Movie Master

Chapter 634: Crowd to surround

After announcing the completion of "Hard Candy", Lance finally let out a long sigh of relief. Although this does not mean the end of the work, the subsequent post-production is still very troublesome, but at least he has completed all the shooting work, which is It is his first work that is truly created according to his own ideas. All the hardships, pains, and tortures are not as good as the happiness of devoting himself to creation.

Allen stood beside him, a little dazed, but he felt his heart was full. The movie had been filmed, but the aftertaste had just begun. She raised her head, and couldn't help seeing Lance not far away. He and Hayden were communicating with each other with their heads down, making sure that there was no need to retake the shot - because this is Albert's house, and it will be returned to the owner after today, and will be retaken later. Taking pictures is not so easy.

Seeing the end of the exchange between Lance and Hayden, Allen took half a step forward. She didn't know what she wanted to say, maybe she just expressed her gratitude, maybe she was discussing her performance, but she just I want to talk to Lance. But before she stepped forward, Percy came over, pointed to the direction outside the door, and said something in a low voice. Lance raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Allen realized that at this point she had missed the moment. She had seen the fact that more than a hundred reporters were surrounded outside the door during the break. Of course, she knew that these reporters could not have come here for the "hard candy" finale, but because of the recent news events that have been raging. This also means that Lance will need to deal with the reporter's issue next, so he naturally has no time to chat with her.

Sure enough, Lance walked quickly towards the door, followed by Percy, opened the door, and then he could see the raging crowd outside, covering both sides of the street, dense figures piled up together, The scene was really spectacular, and then the door was closed.

Alan couldn't help being a little disappointed, "Now you know why Michael and I are willing to stay on the set, right?" A teasing voice came from beside him, Alan turned his head, and then saw Emma's bright smile, this Allen laughed dumbfounded, then nodded, "I guess so."

Brian Barlow was wiping the camera in his hand boredly, listening to the chatter of the reporters next to him, interrupting every now and then, but his eyes were projected towards the closed gate from time to time, paying attention to the people there. Every move. At this time, a reporter next to him guessed, "Will Lance escape directly through the back door?"

Brian subconsciously wants to refute. Lance knows that the paparazzi will follow him everywhere, and it is impossible for him to escape, so not only will Lance not escape, but he will choose to respond positively. He knew Lance, and escape was the last thing in the world. But before the words came out, Brian noticed that the door was slowly opening. He didn't even wait to see who was coming out of the door, and immediately ran and rushed up.

After only a few steps, Brian saw Lance's figure, which made his footsteps rush faster and faster. Sure enough, there were already other footsteps coming from his ears. The vigorous sound was like a thousand troops. Swarming up, the entire driveway was crushed, and many reporters were squeezed into the short lilac fence. The screams were endless, but they were quickly drowned in the shouts of the reporters—a distance from Lance There are still more than ten steps away, and the reporters have already started shouting before anyone arrives.


The horrific scream was particularly conspicuous in the noise, and then disappeared in the shout, "Lance, you...", "Excuse me...", "...asshole...", "...woman", fragmented words filled the sky Flying and dancing, but no one could hear a complete sentence clearly, only a buzzing sound lingered around, as if thousands of bees took off collectively.

Brian had a slight advantage, but was soon overtaken by others. Fortunately, the driveway itself was not long. He gritted his teeth, rushed in front of Lance, and then slammed on the brakes. But before he could stand still, the crowd behind him swarmed in. When his center of gravity was unstable, he staggered a few steps forward and rushed towards Lance.

In the blink of an eye, Lance dodged away.

"Bang", Brian slammed into the door panel hard, feeling dizzy, as if countless birds were going around in circles on his head.

However, Brian was not alone. The sound of "bang bang bang" came one after another, and six or seven people in a row hit the door panel, blocking the way out for other people who were about to come out. Only Lance and The two of Percy were kept out.

Lance and Percy tried to find a place to stand, but the crowd around them was too turbulent, as if they were full of people as far as they could see. So, Lance simply stood where he was, and Percy raised his hands to stop the reporters who were approaching further. In this way, a small circle was formed, and the surrounding reporters slowly found their center of gravity and gradually stabilized. down.

There were more than one hundred reporters at the scene, but the visual effect seemed to be a huge crowd. Even if there were two or three hundred people, it was very convincing.

Now, all the reporters have surrounded Lance in the center, and there are more than a dozen reporters on the outside, in a state of disarray, not to mention them. At this time, the reporters standing outside the encirclement can only see the top of Lance's head— You know, Lance is 6.2 feet tall, like the World Trade Center, but now their vision is completely blocked, let alone hear the news, which makes all the peripheral reporters anxious and shouting to, "Lance, we can't hear! We can't hear!"

It’s fine if you don’t have a photo, and you can tolerate it if you don’t have a chance to ask questions, but you can’t even hear the sound. Isn’t this cheating.

For a while, the scene was extremely noisy, even the traditional Chinese vegetable market was not so exaggerated.

Lance only felt absurd for a while, and actually chuckled. Regarding recent news events, Dorothy told him immediately, and communicated with him every day to discuss public relations solutions, so Lance is no stranger; but the point is that he is just a "suspected illegitimate child" The news incident made these reporters so crazy, and there was really an inexplicable sense of joy.

Of course, Lance overlooked an important point: everyone believed that this illegitimate child belonged to him, the name "Lancelot-Strello", and the news of the previous period, all of them were superimposed, which caused the The situation today. In a trance, Lance's appeal and attractiveness have reached the level of Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt.

Although Brian hit the door, he was just a step away from Lance at this time. He ignored the situation of the other reporters, and directly stretched out the tape recorder in his hand, "About..." Brian was almost He roared and asked his own question, but Lance widened his eyes and answered with a puzzled look, as if to say, "I can't hear you." Brian had to yell again and repeat My own problem, but I couldn't hear the noisy noise around me at all. Brian felt that his voice was going to be hoarse, but Lance still just pursed his lips lightly, shook his head, and then said nothing.

Brian thinks the top of his head should start to smoke, hot and irritable, but he still has to look around, the surrounding reporters are so loud that if they don't hear Lance's response, they would rather not have the interview , holding the mood of dying, the voice of protest is getting louder and louder.

At this time, someone behind him patted Brian on the shoulder. When he turned around, he saw a loudspeaker appearing in front of him, which startled him, "Pass it!" A voice came from behind, and Brian tilted his head. Look, and then I vaguely saw Albert standing in the yard, and other members of the crew, all standing there watching the fun.

Brian took the horn and passed it over. When Lance saw the horn, a sense of absurdity struck him, but seeing the increasingly noisy crowd in front of him, like a strike scene or a demonstration scene, he still took the horn, turned on the switch, and shouted , "Quiet! Quiet!"

The sound came out through the loudspeaker, which seemed a little funny, but it did make the commotion on the scene gradually quiet down. All eyes were focused on Lance, and the hot sight made the air boil. It was already six in the afternoon. It was a little later, and the **** setting sun dyed the entire blue sky red, and the bubbling air outlined a sense of magnificence.

Lance exhaled lightly, and looked at the reporters in front of him. The reporters who were twittering just now were unwilling to stop, but now they were like a gourd with a sawed-off mouth, unwilling to say a word. Lance shrugged, "So, what do you want from me?" Although Lance learned about the progress of the matter from Dorothy, it is obvious that the reporters arrived at the scene today, and there must be the latest Moreover, Lance did not intend to take the initiative to make an official response-he didn't care about the so-called negative news at all, so he once again gave the right to speak to the reporters, and the reporters asked questions instead of him holding a press conference .

"Oh, Helen-Kelly." Brian was the first to raise his voice, and he would never miss the opportunity to grab first-hand information, "Excuse me, what do you have for Helen-Kelly?" view?"

"Who?" Lance raised his eyebrows, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Just a one-word answer managed to make the reporters commotion again—Lance's disdain was really too righteous, the smell of gunpowder was already brewing, how could the reporters not be excited?

"Helen Kelly, the mother of your child?" Brian explained, "Recently she said in the media that you refuse to admit that you are the father of the child in her womb? Moreover, she also accepted Oprah Winfrey yesterday. interview, and talked about the wind/flow/rhythm/things between you in detail?"

Lance closed his jaw slightly, showing an expression of sudden realization, and at this moment he connected the waitress with Helen Haley, "So, Oprah Winfrey? Was her show last night good?" ?” (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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