Movie Master

Chapter 912: public relations crisis

Pastor Billy McCartney believes that in the current era, women are free to do anything, so the so-called sexism has long been outdated; those so-called feminists have psychological problems, they are hysterical, Overreacting, without any sense of humor; and emotionally blaming all the underlying problems, as if the whole society is against them. But in fact, they are the destroyers who destroy social stability.

As a pastor, Billy's influence in the direction of religion is naturally not to be underestimated. His speech will be echoed by many loyal believers, just like last year's "Brokeback Mountain". In fact, most of the residents didn't react too much. They followed the church's guidance and took it for granted. Of course, these conservative forces themselves are the cornerstone of traditional culture.

The traditional culture that the Republican Party of the United States has always been promoting is: men live outside and women live inside, buy a villa in the suburbs, pay off the mortgage slowly, have a stable job, have two to three children, and keep a dog. This fixed concept of the middle class can be said to be deeply rooted, and it is also a universal concept in the United States, and then a large number of works on the middle-aged crisis of the middle class were born, the most famous of which are "American Beauty" and "A Sideways". up.

It can be said that this is the mainstream outlook on life in the United States.

Of course, the United States is a country of immigrants, and the integration and collision of cultures is an eternal theme, and the sharp gap between the rich and the poor will inevitably lead to differences in class concepts. The rich and colorful outlook on life, values ​​and worldview is also one of the characteristics of the North American continent. . But on the whole, the shackles of mainstream thinking are still difficult to break through. "Brokeback Mountain" was ignored by the Oscars, "Chicago" defeated "The Pianist", "Forrest Gump" defeated "Shawshank Redemption" and "Vulgar" Fiction"... This is the most direct proof.

Therefore, when Billy stood up and spoke out, the huge influence on the middle class was immeasurable, especially in the central and southern regions. Not only that, Billy also appealed loudly again, "In contemporary society, women have won their legal status, and now they should stop hurting their husbands and even their children, return to the family, and act as traditional women. character of."

After half a century of fighting, women have won many rights, but after entering the 21st century, these rights have gradually come under attack, such as legal/abortion/abortion rights, divorce rights, and women’s access to the labor market. rights and so on.

Because of the idea that women's competition with men in careers is doubly damaging: on the one hand, they drive men into workaholics so they can keep their good jobs, such as intellectual jobs; Makes it easier for men to accept bad jobs, like manual labor positions. At the same time, after women enter the labor market, this also changes the importance and centrality of men, and also changes the status of women in the family, so the problem arises, women no longer need men as they used to, but Women are needed anyway, because only women can bear children, but men don't. However, men also need to feel wanted by others.

Therefore, conservatives headed by Billy have accused women of entering social productive labor, making men unemployed and burdening women. They called on women to return to their families again.

Billy condemned indignantly, "When a movie, and it is a work made by a well-respected director, still promotes such deviant and meaningless ideas and wins people's pursuit, it is the society as a whole. Regression, this kind of thinking is destroying our traditional culture. This is a disgrace to the entire film industry!"

This reminds people of Mel Gibson last year. Before the news of Mel Gibson's insult to the Jews was revealed, "The Passion of the Christ" encountered strong protests from religious figures, and even sparked a debate between Catholics and Jews. , but "The Passion of the Christ" was grilled on the fire, and the constant controversy made Mel attacked. Now, "Fury Road" is once again facing such a situation.

In addition to the Christian New Good Man organization led by Bill, Robert-Bly, the leader of the patriarchal organization, also stood up, "Absurd! Absurd! The whole movie is completely absurd! From any angle It is said that the stories are all stupid, and the female characters in them are simply heinous. This is a slander and subversion of traditional female images, and it is also a smear of traditional culture. Whether it is the female general or those women, everything Disgusting! This movie shouldn't be rated R, it should be NC-17! It shouldn't even have been made!"

Robert was spitting and furious, and he said something impassioned and flushed, "What's even more disgusting is that the male role that should have dominated has become a synonym for deformed children. This is a violation of male authority. A serious insult, even an insult to the theory of evolution! Against the backdrop of a time when male power has been severely weakened, this movie tries to turn all men into cunts/cannons without masculinity! Be careful, this is a harbinger of the end of humanity! Humanity perishes!"

The central idea of ​​patriarchal organizations is that males are inherently different from females from a genetic point of view, relying on physiology and evolution, males are dominant-even if this statement has been proven wrong by science, But they still hope that society can return to the era of the nuclear family dominated by men, and allow women to return to the family to play the role of a good wife and mother. This is the "correct family value."

Therefore, Robert's anger towards "Fury Road" is clearly visible, coming like a torrential storm, and quickly triggered a violent reaction on the Internet—instantly pushing "Fury Road" to the forefront, all People are casting their eyes, agreeing with it or not, but it's undeniable that the masculinity and feminism debates are all blown up, especially against the backdrop of last week's record-setting opening, about "Rampage The road" discussion has exploded.

According to Yahoo community statistics, in just 24 hours, the discussion topic of "Fury Road" has exceeded 800,000 replies, and the hit rate has reached an unbelievable 6 million—this record may be true. What’s more, there is no one before or since; and Google’s statistics are more direct. Within 24 hours, “Fury Road” topped the list of search keywords, and the number of searches exceeded 16 million, which also created a new record. new highs.

The frenzy of the summer file has reached an unprecedented height. Even the turbulent waves of "Spiderman" in 2003 are far from being comparable to this year. "Fury Road", which was caught in the whirlpool of controversy, suddenly became precarious. Among the box office miracles in the first week of the film, 56% were men. The box office curve is also a fatal blow.

To make matters worse, the protest march originally scheduled for next week was officially staged on Saturday afternoon! Apparently, someone was behind the scenes, and the men's rights action group's application for the parade was quickly approved—Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago. As for the other cities, they can only wait until next week. It can be seen that they just want to Strike while the iron is hot, and push this wave of crusade to the top before Chaos Films can respond effectively!

More than 800 people staged a protest demonstration on the plaza next to the Kodak Theater on Hollywood Boulevard-all men, and a group of 600 people chose to demonstrate in Rockefeller Plaza. The onlookers, especially in New York, which is the cultural center of the United States, gathered nearly 2,000 people, and the nearby streets were blocked. Everyone was paying close attention to the direction of the patriarchal protest march. Even in Chicago, where the number is the smallest, more than 400 people participated in the parade.

Undoubtedly, the parade attracted the attention of all journalists. In Los Angeles alone, more than 200 reporters arrived at the scene and reported immediately. Not only entertainment reporters, but also social reporters and political reporters joined in. Regarding men's rights , The dispute over women's rights gradually broke away from the influence of the movie "Fury Road" and began to radiate towards the entire society.

The Hollywood Boulevard, which was already crowded with tourists, was about to be overwhelmed More than 60 anti-riot/police/policemen were standing by at the scene, separating the demonstration team from the onlookers. The sensitive topic of sexism, the city hall must take into account the danger of physical conflict outbreaks - the extremism of the masculinist group, compared to the radical feminism, may trigger a real social chaos at any time, Fox TV He even drove the live broadcast car over to report the situation on the spot, and the whole Los Angeles was shrouded in an atmosphere that was so excited that it was on the verge of losing control.

The demonstrators surrounded in the center, holding up the demonstration signs, kept walking around the scene, shouting slogans, "Resist 'Fury Road'! Restore male dignity!" The unanimous voice The shouts spread out in one piece, and when they shouted to high spirits, they would shout "Men's power! Men's power!" to the surrounding crowd, trying to use this passionate way to express Awakening the blood of everyone present, Hollywood Boulevard looks like a pot of boiled dumplings from a distance.

Things are getting out of control little by little, and all the signs are showing that this boycott will not end in a short time. No one expected that the "Fury Road", which was so beautiful just two days ago, will be destroyed in the blink of an eye. It has already fallen into a crisis that cannot protect itself!

Chaos Shadow Industry was caught off guard and pushed onto the edge of the cliff, the cold wind was raging and it was on the verge of collapse. (To be continued.)

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