Movie Master

Chapter 919: sweep 0 army

"Captain Jack Sparrow, are you ready?"

This is Lance's battle post at the premiere of "Fury Road". Now it seems that "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is obviously not ready. They did not expect such a strong performance of "Fury Road", nor did they They expected that the topic of "Fury Road" would be so hot, and they did not expect that "Fury Road" would have such a strong stamina. They also did not expect that "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" might become the loser of this summer file war.

Success is always relative. "Superman Returns" has been released for four weeks, with a cumulative box office of 178 million in North America. This set of data sounds really good to laymen. It is not an easy task to achieve a box office of 200 million in North America. It seems that Warner Bros.'s overwhelming early publicity has achieved considerable results. But in the eyes of professionals, this achievement is not worth mentioning compared with the film's 300 million investment and 50 million publicity.

The same is true for "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". In just two weeks after its release, the North American box office has already reached 235 million. Sitting and counting the bills, even if "Fury Road" is doing well, this is a fact that is a certainty. Compared with Warner Bros.'s three-game losing streak, Disney should be able to sneak a smile. However, Disney's expectation for "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is not just as simple as making a profit. This is Disney's goal.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2" has encountered strong sniping from "Fury Road" for two consecutive weeks. These two goals are full of countless uncertainties. Disney smiled.

In the third week of July, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" had a 45% box office drop, and handed over 29.7 million weekend box office. After falling below the 30 million level, North America hopes to hit 400 million After being hit further, the cumulative box office in the three weeks of its release staggered past 300 million, and temporarily settled at 308.8 million. There is still a long way to go before the 400 million goal, but Disney I am deeply aware that the stamina of "Fury Road" must not be underestimated. If it is squeezed by its opponents every week and the box office is lower than expected, after this accumulation, it is very likely that "Caribbean" Pirates 2"'s 400 million North American dream is about to be shattered.

This really **** off Disney.

Facing the pincer attack of "Banshee", "Monster House" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", "Fury Road" once again showed its powerful strength to sweep thousands of troops in dire straits. Far ahead, showing an unimaginable absolute advantage.

On Monday, 25 million broke the record of 23 million set by "Shrek 2" in 2004.

On Tuesday, 16 million broke the record of 13 million achieved by "Meet Your Father-in-Law" in 2004.

Seventeen million on Wednesday, shattering the previous record of 14 million non-premieres held by "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" in 2005, even including Wednesday's single-day premiere, This result can also rank eleventh in film history.

Thursday, 20 million, broke the record of 15 million non-premiere works harvested by "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" last week, and among the single-day box office records including Thursday's premiere, this result was easily crowned First, the record of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" was broken.

In other words, from Monday to Thursday, "Fury Road" easily broke all the new single-day box office records in film history. To the extreme, even after the negative news broke out on Wednesday, the box office on Thursday was still not affected too much, and under the cover of the popularity of word-of-mouth across the board, it reached a new high and swept the box office of 76 million in four days. From this set of data, it can be seen that the weekend box office decline of "Fury Road" will not be too terrible, and may even create a miracle.

However, things turned out a little unexpected. After the patriarchal controversy broke out, how much influence does it have on male audiences, and how many audiences will really join the ranks of boycotting movies because of this controversy? The biggest uncertainty in "Fury Road"'s unstoppable box-office rise.

Sure enough, after the box office statistics were released on Friday, there were sighs.

28 million, "Fury Road" was in the vortex of controversy, and the next Friday handed over 28 million single-day box office data. If you just look at this set of data, "Fury Road" The box office pulling ability of "The Road" is still unmatched. The data of "Passion of the Christ" is 22 million. The score of 18 million, in comparison, 28 million is really too good. It has continued the dominance of the box office giants of "Fury Road" and hardly gave "Water "Banshee" and "Monster House" had any chance to kill the suspense of the box office list in the third week of July on Friday.

However, considering that "Fury Road" broke records again and again during the Monday-Thursday working cycle, Friday's result is far from satisfactory. The box office of the next Friday of 28 million is far behind "Star Wars Episode 3", "Spiderman 2" and "The Matrix 2", and only ranked fourth on the list of film history records, narrowly winning "Shrek 2".

It can be clearly felt that "Fury Road" suddenly slowed down at the box office, and it happened on the first day of the weekend that had a decisive effect on the box office. The strong stamina of the rights controversy-it must be known that this is only the third day after the protests broke out, which directly caused the box office data to drop by a large level. According to the rising curve from Monday to Thursday, the Friday box office of "Fury Road" should be at least 35 million, even if it touches 36 million, it is not surprising, but now it has fallen sharply For a long time, the rising momentum seemed to hit a glass wall hard, and the head was full of gold stars.

Leaving aside the competitive relationship between Warner Bros. and Disney, in fact, Hollywood is happy to see the history-making behavior of "Fury Road", just like works such as "Borrowing a Knife" and "Sin City". With the new vitality of crime genre films, before the box office of "Titanic" exceeded 600 million in North America, no one dared to imagine that the film market could reach such a height. It is beneficial to the industry.

After "Fury Road" was released, the feat of breaking the record for seven consecutive days made people excited, but now it suddenly came to an abrupt end, and the regret and depression caused a lot of sighs.

Then things got worse. After patriarchy, feminism also joined the battle. "Fury Road" offended all the people who could offend—men and women—over and over again, and the embattled condemnation was powerless at all. , even Lance disappeared to hide from the limelight, didn't he? What's more, with the passage of time, things only show signs of continuing to deteriorate, without any opportunity for improvement. This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the box office journey of "Fury Road".

However, when the box office data came out on Saturday, people were stunned.

Thirty-five million, the box office of "Fury Road" on the following Saturday was a full thirty-five million, an increase of 25% from the previous day! Even if this result is dropped into the Saturday single-day box office rankings on the opening weekend, it can still rank fifth. The rebound momentum is too fierce and too fast, which makes people completely unprepared.

Without giving people room to breathe, "Fury Road" made another 23 million box office data on Sunday, which also means that the movie's box office in the second week reached an incredible 86 million, easily Leaving behind "Shrek 2", the second-week box office record holder in film history, the original record of 72 million was greatly increased, and the next week's drop was only 46%. five o'clock!

Forty-six point five percent! When the box office decline in the next week is controlled within 60%, it can be called a victory, but "Fury Road" handed over a 46.5% decline, which is almost the same as that of "Caribbean". The drop in the third week of "Pirate 2" is almost the Referring to the records of the premiere weekend of "Fury Road", it further highlights the madness of the drop data in the next week.

At this moment, people's brains have been completely shut down. The collision of patriarchy and feminism has become the catalyst that ignited the box office energy of "Fury Road". Anyone interested started walking into movie theaters, which made "Fury Road" truly break the shackles of the R-rated rating and mobilize the whole of North America. Undoubtedly, this raging controversy brought about the outbreak of "Fury Road" in the second week, sweeping away thousands of troops and trampling all historical records under their feet, once again writing a series of records on their own name.

Such momentum, not to mention "Water Banshee", even "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" has been overwhelmed and began to retreat steadily, as if it didn't even have the power of a first gear. The box office record of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is indeed unbelievable. But the fact is that it is hot, this is really hot, "Fury Road" has become a movie that everyone desires to see, needs to see, and must see, whether it is supporters or critics. Or bystanders, everyone walked into the movie theater and joined the national frenzy.

Charlie Sheen—or the Warner Bros. standing behind Charlie Sheen would never have imagined that they provoked a dispute and made wedding dresses for others. (To be continued.)

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