Movie Master

Chapter 558: market choice

Kit Cooper () walked around the backstage, walked behind the No. 3 cash register, and patted his partner on the shoulder. He turned his head and showed a smile, stepped aside, and Kit immediately took his place and walked up Before, "Good afternoon, how can I help?" After finishing the shift, the little friend patted Kit's **** as encouragement, and then left quickly.

"Uh, what movie is showing in fifteen minutes?" The two customers in front of them looked like young college couples. The boy raised his head and looked at the scrolling screen above, and asked hesitantly.

Kit glanced around the screen in front of him, and said with a smile, "'Sahara Cavalry' has a show at 2:30. This movie just had its premiere at the Chinese Theater yesterday, yes The latest work.” When customers ask, which work should be recommended as a conductor—more precisely, which distribution company’s work, the theater will have an update schedule every week, and even the summer file must be detailed To update schedule every day.

The boy turned his head to look at his girlfriend, but she shrugged, "I don't have any special feelings." The boy also shook his head, "I heard that Matthew McConaughey is very romantic in it." But the girl Still looking disinterested, the boy pouted, "I'm not interested either." Turning around, he asked again, "Is there anything else?"

"There's 'Fever Fever' at two forty-five," Kit began deftly. The introductory words are obviously much less.

"Oh, is it the one starring Drew-Barrymore and that 'Saturday Night Live' guy?" The girl seemed to be more interested, and asked curiously.

Kit gave a big grin. "Yes, Drew Barrymore and Jimmy-***** (Jimmy-Fallon)."

"Why, do you want to watch this one?" the boy asked considerately, although his expression was not so happy.

The girl smiled and shook her head, "I just heard Alice mention it, I'm not very interested." Before she finished speaking, the girl thought of something and patted her boyfriend's arm vigorously, "Yes By the way, by the way, I want to watch 'Sin City'." The boy was a little surprised, showing a surprised expression, and the girl explained, "Remember? Miguel asked Alice to watch this movie on Tuesday, and Alice She complained to us for a whole afternoon before departure. She thought Miguel was crazy and took her to see such a violent and **** movie. Alice thought that they were about to end, and she would not be with a stupid The cowboy went on dating. But Alice came back and spent the night screaming how good the movie was, and she was so excited that she even asked me to see it for a second time.”

"Alice? Are you serious?" The boy looked surprised, obviously a little confused about the situation.

The girl didn't answer, she turned her head excitedly and asked, "Are there still tickets for 'Sin City'?"

"Of course..." Kit had just finished speaking, when he saw a colleague around him give him a look, he quickly changed his words and said, "Let me confirm for you." "Sin City" was released last week. A screening screen was also added in a week, so Kit took it for granted that there should be tickets left, but after checking it on the computer, Kit was surprised to find that he was wrong, "Sorry, 'Sin City' will be released this afternoon. There are no tickets left, and there are still tickets for the evening shows, 6 o'clock and later shows for the time being."

This afternoon, "Sin City" arranged for three games with nine screens, but all the tickets were sold out. Kit was a little surprised.

The girl turned her head and chatted with the boy in a low voice. They originally planned to pass the time, so they planned to choose the next one that is closest to now, but now they obviously have to change their plans, "Didn't you also say that you are very interested in this movie before?" ?"

"I know, the discussion on the Internet has exploded..." The boy's words were only half-spoken, and the girl turned her head and said excitedly, "'Sin City', two tickets, six o'clock." Waiting for Kit to accept After receiving the message, she looked at her boyfriend, "If I remember correctly, you mentioned this director on our first date, what's his name?"

Jimmy Kane looked at the excited smile on his girlfriend's face, and shook his head helplessly, "Lancelot Strelow." What he would never say was that in fact, he was already with Sean Wells and a group of others. The boy friends have made an appointment, and they will go to the cinema to watch the movie tomorrow Saturday night. They have already bought movie tickets early on Wednesday. Jimmy, however, decides to keep his mouth shut. He'll just watch it twice at most, and it's a great sin to spoil his girlfriend's interest at this point.

Kit quickly typed out the movie ticket, and handed it to the boy along with the credit card, "I hope you enjoy this movie."

After watching the couple leave, Kit looked at the colleague who had just reminded himself, showing a surprised expression, "What?"

The colleague obviously understood the meaning of this expression, and spread his hands, "It's exploded, it's completely exploded."

Before Kit could understand what it meant, another customer came in front of him. He quickly turned his head and said with a smile, "Welcome to Royal Entertainment Cinemas. Good afternoon. May I help you?"

"I'm looking for a movie, but I don't know the name, can you help me?" Standing in front of him was a middle-aged man in his forties, and behind him stood four or five rough people. The men, each with a bottle of beer in hand, cracked jokes in a low voice, and had cowboy demeanor in all their gestures.

"Of course, what details do you know?" Kit nodded.

"I'm not sure, it's just a big guy with scars all over his face, and then he tore a short guy into several pieces." The man's description was really rough and vague, and Kit was a little unsure. He whispered a reminder, and the man immediately snapped his fingers, "By the way, the movie is in black and white. I heard it's a newly released movie."

"Oh." Kit immediately understood, "'Sin City', I think you mean 'Sin City', the work just released last week." Kit leaned out and pointed to the left The poster on the wall reads, "Look, the second picture from the right, that's the movie you're looking for."

"That's it!" The man thumped the cash register hard and said boldly.

"But this movie currently only has scenes after six o'clock." Kit said politely, "However, if the 'Sahara Cavalry' that just premiered yesterday, there are still scenes, and it will start in fifteen minutes." Without making a fuss, the marketing of "Sahara Cavalry" popped up again.

But the man didn't hesitate at all, "That's a movie for chicks. What city are we going to watch?"

"'Sin City'."

"Yes, it's this one, give us six tickets." The man said bluntly.

Of course Kit knew that "Sin City" was the hottest movie in the past week, and the discussion on the Internet had completely exploded. On the official IMDB page, more than 800 posts were added in just one week, and the entire United States Young people from all over the world have taken to the Internet to express their views on the movie; Javier Ulliel's personal blog has also been crowded, and his personal film review article on "Sin City" has attracted two people. With a hit rate of 100,000 and more than 30,000 replies, the popularity is like a rocket.

But the really scary thing comes from the Yahoo community. There are more than 3,000 posts about "Sin City", and 27 posts have more than 10,000 replies. Among them, the reply rate of the most popular post has reached More than 90,000 sturdy pieces. Such a hot situation caught the Yahoo community by surprise, and the system server actually crashed once. Although it only lasted fifteen seconds, it was still shocking.

Critics’ disagreement over the film has also extended to the audience. Viewers who sneered at the film and dismissed it have yelled online, thinking that “Sin City” insists on being incomprehensible and mysterious, and it is completely a hype. works; and those audiences who are enthusiastically pursuing and acclaiming the film are overwhelming and ubiquitous. They firmly believe that "Sin City" not only created a new film genre, but also developed a profound social problem. Incredible digging.

The two sides insisted on their own views and did not give an inch, and launched a vigorous scolding war on the Internet, pushing the controversy of "Sin City" to an unknown height, and no one could predict the development of the next thing.

The popularity of "Sin City" was expected, but no one expected to create such a wave. This phenomenon has become a new product of the Internet age and has attracted the attention of experts. Kit himself is one of the fans of "Sin City", and he also published his remarks on the Internet, but it is not so crazy.

But The premiere of "Saharan Cavalry" in the Chinese theater yesterday caused a sensation in the entire North American market. The premiere was completely made with the highest specifications of the summer file, not only dispatched more than 300 reporters, Moreover, more than a thousand onlookers gathered, and the red carpet was even more star-studded. It lasted for two hours and created countless topics.

The most notable one is the joint attendance of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who appeared in front of the media as a couple for the first time and announced it to the world.

Even if Kit hadn't read today's papers, Kit would have predicted that "Saharan Troopers" absolutely stole the headlines of all papers, and this premiere was a well-deserved spotlight, far surpassing last week's "Crime City", from scale to quality, from topic to content.

But today, things seem a little weird.

"Welcome to the Royal Entertainment Cinema..." While thinking, another guest appeared, and Kit hurriedly said, but before he could continue, the visitor pointed to the poster at the door, "On the poster at the door, there is A woman in a studded bust with a whip, what movie is that?"

Things are really weird! "'Sin City,'" Kit replied with a smile. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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