Movie Master

Chapter 687: 1 hit it off

Lance always believes that the reason why "Mad Max 4" is wonderful is that it shows the specialness of the end of the world.

Many people's understanding of the last days has always been based on the destruction of the world and the regression of human nature, as if everything has returned to primitive society, but Lance believes that the biggest difference in the last days is that civilization fell into destruction after it was established. What kind of differences will be produced when people with civilized thoughts return to primitive society, this is the characteristic of the end of the world.

In "I Am Legend", the description of the male protagonist's psychological changes is one of the highlights of the last days. Akiva sacrificed this for the commercial properties of the film. In fact, it is doomed that the quality of the film will definitely be lower than expected; In "Mad Max 4", this kind of psychology has been further amplified and upgraded, or in other words, "I am a legend" is the beginning of the end of the world, and "Mad Max 4" has been re-stabilized after the end of the world. It can be completely understood that the story line of "Mad Max 4" appeared decades after the finale of "I Am Legend". Of course, the background settings of the two films are different, so it is not accurate to say that.

In the story of "Mad Max 4", human beings began to be divided into two parts, the obedient and the rulers. A small group of smart people seized the opportunity of the end times, mastered resources, rose rapidly, and established themselves in the chaos of the end times. They started their own small society, just like the primitive tribes in Africa; most of the mortal beings would do anything to survive, they lost trust and fetters among them, and survival became the only belief. As long as they can survive, even Selling one's soul to the devil is not amiss.

This is why Lance prefers the second ending of "I Am Legend". The human beings infected with the virus and the human beings resisting the virus are both lonely. On the one hand, they guard against each other, but on the other hand, they are each other's only rely on. This bond of lack of trust often changes into different forms due to the crisis of living conditions.

Under the conditions of the end times, there should be no heroes.

"Mad Max 4" develops the discussion according to this idea, but George Miller has to sacrifice some depth for the visual effect in exchange for the shock of the climax. Lance agrees with George's sacrifice, but believes that the character setting can be more perfect, and the story will become more complete.

Neither the hero Max nor the heroine Furiosa are conventional heroes.

Max is alone, pursuing only peace. He refuses to trust anyone, and even refuses to get along with human beings, because he firmly believes that as long as there are people, it means interests, struggles and responsibilities. The most important goal, he will do whatever it takes to complete this task.

In "Mad Max 4", Lance respected George's point of view. He thought that Max's ins and outs should not be told too much. In other words, it is why Max formed this personality. Don't explain it. Either leave it to the audience to guess, or leave it to the sequel to tell, and in this movie, the focus should be on how Max learns to trust people—even if it’s just Furiosa alone—and how Max learns to approach people—not by believing Just get close.

In the finished work of George's last life, there is no such psychological transformation foreshadowing, so in the finale, Max is willing to return to the survivor gathering base with Firoza, and even stay, which is not only a bit abrupt, but It seems to follow the Hollywood-style hero ending; and it seems a bit jerky, and it is obvious that the director left the tail for the sequel, which destroys the integrity of the story. On the whole, Max appears very thin and cannot be distinguished from other commercial blockbusters.

The presentation of this psychological transformation will not only make Max three-dimensional, but also allow the audience to have a better understanding of the end times. Lance even thinks that it can be integrated into the psychological transformation of the "I Am Legend" actor Robert, truly presenting a maverick but authentic doomsday.

On the other hand, Firosha's only idea is to get rid of the shackles of men, and she believes that women can also rely on their own strength to fight for a world and win her position in the last days. The reason why Felosa left the survivor base was not because she wanted to be a hero, but because she firmly believed that if she crossed the desert and returned to her childhood hometown, she could find an oasis there, allowing her to find the dignity of life again, even if Under the background of the end of the world, in order to complete this task, she doesn't mind having blood on her hands.

In the version of George's previous life, this definition was actually somewhat vague. George still defined Firosa as a hero in a certain sense, leading a group of women to break through strongly, hoping to achieve self-salvation. Lance understands the definition set up in this way, further amplifies feminism, and emphasizes the greed and retrogression of human nature in the background of the end times, but Lance believes that Firosa's yearning for freedom and dignity should be emphasized, and her rescue of women should be weakened .

To put it simply, those who embarked on the road of salvation with Firosha are all warriors who share her beliefs. If their thoughts become weak or shrink back, then Firosha will not hesitate to send They leave. Because in the last days, there are no heroes, only survival, freedom and dignity are already their most extravagant dreams.

Also, in George's finale, Firoza's psychological transformation is a bit vague—if she's a feminist, then why did she free all the survivors in the entire base? Is it just a matter of doing it? In Lance's view, because she is a feminist, but before that, she is a human being, a human being who embraces freedom. This is also the key to her success in impressing Max.

Such a setting means that women are truly placed on an equal footing with men, that gender differences are blurred as much as possible, and that the pursuit of freedom runs through it all. This is the most important flash of the whole movie for the exploration of human nature. point.

Firosha and Max went from confrontation to hand in hand to trust, and finally became each other's salvation. The friendship between friendship and love sublimated the story, and derived a revolutionary bond like fighting side by side . Under the conditions of the last days, this kind of spirit is not only valuable, but also rare and fragile.

"However, if too much pen and ink is spent, the story will become bloated and seriously affect the viewing effect." George and Lance exchanged ideas, and finally understood Lance's ambition, which made George shake his head again and again, "I think What you want to shoot is an adrenaline-fueled movie, not an art movie that explores human nature." George has a clear understanding of this.

"I couldn't agree more with you." Lance smiled, "I think it's only necessary to add... er, two to three scenes to Max to outline the details of this psychological transformation; and then change the fee A few scenes of Rosa, highlighting her iron blood, in the face of freedom, everything else must stand aside, this is enough."

George fell silent, and thought about it seriously, "So you're saying that it's enough to adjust the character settings to make the main line of the two characters clear, and then change a few scenes based on this main line? "George is also a very good screenwriter and has won Oscar nominations twice.

"That's it!" Lance snapped his fingers, a smile appeared on his face.

But George started to shake his head, and Lance was baffled by this reaction, "God, do you know how difficult it is?" George said in amazement, "For screenwriters, the most difficult thing is always character creation. It takes a lot of energy to write a character, especially a commercial script, which is even more difficult." How to grasp the size, how to grasp the rhythm, how to grasp the content, all of these difficulties will rise sharply in genre movies, " I've never been good at it."

"I can't refute it." Lance spread his hands and frankly agreed. Although it is easy for him to say now, it is very difficult to actually operate, just like the script of "I am Legend". He has been pondering over and over again for more than a month. After filming, Lance was still not satisfied.

George looked at Lance with a smile, "Why don't you give it a try? I don't think anyone is more suitable to write this script than you. You know, in the past..." George looked down at his watch, "Seventy-five minutes During the time, we exchanged countless ideas endlessly, God, I suspect that you want to roll up your sleeves and fight with me several times, and my old bones are probably irresistible."

There was a hint of surprise in Lance's eyes, "I thought you were more inclined to write by yourself." From the experience of the previous life, it can be seen that George has a deep affection for the "Mad Max" project, otherwise in After ten years of tossing and wasting, he had already given up.

George shrugged I never planned to write a script. If a film company is willing to invest, I am more inclined to find an illustrator first and complete the storyboard. I firmly believe that this work should be a continuous chase, without lines, or even a complicated story line, and the visuals are the most important thing. I even thought about how the movie should incorporate the elements of heavy metal rock. Each of them has their own styling characteristics, and they are meticulous about their appearance and style. They like to modify their tanks and decorate their own mascots, jewelry, and bells. , human bones, bring rock singers to help out. If someone tries to ruin their hair or styling, they will hunt it down to the ends of the earth. "

The distinct and unique style, which is the reason for the success of "Mad Max 4", is also the unique mark that George injected into the film, "So, do you like rock and roll?"

Lance didn't answer right away, but closed his chin slightly, and asked, "You mean, are you willing to give this project to Chaos Films for production?"

"Apart from Chaos Films, do I have any other options now?" Lance rolled his eyes at George's rebuttal, and then George laughed, "Of course, Chaos Films is a perfect choice. Leave it to you, I'm sure you can revitalize it. But only you like rock and roll?" (To be continued.)

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