Movie Master

Chapter 714: hard fruit candies

Matt Owen was a little excited. After getting off work today, he left the stock exchange and went straight to this landmark theater in the lower city. It was only three subway stops from Wall Street, so he grabbed the first time He bought a movie ticket, and when he came over after dinner, the long queue at the scene had already surrounded the block.

This is the first time he participated in the "premiere" of a movie. Although this is not the premiere, he can be the first audience to enjoy the "fruit hard candy" before other audiences, just in his mind Thinking about it, I became so excited that I couldn't calm down.

The iconic title title of Chaos Films began to appear on the big screen. Matt wanted to calm himself down, but he didn't expect to become more excited instead. The mixture of anticipation and excitement collided in his chest, and then there was no warning. Suddenly, a chat dialog window on the computer screen began to appear on the big screen, displaying some information, and Matt found that the conversation began before he had time to read it carefully.

One person chooses the camera as their avatar and the other chooses a heart as their avatar, the two are obviously flirting, the heart avatar looks like a child, while the camera avatar is explicit and provocative .

Matt suddenly remembered the opening chapter of "Murder with a Borrowed Knife". The seemingly unremarkable beginning hides a lot of information. Once missed, the movie will be missing an important piece of the puzzle. This is a very important symbol in Lance's films. When people's attention is not yet focused, they immediately cut into the theme and release a lot of information. Matt had to force himself to pay full attention, he had already missed some information, he couldn't miss more.

The story begins right away, in an unremarkable coffee house, a girl in a red cap and T is enjoying her own chocolate cake, and then a handsome man with a well-dressed appearance appears. The girl looked obviously underage, with a hint of greenness on her childish face, and the man looked gentlemanly and handsome, with a neatly trimmed beard and well-dressed clothing carrying the unique charm of a mature man.

When the man stretched out his right thumb, wiped the chocolate sauce from the corner of the girl's mouth, and put it in his mouth to taste, he teased calmly, "Delicious."

It's just one action, one word, and all the meanings can't be more obvious-Matt can't help but gasp, Lance actually filmed...a work about fetishism/pedophilia! What is even more unbelievable is that Lance himself played the male lead, a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and outstanding figure. No one could have imagined that this would be a wolf in sheep's clothing!

This is not as simple as a serial killer. As we all know, the public hates pedophiles who touch children. In the United States, a **** map has even been launched. In other words, it is required that every **** Children/addicts are registered, their addresses are recorded, and monitored by the government. Parents can log on to the official website to check as long as they want. This almost "violation" of human rights has been recognized by both the public and the government, which shows that people hate pedophilia. Therefore, to play a fetish/pedophile/pedophile not only needs to risk the dire consequences of being too wonderful and the audience gets too involved in the play, but also faces the audience's inability to distinguish the difference between reality and drama, which leads to anger at the actor himself, and then Career-affecting risks.

Playing such a role requires more than courage.

But Matt was in no mood to marvel further at this time. The only official poster of "Hard Fruit Candy" immediately appeared in his mind, with a Little Red Riding Hood standing on a mousetrap. Obviously, this girl is Little Red Riding Hood, and she has become the prey of this middle-aged man.

It took less than two minutes for Matt to enter the story. Looking at Little Red Riding Hood's innocent smile that day, his heart couldn't help being tangled up. Not only was he curious about how Lance would tell the story, he was even more worried. Concerned about Little Red Riding Hood's safety, she only hopes that she can escape from the clutches, but obviously this is not an easy task.

This middle-aged man named Jeff appears mature and wise, elegant and decent, funny and humorous, with a sunny smile full of sincerity, exuding a fascinating temperament all over his body, fully displaying the charm accumulated over the years, except When the coffee shop clerk half-jokingly said that the two were a "father-daughter date", his azure blue eyes flashed a little panic, but his performance was perfect. Don't say that Little Red Riding Hood Hailey is only fourteen years old, and she is not deeply involved in the world. Even an adult woman who has seen countless storms and waves can hardly resist the attraction of such a man.

Sure enough, in the end, it was Haley who asked to go to Jeff's house, just for the concert tape of the Ice Gold Orchestra.

Matt's palms couldn't help but sweat. Things seem to be developing in the direction of "Silence of the Lambs", "American Psycho" and "Psycho". As time goes by, things are getting weirder and weirder .

When Jeff and Hailey showed up in the parking lot, Jeff half-jokingly said, "With your logic, I should bow my head in admiration."

Hailey stopped in her tracks and said fearlessly, "Bow your head? This is a good idea. What are you waiting for? Worship me!"

Jeff stopped in his tracks, the corners of his mouth were slightly drawn, and then he walked over and said in a serious voice, "Of order, Queen of Funny!"

Immediately afterwards, the picture suddenly zooms out, the wide blue sky makes the whole space boundless, the clouds at the far end are rolling in the clear and bright sky, the bright colors of Little Red Riding Hood are gorgeous in the lime gray, bringing the whole world to life. The light attracted them, and the tall and straight Jeff slowly knelt down on his knees, bowed his head and kissed Hailey's instep in a solemn and formal gesture of worship.

That humble and rigorous posture, without any soundtrack, only a solemn silence, fully presented the dramatic distortion and exaggeration, involving an indescribable fear and weirdness, which made Mark feel parched stand up. Even without any **** and violent scenes, the shock brought by it hits the face.

The car went further and further away, leaving the hustle and bustle of the city center, and came to the tranquility of the suburbs. There were no people, no noise, and everything was as quiet as a paradise. But this piece of tranquility made Mark's spine shiver. Fifteen minutes into the movie, there was no special hint or deliberate reminder. Even the screen remained bright and brilliant, showing the sunshine of California to the fullest, but The incomparably empty panorama and the incomparably delicate close-ups collided continuously, and the horrifying atmosphere began to spread slowly under the feet.

When Hayley refuses Jeff's offer of a drink, saying she can't drink what hasn't passed through her hands, a faint hope grows deep in Matt that maybe... just maybe Red Riding Hood can escape her tragic fate.

However, this little hope was quickly extinguished in the camera. In the wide-angle shot, Jeff is the one who controls the overall situation, and Hailey is like a little fish trying to struggle but still unable to get rid of the shackles. Wandering around in the space in a panic, but Jeff was able to handle it with ease from beginning to end, teasing Hayley step by step with words, and seemed to enjoy the process of the cat teasing the mouse very much, and he did not want to end it easily. What's more frightening is that Hailey is not only mixing cocktails, alcohol is often the root of disaster; she is also cautiously probing sensitive topics, as if... as if consciously provoking Jeff's desire, It made Matt feel a dull pain in his temple.

Hayley is playing with fire.

"Scarlett Johansson!" Matt suddenly found Scarlett's picture on the screen. Her name is Genelle. Jeff had dated Genelle. When Hailey mentioned Genelle, Jeff revealed There was a moment of vulnerability, palpable, that made Hayley feel a tinge of sympathy for Jeff.

This is a common way for mature men to deceive immature girls. Matt sighed softly. Hailey was stepping into the trap step by step. Then he saw Hailey take off her coat and even her T-shirt. T-shirt, only wearing a bra, showing off her immature and youthful figure, standing on the sofa scratching / head / posing / pose, and invited Jeff to take a photo of her.

Matt couldn't help but raised his hand to cover his eyes, because he knew what would happen next. He was a mature man, and he clearly understood the steps of the matter, but he couldn't bear to witness it all happen. Hailey only had Only fourteen years old. Matt's stomach began to burn, and the taboo action of testing the moral bottom line and the legal bottom line was burning his stomach, and then Matt felt that his vision began to blur, and the music in his ears was messy and loud, constantly viciously Hitting his eardrums, the feeling of vomiting surged, as if the whole world began to fall apart.

Jeff's eyes, red walls, Hailey's sweat, vibrating sound, Jeff's mouth corners, cursing voices, Hailey's panic, the interlacing of the ground and the ceiling... All the fragments of the picture in the sight are intertwined quickly~www. It is almost impossible to distinguish, and then the colors seem to break the palette, all of them are mixed together, and finally submerged in the **** red, leaving only bright red surging in the whole picture.

Don't, don't!

The tinnitus made Matt's heart beat wildly, Jeff was about to succeed, Hailey was about to be in danger, the dazzling red seemed to imply that what he was worried about had finally happened, and the strong nausea effect made breathing It suddenly stopped, and then suddenly the red color dissipated, and it all receded like a low tide. Even the chaotic and restless music gradually disappeared, and it became completely quiet. a figure.

Matt was stunned for a moment, his eyes began to focus again, and the figure gradually became clear, it was Jeff! He was firmly tied to the chair, his hands and feet were tied, and he muttered/groaned in a daze, as if immersed in the pain of a hangover, his eyes hidden behind the clothes were completely out of focus .

This... what's going on! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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