Movie Master

Chapter 922: Momentum suppression

"Don't you think that movies like 'Fury Road' are a kind of misleading to women?" A voice rang out sharply, and finally a reporter tore off the mask, nakedly revealing the truth hidden in the mainstream people's blood. Patriarchal ideas are on display.

"Which one are you referring to?" Lance followed the voice and looked over. It was an unfamiliar face, but from the old-fashioned suit style and conservative tie choice, he could guess that it should be "Christian Pravda". "And other media with a church background, even if he is not, he should be a loyal believer, "Who will mislead those women who wear too little clothes or those who are too strong?"

"If it's the former, I think you should complain to 'Flower/Playboy' magazine, not me." A burst of laughter interrupted Lance's words, but they didn't know that they were expressing Lance's views. After agreeing, I still felt the sarcasm in Lance's words, "If it's the latter, what result do you expect, those women are imprisoned under the man's crotch like objects? How about stealing a life? Well, maybe you should come on 'The Oprah Show' and express your opinion."

Many reporters laughed. In the 21st century, although extreme patriarchal ideas still exist, most people's ideas have kept pace with the times, especially after receiving higher education, and their ideas are no longer limited to In the narrowness of the previous "man first". Many men have double standards, admiring the graceful figure of other women, but demanding that their girlfriends must dress tightly; Working hard but unable to support the burden of the family, but unable to accept the fact that my other half earns more than myself; even after breaking up, I have started a new relationship, but I still don’t want to see my ex find happiness again …

This machismo mentality of being self-centered in everything but without any ability, always high but without any confidence makes them a group of complete losers, but what is even more sad is that they have become a joke without self-knowledge.

The reason why extreme masculinists are called "extreme" is because they got into the horns, refused to open their hearts to accept new things, refused to admit their mistakes, and just insisted on their own ideas paranoidly, Richard- Richard-Cattani (Richard-Cattani) is like this at this time, he completely ignored the ridicule of others, and continued to say, "However, isn't this a kind of misleading for those women who long for family warmth and hope to return to traditional families?" ? Isn’t this a blow to those men who rely on their own strength to support the whole family and try to unite the family and stabilize the society?”

"So, it's all about men, right? It's all about men, after all, it's a man's, man's, man's world, right?" Lance's mocking tone made Richard His face turned red, he couldn't believe Lance's words, Richard clenched his fists and raised them high, anger pounding in his chest, shouting with all his strength, "Aren't you a man? Or are you already planning to go out?" Locked up?" Tit-for-tat, without backing down, they bumped straight into it, which has broken away from the level of reporter interviews, and has really entered the stage of personal attacks. Just from this side, it can be seen that "Road of Fury" The controversy really poked the sore feet of many people.

"It's precisely because I'm a man that I'm so calm." The smile on the corner of Lance's mouth suddenly closed, his eyes became sharper, and he stabbed at Richard without any hindrance, "Because I won't let my failure Blame it on women, but bravely take up my responsibilities and admit my mistakes; I will not push my inner fragility to the gap caused by gender differences, but truly enrich and strengthen myself; I will not blame my own incompetence and cowardice on the rise of women, but recognize my own advantages and make up for my weaknesses. Only by acknowledging the strength of the opponent and recognizing the strength of the opponent can I truly become stronger." That strength The imposing manner was revealed layer by layer from the words, and Lance finally tore off the mask of elegance and calmness, revealing his absolute strength, "A truly powerful man will not be furious because of a movie, and worry about this movie. Corrosion of women's thinking; a truly strong man will not confuse himself because of a woman's independence and strength, worrying that a man's "advantage" will be gradually eroded, a truly strong man will not need to rely on gender suppression to unite the family, but It is to use my shoulders and back to support my other half, support my children, and win their support."

"Discrimination against women is just like discrimination against men. What is really sad is the discriminators themselves." Lance's loud words made the audience silent. Richard's face turned red, and it could be seen that he still had a full belly. The words wanted to refute Lance, but under Lance's powerful momentum, he was firmly suppressed, and he couldn't make a sound at all. This kind of aggrieved almost made him explode.

Lance paused for a moment without speaking, the silence creeping in, as if leaving room for Richard to rebut. However, he couldn't speak at all, his chaotic brain was suppressed to the extreme, and his anger would explode at any time. Richard tried to speak twice in a row, but his voice was stuck in his throat, and he could only stare dumbfounded and burst into anger Staring at Lance, wishing to strangle Lance to death with his eyes.

Then, Richard saw Lance suddenly smile, and the sneer and banter poured down from the corner of his mouth, "But you can't control yourself, can you? Because deep down in your heart, you still firmly believe that some People are better than others just because of their inherent gender difference, right? Look at your haughty face, thinking that the word 'man' can give you unlimited energy, even if you have nothing to do, even if you are useless, even if You are mediocre and vulgar, but you are still better than some people, then..." Lance nodded slightly, restrained all his emotions, and said disdainfully, "You should live with this idea all your life."

Richard stood still and could clearly feel a sense of shame sweeping from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and opened his mouth, but he found that he didn't know how to refute. Suddenly, an urge to run away took possession of his heart, but fortunately, the remaining sliver of reason allowed his feet to take root on the ground, and he did not make such a shameful move.

Not only Richard, but all reporters fell into silence. Everyone's world outlook, outlook on life, and values ​​are precipitated with growth, and are deeply rooted and unshakable. Of course, they will not change just because of Lance's mere words, but it is undeniable that these loud words are true. Slamming into their stereotypes: Is there a lingering discrimination in everyone's heart? Is it that their sense of superiority that they feel good about themselves is actually just a reflection of their inferiority complex? Is it that the so-called sexism is actually worrying that I am really inferior to women, and that the umbrella of gender can no longer be my last ounce of pride? Are they, like the Nazis at the time, convinced that the Germanic nation is more noble than the Jewish nation? Is it that what they think of as "quality" is just a joke?

Everyone is equal before God, who really did it?

"So." A voice broke the silence around him, and all eyes were focused on the past in an instant, which put Cliff under tremendous pressure. However, Cliff, who had seen countless storms and waves, did not lose his footing and remained calm. Standing upright, "What is this movie expressing? Masculinity? Feminism? Or are you just using this kind of controversy to carry out malicious hype?"

Cliff directly spread out the problem, and finally put the hottest focus of the past week directly in front of Lance, without detours or hints, expecting Lance to respond positively. Swiping, all eyes are shooting at Lance, and it can even be clearly felt that everyone is taking a step closer to Lance with a microphone. Is it patriarchal or feminist? If Lance avoids it again If the water is mixed, then the reporter can completely impose the name of "hype" on Lance, and the excitement is far from over.

"Equality." Cliff tried to push him into a But this is not his chance to put an end to the whole controversy, Lance replied calmly and confidently, "Women are not The vassal of men should not be a tool for men to prove their self-esteem and pride; but similarly, men are not props for women to fight for their rights, and feminists should not try to attack men under the banner of political correctness, and put everything Everything is deliberately magnified. Everyone is equal, put aside gender differences, truly respect each other, pursue freedom, pursue human rights, and pursue dreams. Trust and respect among human beings is what I am trying to explore.”

Lance paused for a moment, and scanned all the reporters in the audience, "After a century of 'gender equality' slogans have been chanted, I did not expect that 'Fury Road' would cause such a big controversy , I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.” Sexism still hasn’t been eliminated. This is what Lance really meant, and it is also the fundamental reason why this controversy can arouse the attention of the whole society.

There were more than 150 reporters on the scene, but they were silent at this time. There was an atmosphere of excitement but depression, anger but restraint, excitement but depression in the crowd. The turbulent crowd could not occupy the front of Lance Without any advantage, it seemed that everyone's aura was suppressed by Lance.

"In the end, what kind of people, what kind of mentality, what kind of content will be seen. This is the reason why I make movies, and it is also what I hope to pass on to the audience." (To be continued.)

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