cavalry" is a decisive battle of life and death. Once you lose, there will be no more. Maybe they can kid themselves that as long as the movie doesn't lose money, they can still win some respite, which is theoretically true, but the reality is that "Saharan Troopers" must be a box office success because they have unknowingly invested in it in the publicity process. With too much power, the company is overwhelmed by more than 25 million publicity expenses. They must make profits to make up for these loopholes, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

The lowest bottom line is not to consider profit, and the box office has a good turnaround. Even if they cannot achieve a large profit, this can prevent their capital loopholes from further expanding, and they can even regain the trust of investors and find new capital injections. strength. To achieve this, the North American box office of 200 million is the minimum consumption - even worse, 180 million is acceptable, but this also means that the global box office must perform well, and 300 million is the bottom line that is not negotiable .

So, things are as simple as that.

If they reach the bottom line at the box office, Diorama Pictures can at least survive for a while; if they achieve a big box office success, Diorama Pictures can turn around directly, for example, with a box office of 300 million in North America. Power is in your hands.

There are no intricate conspiracies, no numerical puzzles, no countless possibilities. The North American box office of 180 million is the bottom line of the bottom line. The higher the box office figure, the greater the hope of Diorama Films; bankruptcy.

In order to achieve this goal, in the past three months, the "Saharan Cavalry" has exhausted almost all means to carry out publicity. Built to specifications that even last year's "Troy" can't compare.

Throughout March, the news of Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz was overwhelming. The two joined hands on all talk shows in the United States, and they can be seen on almost as long as they are worthy of the name; The two also joined hands to attend radio programs in various cities, and went to the local area to communicate with the audience and establish connections; the two also photographed the covers of six magazines and the inside pages of thirteen magazines, receiving more than Sixty interviews, the density has reached the point where the audience can see them at least three times a day, or even more.

And that's just direct publicity for the public to see.

Since the Golden Globe Awards in January, Matthew and Penelope have started to show their love in a high-profile way. Today they are shopping together in the supermarket, and tomorrow they will appear in a furniture store together; today they are having dinner together, and tomorrow they are going to Napa Valley Vacation; today is running together, tomorrow is walking the dog with fingers clasped together... The ratio of the two of them appearing in the paparazzi lens has almost reached the peak of "Bennifer".

All of them prove that the two people are extremely happy. "Sahara Cavalry" is just the love work of the two people. The sparks that the two people burst out during the filming process are very exciting.

Compared with the battered Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, this couple has been widely accepted by the public, and there are even rumors that the two plan to marry this year and spend their lives together.

In addition, "Sahara Cavalry" also held three small-scale previews, one in New York, one in Los Angeles, and one ingenious choice of the Grand Canyon National Park, and invited professional film critics, entertainment reporters and industry insiders. Professionals and loyal movie fans participated, and their comments were revised and adjusted, and rumors were released: word of mouth has exploded.

It is no exaggeration to say that the popularity of "Saharan Cavalry" has surpassed many summer blockbusters and has become the most anticipated work in the first half of the year. This is also the situation that Diorama Films has painstakingly managed, which is really rare.

However, "Sin City" turned out like this.

Although "Sin City" can only be regarded as a breeze and drizzle compared to the vigorous propaganda campaign of "Sahara Cavalry", it is not on the same level at all; but who would have thought that the promotional activities of "Sin City" would actually produce With such a huge influence, it not only penetrated into people's daily life, but even aroused the vibration of Hollywood executives, who paid a lot of attention to this activity.

So, like a reincarnation, they returned to the beginning: Diorama Films vs. Chaos Films, "Sahara Troopers" vs. "Sin City", and most importantly - Ryan, Tucker and Jason vs. Lance.

In this duel that maintains their lives and deaths, the one standing on the opposite side is still that figure, that lingering and scarred figure. How ironic, how funny, how absurd, just like a satirical novel handed down from generation to generation. They stood on the opposite side again. They cut Lance's life-saving rope at the beginning, so what about this time? Could it be that Lance cut their life-saving rope? Or, will they complete self-salvation and continue this period of grievances?

"Sin City" will be released in the first week of April, and "Sahara Troopers" will be released in the second week of April. Strictly speaking, this is a staggered duel, but they know that this is a head-to-head duel, and it is also likely to be the ultimate duel between them—they will do their best to make this duel To continue, not to end there, but... the initiative is out of their hands, isn't it?

On March 30, 2005, the weather in Los Angeles was fine, the sun was sunny and the breeze was gentle, the last showdown between Diorama Films and Chaos Films was held without any sound, audience, cheers or attention. It was the prologue, but it became the end of this feud.

You die, or I die?

"So, will George attend the premiere of 'Sin City' next week?" Ryan regained his energy and looked at Tucker, but found that Tucker was a little silent and a little dazed, so his gaze turned to He looked at Jason, who was standing silently by the side, and cast a questioning look.

Jason was silent, just looked at Ryan seriously, and suddenly curiously asked the question he was most confused about but never asked, "Do you regret it?" (To be continued.) Open a new website

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