Movie Master

Chapter 916: squall

The frying pan is now the real frying pan. The patriarchal boycott of "Fury Road" has just started, and the feminist attack has just started. The reversal speed of the story script is really too fast, which makes people Caught off guard, all eyes were attracted in an instant.

As a representative figure of the American feminist movement, Gloria's influence must not be underestimated, if not a universal response, it is not far behind. With Gloria's coming forward, Oprah Winfrey sensitively seized the opportunity to express her views at the recording site of the TV program for the first time.

"In the 21st century, in this country that calls for freedom, women are still oppressed and underestimated. People always take it for granted that feminism has risen, and it seems that women have got everything they want. They shouldn't ask for more. But this kind of thinking is the scariest thing. We never ask for 'more', we just ask to be like men." Oprah said resolutely, full of determination Power, "Now the dominant thinking always thinks that equality between men and women has been achieved, we need to turn our attention to racism, but the problem is that people subconsciously think that 'this is all a woman wants', 'women should not Ask for more', this kind of thinking itself is the root of discrimination, and the kind of sexism rooted in the bones has never really disappeared, how can it change people's discrimination against race?"

As the most famous talk show queen in the United States, Oprah's influence on women aged 30 to 55 is unrivaled. The story of Oprah's self-improvement and dream realization has inspired thousands of American women. It is no exaggeration to say that the influence of "Oprah's Talk Show" can rank among the top three in the media industry.

Oprah is a smart person, a really smart person, she knows how to turn her disadvantages into advantages, she knows how to arouse the resonance of the audience, and she knows how to appeal to the audience's sympathy and pity; Make a big fuss about the incident, and know how to interpret every news event from her own perspective, so that she can easily stand on the moral high ground. The identities of women, blacks, poor people, and victims can all be used as platforms for her. This is the magic weapon for "Oprah's Talk Show" to win in the United States for so many years.

This time is no exception.

For a long time, Oprah has been active on the front line as a feminist fighter, which has also won her a lot of support. Therefore, when she stands on the front line again today, her attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing and unyielding once again stands for her. The image of radiance renders a bright halo.

"'Fury Road' has won the box office and word of mouth under the name of feminism, but its core is the objectification and contempt for women. The masculinity in Hollywood is still lingering, and we innocent The audience, just like this, was fooled into the movie theater, accepted the brainwashing of these powerful thoughts, and then honestly accepted the "fate" that belongs to women. Fate? This is the most absurd word, I never believe in fate, I firmly believe in it , even if I am a black man, even if I am a woman, even if I suffer a lot, I still have the right to pursue my dreams and embrace freedom." Oprah maintained her usual impassioned words. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he firmly refused to let the tears fall, wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, clenched his right fist, and unswervingly appealed, "So, here, I call on all audiences to refuse to enter the cinema Watch this and don't let those dirty thoughts stain us, don't let those horrific thoughts control our teens, and don't let those shoddy thoughts ruin America's future! I, Oprah Winfrey, proclaim , I will refuse to go into the theater to watch 'Fury Road', and at the same time, the 'Fury Road' special scheduled to be taped next Thursday is officially cancelled. This is not a game, this is a struggle, and our The battlefield is our persistence, start from ourselves, and start this battle that absolutely cannot compromise or admit defeat!"

It must be admitted that Oprah is an excellent speaker, whether sensational or inspirational, she can always catch the audience's heartstrings, infect the audience with her sincere and turbulent emotions, and make people follow her footsteps willingly.

Oprah made this statement before the recording of "Oprah's Talk Show". There were 200 audiences witnessing this moment, and more than 20 reporters recorded this moment. The time was posted on the Internet, and spread across the entire North American continent.

In less than three hours, two strong-handed women stepped forward to express their strong dissatisfaction with "Fury Road". One is a human rights fighter with unimaginable appeal in the political and social fields Power, standing behind her, there are many political forces - women's votes have now occupied an increasingly important position, the 2008 general election sounds far away, but it is already quietly approaching; one is a talk show Queen, the influence in the entertainment industry has radiated to every corner of the society, and even became a representative symbol and a part of the symbol of American culture. The power of the consortium behind her and related interests are intertwined, and the economic influence on women/related industries Can not be ignored.

When these two women join hands, the waves created are unimaginable. The news of "feminist boycott of 'Fury Road'" has multiplied throughout the North American continent, and the Internet has officially left the virtual world and invaded reality. . In addition to the Fox TV station on Hollywood Boulevard, which unexpectedly recorded the scene of Gloria for the first time, the three major TV stations NBC, ABC and CBS all carried out relevant reports at the first time. The major radio programs that were broadcast live every hour also received the latest news. The speed advantage of information transmission in the Internet age was brought into full play at this moment. Before the summer night fell, the heat of the incident had reached its boiling point.

Even the European countries on the other side of the Atlantic have received the news-due to the immaturity of the distribution department of Chaos Films, "Fury Road" was not able to premiere simultaneously globally, and even the UK, which has the fastest release speed, has to wait until two weeks later , Now, except for North America, "Fury Road" has not been seen anywhere in the world for the time being, but who would have thought that before the movie was released, negative news had started one after another, and the turbulent situation was even worse than "Passion of the Christ" Be more serious - because this time it's not just about religion, it's about everyone, men and women.

Did "Fury Road" violate masculinity or hurt feminism? This has become a topic that everyone has to discuss, but when people try to speak up, they suddenly find that they don't know.

Referring to the 161 million box office data of "Fury Road" in its opening weekend, we can know that there are quite a few viewers who have watched this movie, but there are even more viewers who have not watched this movie.

"Bryant, so, what do you think?" Katie Couric opened the conversation.

As the morning news program with the highest ratings in the United States, "Today" naturally cannot miss this good show. From yesterday to today, twelve hours have passed. Not only did the matter not calm down, but it became more and more intense, and the noise shook the sky. Controversy swept over like a storm, and even those who watched the movie were divided. Some supported masculinism and some supported feminism. This is far more difficult than "Passion of the Christ", and it is different. Due to the political correctness of "Brokeback Mountain", the controversy was quickly suppressed, and the sexist controversy of "Fury Road" was thoroughly put on the table, not only the forces of masculinity and feminism It was so anxious that even the neutral audience was involved, and everyone couldn't wait to express their opinions.

"I have to admit that I haven't bought a movie ticket, so I haven't seen the movie for the time being." Bryant Gumbel said frankly, "But judging from the content of interviews with Lance, Charlize and others , as well as the feedback from the audience after the premiere, everything seems to show that this is a feminist work." Obviously, he is a man, although he is not a patriarch, but his views are inevitably biased .

Katie shook her head again and again, "No, I don't think so." Katie raised her hands, "First admit my guilt, because I haven't watched this movie yet. But, but!" In Bryant Amidst the laughter, Katie continued firmly, "It can be seen from the trailer that the female characters in it are still objectified, they are just objects. What's more, the stalk of the male protagonist finally saving the world , I firmly believe! This is Hollywood, this is a Hollywood work, a Hollywood work filmed by a man! Such an ending There is no doubt! So, this is obviously patriarchal !"

"No, no, you ignored it!" Bryant shook his head repeatedly, "This is the director who filmed a dark crime thriller like 'Hard Candy', and he will definitely not be a patriarch!"

"But the same director who made 'The Day After Tomorrow' and 'Sin City', God, don't you tell me that the women in 'Sin City' are far more than a **** symbol? Lancelot - Strelo deliberately imaged the blonde hair and red lips, just to highlight the symbol of women!" Kate also refused to give up an inch, and reiterated her position again.

"So, tell me, why Charlize is the first female lead in 'Fury Road'? Why is 'Variety' magazine thinking it's a feminist work? Why even Roger Ebert Approved the core idea of ​​this movie?" Bryant's series of questions left Katie speechless.

But Katie was still unwilling to admit defeat, and continued to shake her head, "I think my point of view is correct, and you think you are the truth. Then, I think we can only draw a conclusion after we go into the cinema to watch it."

The debate, obviously, still has no way to draw a conclusion. (To be continued.)

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