Movie Master

Chapter 796: viral video

Brad Gray arrived at the office early in the morning, turned on the computer, flipped through the neatly arranged newspapers on the desktop, quickly scanned the pictures on the front page, and listened to his secretary Taryn Hansen (Taryn Hansen) -Henson) reported on today's full-day itinerary, "By the way, help me make a reservation for a restaurant for dinner, just choose..." Brad turned his head, "Masa." This is the most expensive restaurant in New York The Japanese restaurant is even known as the best Japanese restaurant in North America, with Michelin three stars.

Now is the awards season. As the CEO of Paramount, although he doesn't need to go to the front line to personally operate the school's public relations, the interpersonal communication behind it is still indispensable. This year's "Hustle and bustle" they are in charge of publishing is very champion In fact, not only because it is the only work in the awards season with a black protagonist, but also the subject matter of historical stories of low-level people is also highly valued.

After explaining everything, Tarn turned around and left the office, but when he returned to his desk, the phone rang before the chair was warmed up. It was an internal line. Brad's voice said, "Come in." Thane could only pick up the notepad again and re-entered the office.

Brad's suit has not been taken off yet, and it can be seen that he has not yet entered the official working state. He pointed to the computer screen with a confused face, "Is there something wrong with the company's system? My computer has a virus. "

Tarn was full of question marks. She was just a secretary, not a technician. She didn't know what to do after a computer virus, "...No, as far as I know, there is no problem. I am using the computer today and it is fine. You need to call a technician to come and see Do you want to see it?"

Brad frowned and shook slightly, as if he was denying Thane's proposal, and seemed to express his doubts, "I don't know what's going on, my mailbox is full of garbage Emails, at least... uh, at least fifteen, it's insane, it's filling up the mailbox, and it's all a series of gibberish characters, which has never happened before."


An idea flashed in Tarn's mind, "Brad", but Brad didn't hear it, he just complained, "...what the **** is going on? How could the technical department allow such a thing to happen? If I delete When spamming, I accidentally deleted important files, what should I do if I lose business? This may involve more than just spam..." Brad's temper obviously rose, and his tone became more and more serious. Thane had to raise his voice, "Brad!" The heavy call interrupted Brad's words, and Brad stared at Thane with rounded eyes, and his frown could tell his mood Displeased.

Tarn suddenly felt a lot of pressure, "I think, these are not spam." After saying this, Brad's doubts made the atmosphere in the office a little easier, "Recently...uh, something happened "Tane didn't know how to explain it, "you just need to click on it to see it, and you will understand." Tarn walked around the desk, walked to the front of the computer screen, and browsed the addresses of those spam emails, "You Look, these three letters are from within the company, and this one is from Adam-Graham." Adam is Paramount's vice president of production, "This one is from... 20 Century Fox, this one is from Slate PR, and this one is... Wow, this is from Creative Artists Agency." Tarn also seemed a little surprised, but she still cleared her throat, "Anyway, These are not spam, they are from important partners."

Not only did Brad's doubts not be answered, but his brows were even more frowned, "Why did they send these emails?"

The headers of these emails are all the same, "Zombies teach retro luxury car maintenance strategy", and then keep forwarding, forwarding, forwarding, this looks like spam, and it is also a virus email, obviously with a tempting/tempting/sexual title Get readers to click, and then the virus will invade the computer, causing a chain reaction of crashes. It's already 2006, and there are still people who will be fooled? More importantly, there are still so many people who will forward it? If it is not a virus, there is no other explanation.

Thane found himself at a loss for words, because Brad was right from a common sense point of view, "Trust me, you'll know when you click on it."

But Brad didn't believe it at all, and looked at Tann suspiciously, as if he still had something to say, and Tann didn't know how to explain it, so he simply passed Brad, held the mouse and clicked on the email, and then Opened the video. Brad's eyes were full of doubts, and he kept looking at Tann, as if saying "You've lost your mind and gone crazy." Tarn pointed to the computer screen, and Brad turned his head and looked over hesitantly.

A video box opened on the computer screen, and when Brad looked at the screen, Tan clicked to play.

The picture looks a bit strange, the sky is full of dark red sand, and even the houses are piled up with sand, but the surrounding plan looks like a normal neighborhood where the American middle class gathers, except that all buildings use Sand makes it.

Brad's eyes were sharp, and he saw a small piece of sand surrounded by a slant behind the video, and a few cacti were planted on it, but the cacti were dark and difficult to identify, and there were two crows tied beside them, which looked like It's like... It's like a pet, except that ordinary people keep dogs, but here they have become crows.

When Brad realized this, a sense of absurd irony came over his face. He turned his head and asked, "Is that the back garden?" But Tarn didn't answer, and Brad didn't expect Tarn either. After answering, he turned his head and continued watching the video.

A zombie... yes, a zombie moving normally along the driveway, as if it were the owner of the home. His upper body has an abnormal white color, as if powder was applied on it, even his bald head and cheeks are the same white color, so the smoke around his eyes and the wound on his shoulder become particularly obvious, even his mouth is dark. As if being sewn together with a needle and thread, it is weird and has a cult style. This is definitely not a zombie, but if it is not a zombie, I can't find a suitable word to describe it. The only thing that is certain is that this visual impact hits the face with a mime style of absurdity, irony and evil.

Car parts in hand, this "zombie" is working on this sports car in the driveway. This is a... "Morgan 4/4!" The sharp-eyed Brad saw this classic retro sports car at once. This is not only the longest continuous production model in the world, but also the longest among many retro sports cars It is a stylish one, with an authentic classic car shape and a slender front. The radiant navy blue body is shining in the sun, in stark contrast to the pale skin of the zombie.

The zombie was holding a tool in his hand and was changing the tire, but at this moment, a shrapnel fell out of the wrench and hit the zombie's forehead, leaving a black mark. "Puchi", Tann's laughter came from next to him, and then the tire rolled out with a grunt, and the zombie froze in place, watching the tire roll onto the road in a daze, and then a car crashed over. Hit the tire and without warning just...flyed.

Yes, fly.

That car violated the earth's law of gravity and flew out directly. The exaggerated posture didn't look like a video at all, but like a cartoon. But that absurd exaggeration made Brad feel an inexplicable sense of joy, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly—the matter was not over yet, "Bang, bang, bang", one car after another crashed over, this time Instead of colliding and flying, a series of car accidents formed. More than a dozen cars blocked the entire road. The long queue of car accidents looked really spectacular.

"Pfft", Brad couldn't help but smile a little too.

Stunned, the zombie was stunned, looking at the scene in front of him at a loss, still only holding a wrench in his hand. At this moment, the Morgan retro sports car in front of him suddenly "collapsed", and an iron piece popped out, swishing and flying directly towards the zombie's head, and then the zombie's head exploded—like fireworks. Pink smoke burst out, completely exploded, and then the headless corpse was seen slowly falling down.

Brad looked at the screen in astonishment, not knowing what to do. Just when he thought the video was over, the sports car started to disintegrate with a "boom", and it fell into a pile of fragments in a blink of an eye, UU Reading Submerged in a mint blue smoke, only a pile of wreckage can be seen vaguely.

The screen suddenly went black, a line of words "Where's Max?" appeared, and then turned on again. A large group of zombies stood at the far end of the road, looking at the camera in astonishment. question marks, looking at each other. Immediately afterwards, the screen went black again, and this time, the video was really over.

"Puchi..." Tarn endured and endured, but he couldn't hold it back after all, and finally burst into a muffled laugh. Brad stood beside him, with mixed emotions, some wanted to laugh, some were puzzled, some were absurd, and some were curious, and finally Turned to look at Tan. Tarn seemed to be entertained by the tangled expression on Brad's face, and immediately burst into laughter. Brad shook his head helplessly, and then laughed in a low voice, "Tarn..." Brad jumped The more ridiculous he thought about it, "Tane..." He tried to speak, but found that he couldn't stop at all, and couldn't finish a sentence.

After laughing intermittently for two full minutes, he managed to calm down, "Well, what's going on here...Can I read it again?" Brad didn't wait for Tarn's answer at all, turned around and said Click the play button again, and start watching again, one time, one time after another.

This seems to be a bit poisonous. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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